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Midland Whippet Club

:D Certainly in step with the dog Jax. :thumbsup:
Whats with the grass? Dont you guys know what a lawn mower is? :teehee:

Fawn whippets, now long grass. What next.............a judge that .......STOP!! Not allowed to mention the "N" word. o:)
Zolan said:
What reveal myself? Not in public everyone would see my green spots and anyway I can't join the "Gang" I haven't got a "fawn". o:)   :- "
I haven't got green spots (well, I don't think so) NOR a fawn but it doesn't stop me joining in when it suits me!! LOL I definitely don't do gangs though, I do my own thing.
See Cartman ,, Debbie hasnt got a wide angle lens and she `s got ALL of me in 8) (JUST !!!) :))
Good one of you Jan :cheers:

We havnt all got Fawns . Alflyn is showing brindles you know :- "

LOL I definitely don't do gangs though, I do my own thing.
dont we all :oops: :huggles:
Shame I didn't think to find you other k9ers yesterday- I think my brain was cooked! 8)

I have to make a correction to the results as there was a mistake in the catalogue- best bitch was actually Welstar Scheherezade (sp?)

Jackie, that was the first time I had seen Mayzee 'in the flesh' and I was knocked out by her movement for a 12 year old. She probably had the best front extension of any on the day!

Hi Jax, I hoped no one had noticed that. I dont do photos for obvious reasons.

Glad everyone had a good day though. Glad Liz made me slap the suntan lotion on though at least I am not burnt this time.
JAX said:
LOL I definitely don't do gangs though, I do my own thing.
dont we all :oops: :huggles:
Unfortunately not Jackie. You get these little huddles with one "Queen Bee" who seems to regularly change his/her workers!!! I can't be doing with that!!!

I must say, though, Whippets are far and away better than the Cocker Spaniel brigade. People, on the whole, seem to be far friendlier because we actually enjoy our dogs.
You get these little huddles with one "Queen Bee" who seems to regularly change his/her workers!!! I can't be doing with that!!!
I think Im more of a WASP ! :D

I was going to say` Butterfly` but thought that would be a bit pretensious (sp )

Although my neighbours recone I hibernate in winter o:)
dessie said:
Unfortunately not Jackie.  You get these little huddles with one "Queen Bee" who seems to regularly change his/her workers!!!  I can't be doing with that!!!
I must say, though, Whippets are far and away better than the Cocker Spaniel brigade.  People, on the whole, seem to be far friendlier because we actually enjoy our dogs.
I'm sure that most of us have seen the little huddles especially when a queen bee wants a favour! As for whippets being better than the cocker spaniel brigade I don't think so! Just look around at the next show and see the knives being sharpened and people who haven't spoken to each other for years suddenly becoming friendly. It happens at every show you never know who is talking to who or who is the leper for the day. Friends on the surface but not from the heart(unless you can give them a ticket) :- "
Blimey if you think Whippets are bad dont get into IGs then. They dont even like themselves let alone anyone else or their dogs.

The million dollar question is if these people didnt have dogs would you still want to be friends with them?
:b I know of a few nice IG people so far.... please tell me they're not ALL bad :oops: :oops: :wacko:
Nope they are absolutely fine right up until you beat them in the ring. If you need to have any conversations with anyone in IGs talk to them before judging after that you have no chance especially if you are holding a red ribbon in your hand.

If you happen to have a green and white card then you can be rest assurred your dog will be torn to pieces and every imaginable fault real or otherwise passed on to next weeks judge either verbally or in writing.

I won my first CC with a dog at Windsor and by the next show at South Wales the judge who is very friendly with some exhibitors checked both my dogs mouths to look for a missing canine. I had two almost identical looking dogs at the time. The young dog won limit and the one who had won the CC was in open. On that day my two dogs were the only ones to have their mouths given more than a cursery check. The dog with the CC had a canine missing and the juge was sooooooooo pleased when he found it and was able to unplace Archie.

Bit of a Tit really as he had given the same dog Best puppy in show at the IG Club Championship show nad the tooth was missing then :thumbsup:

This dog was never forgiven for having a missing tooth which in IGs is a bit of a joke as you are lucky they keep their teeth past two anyway and even more lucky they didint have pig teeth in the first place.
Jan Doherty said:
Nope they are absolutely fine right up until you beat them in the ring. If you need to have any conversations with anyone in IGs talk to them before judging after that you have no chance especially if you are holding a red ribbon in your hand.If you happen to have a green and white card then you can be rest assurred your dog will be torn to pieces and every imaginable fault real or otherwise passed on to next weeks judge either verbally or in writing.
Exactly what I have heard and seen with whippets whether anyone likes to admit it or not. If you are lucky enough to get in the top three boy oh boy look out Your poor dog will have all the faults under the sun and everyone will know about it.
Zolan said:
Exactly what I have heard and seen with whippets whether anyone likes to admit it or not. If you are lucky enough to get in the top three boy oh boy look out  Your poor dog will have all the faults under the sun and everyone will know about it.
Makes you wonder why some of us go week after week.

If you are new to showing and reading this, take heart, there are loads of people showing who are really nice and for every bad comment that you will probably never hear you will get just as many compliments about your dog.

When I first started showing a lady called Mary Crocker took me under her wing and helped me a lot and she always said, Dont show off when you win, and dont moan when you dont.

My advice would be, Be pleasent to all and have a kind word for someone who has done well on the day regardless of what YOU thought of the judging.

Here endeth the sermon for today -_-
I agree with Karen and I am sorry but having shown Cockers (as a main breed), English Springers (husband's main breed) Pointers. Field Spaniels, a Borzoi, and now Whippets (as my main breed) I have to disagree with you Zolan. If you have a decent Whippet, it is possible to win with it and, yes, you will always get the few who slag dogs off, but in the main, if you work at it, you can get on.

My dogs, whatever breed, I am proud to say, have done their winning on their own merits and not because I have had favours done or do favours. I have made up a Champion in Whippets and had a fair degree of success with the ones I have bred myself. We have also made up ESS champions, the Pointers did OK, as did the Field Spaniels. The Borzoi was not up to much but the people were OK and very encouraging in that breed also. However, you could have the BEST Cocker Spaniel in the world and, unless you had done your 100 year apprenticeship, plus a bit of work around the bar ...........forget it. They don't talk to one another, they don't like one another, they don't like any dogs ............sounds a bit like IGs really only on a far greater scale when you think of the numbers of Cockers there are to the number of IGs!!!

I can remember walking alone into my first Whippet club show, before I even acquired my first one, and ended up talking to so many people, all enthusiastic about the breed. I was amazed because I had only gone to look at the dogs and never expected anyone to speak to a total stranger because for 15 years that was what I had been used to in Cockers. I have to say, that I hated the way people behaved so much that I always swore I would not behave in the same manner and had always encouraged newcomers as I would hope one of my good friends, who is still battling on in the breed, would testify.

So, on the whole, I think the vast majority of people in Whippets are very nice and friendly and I am sorry that you have such a cynical view of the breed Zolan.
Winning is not everything............ But coming 2nd sucks (w00t)
Cartman said:
Winning is not everything............ But coming 2nd sucks (w00t)
If you deserve to come second then a good judge should put you there and you shouldn't winge Cartman. :- " :- "

Why are we willing to take 1st if we don't deserve it but not 2nd it we do??? :unsure:
Sorry if I sound cynical but I do really enjoy my dogs and I enjoy the showing regardless of the goings on. As for winning to be among the dogs placed is enough for me. I also have a lot of good doggy friends who are the best you can get. They at least understand your passion for your dog. I am not cynical about one breed in particular if you speak to people in other breeds it's just the same. As Jax said in another post you always take the best dog home no matter what.
Jan Doherty said:
I won my first CC with a dog at Windsor and by the next show at South Wales the judge who is very friendly with some exhibitors checked both my dogs mouths to look for a missing canine. I had two almost identical looking dogs at the time. The young dog won limit and the one who had won the CC was in open. On that day my two dogs were the only ones to have their mouths given more than a cursery check. The dog with the CC had a canine missing and the juge was sooooooooo pleased when he found it and was able to unplace Archie.Bit of a Tit really as he had given the same dog Best puppy in show at the IG Club Championship show nad the tooth was missing then :thumbsup:

This dog was never forgiven for having a missing tooth which in IGs is a bit of a joke as you are lucky they keep their teeth past two anyway and even more lucky they didint have pig teeth in the first place.
Surely if the bite is still correct that is the main thing, that is my opinion anyway.