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members having their say??


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We have been informed today that a whippet club and it's members refused to race their whippets with certain individuals today......... are members having their say at last or what?? :oops:
I heard the same too...that the members at Old hall refused to run there dogs in the handicap against hellbound....

Maybe people realizing they can start to have there say after all ...good for them :D
Well done Old Hall. I think everybody should refuse to run with these people as they have brought whippet racing into disripute.[THEY SHOULD BE OUTCASTS UNTIL THEY HAVE RETURNED THE THE FED EQUIPMENT TRAPS , CAMERAS ETC WHICH DO NOT BELONG TO THEM , THEY BELONG TO THE MEMBERS.
What if they hand over the equipment to the members, will they be allowed to race their whippets..... :oops:
Why don't we stop this bickering, eh? I left school 24 years ago...for the sake of everyone lets move on.

Yes, I know there's history...but it takes a better man to let thinks go...and just get on with things...

Let's push whippet racing forward and stop fighting...
well Paul you say you left school 24 years ago ,isn't that a bit childish considering how serious this matter is concerning the feds racing equipment ,which all of us as members have contributed to over the years, now to be told they wont hand anything over ,it concerns you as much as anyone else ,i agree it needs to be better in the future but that is what people are hoping to achieve and go forward ,tony and Yvonne are getting this treatment it seems due to there stubborn and silly attitude to wards the new committee and members ,this is bringing the sport into distribute even further ,if they handed over the gear and books maybe they would be made more welcome ......or is it that they dare not show any book keeping.........i wonder Paul would you feel the same if your dog was runner up to a dog giving a positive test at champs ,or not getting a rerun because there is no camera ,i hope it ends soon so we can get back to the true nature of our sport where do you think all this trouble stems from i dont think anyone needs to many guesses...
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Tony n Von went to old hall not to run their dogs in the handicap but to trail them on their own after the winter break,Von said that 95% of the members their all spoke to tony n herself so she cannot understand why people are saying different!

like i said this is a message from von so please dont point the finger at me like SOME people are hell bent on doing even tho i no longer race whippets :cheers: ;)
Well i heard that people there refused to race against Hellbound , i wonder how many other people thoughout the country will too.

Did Yvonne and Tony gave Hellbound a trial then Richie?
If what you say is true Ritchie. :b ....... then the jungle drums were wrong :oops:
as far as i know DEE they got a run with their dogs.

pat GOD KNOWS!! :p
:rant: talk about petty!! you've really scrapped the bottom of the barrel with this one did someone not say in a previous post that there was something like 23 out of 24 that tested positive for the same substances some time back.i wonder if you were all treated the same, i think not and you wonder why whippet racing has dropped in numbers.just look on k9 because it is not good advertising for the sport. :angry:
if Yvonne had not been so hellbent on drug testing in the past with zero tolerance and people being banned from the sport, maybe people would of had more sympathy, numbers have dropped a Lott over the last few years since the banning of baitsons and Irene Cunningham ,were they treated any better or the treatment of gill hardy from a certain person ,what goes around comes around dont they say :angry: -_-
james51 said:
:rant: talk about petty!! you've really scrapped the bottom of the barrel with this one did someone not say in a previous post that there was something like 23 out of 24 that tested positive for the same substances some time back.i wonder if you were all treated the same, i think not and you wonder why whippet racing has dropped in numbers.just look on k9 because it is not good advertising for the sport. :angry:
suprise suyprise...yet another troll whos been petty?

Reasons for Trolling: The troll has but one purpose, to inflame the people who read it and draw them into an argument, and as such is a deliberate attempt to provoke, Aside from sheer immaturity...grow up
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james51 said:
:rant: talk about petty!! you've really scrapped the bottom of the barrel with this one did someone not say in a previous post that there was something like 23 out of 24 that tested positive for the same substances some time back.i wonder if you were all treated the same, i think not and you wonder why whippet racing has dropped in numbers.just look on k9 because it is not good advertising for the sport. :angry:
WELL WELL WELL ;) who started the petty situation off, :angry: WHAT would you call?? not giving back all the equipment after RESIGNING?? is this not a PETTY ACT :b ....... :eek: yes people are leaving the sport , take a look around you :oops: , what do you see , whippet racers who are fed up with the issues regarding drug testing, :unsure: not because they are giving their dog's substances that will enhance the dog's performance NO, but because of zero tollerance and other concerns.........WE all need to get back to enjoying our days out

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james51 said:
:rant: talk about petty!! you've really scrapped the bottom of the barrel with this one did someone not say in a previous post that there was something like 23 out of 24 that tested positive for the same substances some time back.i wonder if you were all treated the same, i think not and you wonder why whippet racing has dropped in numbers.just look on k9 because it is not good advertising for the sport. :angry:
james you seem to know alot about whippet racing dropping in numbers, did you get all your info off k9, :eek: i can honestly tell you that whippet racing is one of the best sports to be in, :p it is only recently that all this unrest has started........

zero tolleronce does not work and it is time it was sorted....... :angry:
I have been a member of k9 since Nov 29 2001 it used to be a most enjoyable place to come and chat, debate etc with friends

But since certain individuals joined a month or so ago, it’s like stepping into a war zone, its been dragged down to there levels, is it not bad enough that we are having stuff going on at the whippet tracks , without it starting on here too.

Cannot understand why people signing up in different user names instead of there own….i think its just to start trouble.

By all means if they use their own names and are willing to contribute with sensible posts I think they would find k9 very useful and nice place to spend some of there time on the Internet.

Neither I or gaz will not be replying to any more post like the ones of late, it only causes ill feeling, and we have some good friends that come on here.
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