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Missing Whippet, N Ireland

Oh Janet - god how awful, I dearly home he will be home with you soon :luck:

Is he chipped?
:luck: :luck: Fingers crossed you get some good news soon ! :luck: :luck:
Thinking of you :huggles: and wishing Renoir a quick return to his family :luck: :luck:
thinking of you :huggles: come home soon renoir :huggles:
My friends lost a whippet puppy (3 months old) the worst thing was it was inches and inches of snow!! He was missing for 3 days and by the second/third day we were thinking the worst. We did everything we could reporting to all the vets and radio stations, out looking every hour and on the third day someone found him trying to cross the dual carridgeway! It was actually a blessing it was bad snow as the cars were driving slow.

The man who found him heard about it on the radio and got in touch with my friends and they met at the vet surgery. He had a bit of frost bite on his ears but had a lucky escape.

Im just telling you this as there is hope for your wee man - you cant do too much, phone every radio station put posters up everywhere. Im sure he will turn up safe and sound.

We will never know to this day how he managed to survive that bitter cold 3 days!

Im praying you find your boy. :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:

Marie. :huggles:
So sorry to hear this, Everything crossed for you and Renior :luck: :luck:

Please keep us updated
:luck: Me Ozzy and Vinnie are sending positive vibes your way. Hope Renoir is home with you soon. :luck:
The longer he is missing the more I'd worry, but don't give up trying. I know someone whose whippet lived wild for nearly a month before she was found (underweight but alive) and we've all the heard the story of the microchipped dog who was reunited with owner SEVEN years later! Leave no stone unturned when it comes to publicity, letting people know about the dog and posting pictures of him. I do hope you have good news soon.
I hope he is home with you soon :thumbsup: dont give up keep thinking positive :huggles:
:luck: Any news Janet? I'm so hoping this will be the lucky day you get Renoir back. My thoughts are with you. Patsy
This is awful for you Janet. I remember Renoir from past events and how he caught my eye, Janet id even said to you too about him at the last meet.

Lets hope he catches somebodys eye out on the street and he gets delivered home safe :(

j :luck: hn
just seen this i do hope renoir is home soon :luck: :huggles:
Still nothing to report, we were out all day yesterday searching the surrounding fields, even had a scout around the local travellers camp, was going to leave a poster with the first person I saw, but didn't actually see anyone!

The last reported sighting was Tuesday morning, so given that we have generated plenty of publicity, I can only conclude that someone has him. going to put an article in the local paper. Also going to ring the council again, because apparently the department who lift dead animals from the roads may not necessarily let the dog warden know if a dead dog was lifted. You'd think they'd communicate with each other, wouldn't you??

Will keep you all posted, thanks for all the messages and phone calls, they are very much appreciated.

Many thanks,

Any news yet Janet.

We are keeping all fingers and paws crossed for a safe return of Renoir.

Janetta and whippies
Bit of an update, Renoir has been spotted twice in the same place on the last two mornings. Tracy went out this afternoon, but he'd just vanished, and we, along with Albert Ritchie, took lamps tonight and scoured the fields. He is in an area about two miles from where he escaped, but no amount of calling would tempt him to show himself! So Tracy is going back first thing tomorrow morning, there will be an article in the local paper to generate more publicity, so hopefully we'll manage to get him home soon.

That sounds positive Janet.

I so hope that this time tomorrow he is back home safe and warm. :huggles:
oh good I'm so glad he's been seen... I hope you get him home safe soon. :luck: