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members having their say??

the topic was getting a bit out of hand, and i was'nt prepared to let it turn into a full blown bitchfest.
yes i did get a lot of info off made some interesting reading i also was at askern for the first time and it was my last and not been since.I thought it was a good day till all the trouble and it made me think is it suitable for my famly to go. i know they will enjoy the racing but all the trouble is not something you rearly want to introduce young kids to is it i maybe just picked the wrong day to go or is it always like this.i like to voice my own opinion on things so you may here a lot more from me maybe i will go to some more events to see who i am talking too.
Not having been at the said open i can not really comment on it?? :b but i do know that Garry Bailey and his wife Dee are one of the nicest couples in whippet racing :p they will go out of their way to help everyone, even people whose dog's are in the same weight class as their own ;) :oops: and mine :wacko: so please come to another race meeting where i am sure you will be made most welcome by all, and i hope we do hear a lot more from you as we all like to voice our oppinions........... :cheers:
OK let's get two things straight on this topic, 1./ I was not at old hall but was told HELLBOUND was not allowed to race.........

2./ I thought that by bringing the situation up as a topic people would feel as i felt at the time, that an injustice had been done........

WELL i now feel certain individuals deserve what they get......and that they or one of thier army :angry: should be carefull what they say??

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The following thread should put an end to this topic and clear up one or two points

If you haven't already seen it check out Statement from Old Hall
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mutley said:
well Paul you say you left school 24 years ago ,isn't that a bit childish considering how serious this matter is concerning the feds racing equipment ,which all of us as members have contributed to over the years, now to be told they wont hand anything over ,it concerns you as much as anyone else ,i agree it needs to be better in the future but that is what people are hoping to achieve and go forward ,tony and Yvonne are getting this treatment it seems due to there stubborn and silly attitude to wards the new committee and members ,this is bringing the sport into distribute even further ,if they handed over the gear and books maybe they would be  made more welcome ......or is it that they dare not show any book keeping.........i wonder Paul would you feel the same if your dog was runner up to a dog giving a positive test at champs ,or not getting a rerun because there is no camera ,i hope it ends soon so we can get back to the true nature of our sport where do you think all this trouble stems from i dont think anyone needs to many guesses...
mutley, please do not call me childish...I am yes fairly new to this sport, and have been shocked by the bitterness and spite. It is that which I find hard to comprehend, when at the end of the day the best thing about whippet racing is the family involvement at the tracks. I am also entitled to an opinion regardless of being a 'beginner' or not, I have no axe to grind with anyone and I hope the new season will see people enjoying themselves, as I am told they did in the past..

Kind Regards
just tried to explain paul no offence mate ;)