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Midas Mastiff Attack

Still no word from police, even after I phoned then last Monday to ask if they had been to see the owner. Was told that the 'Community Officer' who came to see me was on duty that day and a message would be

passed on to her to give me a call.(Which she promised to do anyway) 8 days later, still nothing.

Perhaps they think if they ignore me I will forget it. Heard she has daughter in force, so perhaps that

has something to do with it.

Thinking of putting in a complaint by letter, enclosing a photo. See if they ignore me then.

Midas has healed o.k. although he is a bag of nerves, as I am.

Many thanks for everyones good wishes. xxx
Pat, in your position I really would keep going - put your complaint in writing to both the council and to your local authority's police chief constable, ask them to reply in writing by a certain date/timescale and above all, don't hand-deliver your letters; post them so they have to be "signed for" on receipt so it is a record that they have actually received them.

They need to be aware of what's going on; remind them that you've still had no visit from the community officer. They need to take this seriously; if the owner of the mastiff is so casual (euphemism for "uncaring ignorant dog owner") then their dog is going to attack again and pretty soon a person is going to be hurt. Neither is it acceptable to just shrug their shoulders and try to wriggle out of it by saying it's "only" a dog on dog attack. You need to stress how concerned you were for your own safety as well. It's a big powerful dog and someone is going to get hurt; it's just a question of when.

If its owner cannot/will not control it effectively then they should be dealt with appropriately.

Hope Midas is healing well


Poor boy. Hope he's soon recovered and that the irresponsible mastiff owners are taken to task for it.

Midas got over being attacked within a few weeks. His wounds healed in a month leaving a couple of bald patches.

I now have eyes in the back of my head and a built in radar that warns me when another dog comes on the field.!!!!

Thinking of getting a pepper spray to keep in my pocket just in case. !!
Had a visit from a sergent who was quite sympathetic. He advised other owner to keep dog under control but told me he couldnt enforce this.

She is free to run her dog over the fields as she likes and it is up to us to keep away from it.!!!!!

Banging head on brick wall anyway as her daughter works within police force and is living with another sergent.

Hope Midas is now ok - we had an instant a few years ago and now I carry a small tin of hairspray which if my dogs were attacked I would spray in the attacking dogs face - as you probably know it does hurt your eyes but there are no lasting injuries and it would give me a bit of time to get my dog away - I also carry a stick which I like to think I would use

so glad Midas healed ok.

I am shocked that nothing was done about this dog, let me get this right... in some cities it is an offense, with fines imposed if you walk more than four dogs on leads BUT you are told to just keep out of the way of an out of control dog that has been proved to attack and injure another ??!!!

what is the world coming to and WHERE IS THE JUSTICE!

makes me mad
you would have to stress that you were in fear of the dog attacking you.this is what the law says constitutes an offence so if you say you were scared it was going to attack you then they HAVE to take action.if they ignore you go look up the law and the sections under the dogs act and quote it to them and then ask your chief constable why his police officers arent upholding the law of the land.if neccessary go see a solicitor and ask them to send a letter.i did this once and my solicitor rang the police and roasted them while i sat there in the office, i had action within the hour... :thumbsup: id also approach the local dog warden because a lot of the time they will do more to the owner and dog than the police will.the dog warden can impose orders against the owner and dog so try that.
poor boy, glad he's mending, but as you know it's the mental scars for you and him that don't heal, our whippet is so timid anyway I think she'd die of fright if something like this happened to her and I'd never be able to walk her again if she didn't !

Whenever your dog is attacked you'll get a better response if your dog got injured whilst protecting you from the other dog when it attacked you.

I agree, what on earth joy would one get from owning a horror like this, some people are just plain stupid and thick.

A lady told me recently of her sister in St Helens who has a big bull type dog that she lets out on his own to ' play' in the park opposite, it's already bitten her own son, half the family and neighbours won't speak to her as she won't get the dog put down I only hope she's the next person it bites , maybe then she'll get what everyone is on about.