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Menopause Matters Takes The Biscuit!!


Wife, Mother, Nana, Daughter, Sister, Friend, Whip
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Up until recently I was very active on for online socialising, and letting of hot air re the dreaded menopause. Each day upwards of 20 posts would be made, each one requiring support, encouragement, direction, information or a virtual hug.

Recently I said to my husband that 2-3 days can go by on K9 without hardly a posting. His reply was that "the ladies are probably too busy walking their dogs!!"

The trick I suppose is to enjoy walking the dog(s) whilst having a hot flush! :sweating:

Sadie x
I can usually guarantee a hot flush when I'm out with the hound in the rain- I'm like a boil in the bag human when I put waterproofs on!

Thankfully I'm now 10 years after my rather surprise menopause started after surgery and I actually do own a couple of jumpers now, so it must be getting better :)
LOL how true! I've been going thru mine for 12 years and although the night sweats are almost non existent the hot flushes still cause me grief! But my skin is very good for 63 and I'm convinced it's all that blood rising to the surface and feeding it!! I will post a poem I wrote about the Cessation of Primary Function! (menopause to you and me!)

Sadie x
LOL how true! I've been going thru mine for 12 years and although the night sweats are almost non existent the hot flushes still cause me grief! But my skin is very good for 63 and I'm convinced it's all that blood rising to the surface and feeding it!! I will post a poem I wrote about the Cessation of Primary Function! (menopause to you and me!)

Sadie x
I'll look forward to reading it :D
LOL how true! I've been going thru mine for 12 years and although the night sweats are almost non existent the hot flushes still cause me grief! But my skin is very good for 63 and I'm convinced it's all that blood rising to the surface and feeding it!! I will post a poem I wrote about the Cessation of Primary Function! (menopause to you and me!)

Sadie x
My cessation happened before the primary function got underway- unfortunately :(

I put my lack of wrinkles down to genes, gallons of moisturiser and being fat. Looking all gaunt and wrinkly when you lose weight is a reason to stay fat IMO.
LOL I agree! A few extra pounds decorate a girl's frame much better than handfuls of saggy skin!!!

Here is my poem!

Cessation of Primary Function

I know you’re about when

prickling pores pre-empt

Inner shivers!

At first hardly noticeable,

(in fact, quite pleasant!) warming painful joints

and a cold nose!

I decide to ignore you;

carry on regardless,

”calm” I’ve found, is everything!

Then unwelcome moisture

claims my lower back

I know this will be a tough one!

Slowly, you make your way

up my body

building in intensity and dare I say – inconvenience?

My heart beat trebles

and my legs begin to wobble

you take no captives, do you?

Attractive pink quickly

becomes red hot chilli

and I have to accept you’ve arrived!

Pools of perspiration

collect at the base of my neck

not the most fashionable of spas, is it?!

I’m reaching, ever so

slowly for the Chinese fan

given by a friend.

(Remind me to say a prayer for her!)

I slip off my sweater and

kick off my shoes,

piling my hair high on my head.

Please don’t irritate me at this moment

I won’t be responsible for the venom

that’s bound to flow!

"Focus on a shivery shower"

a frosty Antarctic

even a frozen fish finger”!

Anything that will whisk

me away from this hot house

of horrible, humid hormones!

But I have an ace up my sleeve

(as well as two dozen tissues!)

so bring it on, bossy boots!

Whenever you turn my rosy

cheeks, crimson

you’re actually nourishing my skin!

Removing nasty impurities

plumping up those mid-life


You aim to wilt and weaken

cause flutter and fainting

but I’m wise to your wiles!

Mineral water in hand

open window at the ready

with my trusty oriental friend…

… Flaming, flushing


I’ll beat you yet!

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Just edited your poem for you to sort the alignment out :)

Brilliant poem!!!

I am often using my chinese fan during the day, and I always sleep with an electric fan on - it drives my hubby mad!
Great poem there Sadie :)

I've got about a dozen identical black silk fans- one in each handbag, one in the glovebox in the car, one in the drawer by my recliner...

On top of that there are pillar fans in 2 of the rooms and overhead fans in all the others and I'm a connoisseur of using cold water bottles and ice packs.

Thankfully it's started to get a bit better recently- I started on tamoxifen when I was 26, had a hysterectomy including having my ovaries removed when I was 32 and now I'm 42- I think that 15 years of menopause is quite enough.
It's the price for being alive ;) Nobody would go through such a sudden and early menopause by choice, nor would they put themselves at the health risks brought on by being post menopausal from such an early age, but it wasn't done for fun, and as the start up message on my phone tells me regularly, growing older is a lot better than the alternative :)

The good thing is that when all of my peers are going through their menopause I'll have already finished with it :)