Good news, we have just brought Meg home from the vets. Although she is not totaly out of the woods yet it is looking very good.
It seems as if it was Heamorigic Gastroenteritus, that is one nasty bug.
To be honest though if we had taken her to the vets earlier i dont think it would have been picked up because she was quite perky, just being sick, which could have been anything.
Once again thanks for all your kind words and thoughts.
Sorry to hear about Meg and hope she makes a speedy recovery.
To put your mind at rest - a few years ago our kennels were struck down with a very severe dose of enteritis. We have a bitch that weighed 35lbs. She was vomiting and passing blood and lost 5 lbs in weight in less than 24 hrs. We promptly took her to the Vet's. who told us had it been a younger dog they would have suspected Parvo. Our bitch was given an injection and it was touch and go whether to keep her in and put her on a drip, but we took her home and managed to get plenty of fluids into her and after a few days she recovered. It was a very frightening experience at the time. So keep your fingers crossed that Meg recovers like ours did. Joan :thumbsup:
glad shes on the mend.they lose weight very quickly with this and its slow to put back on but shes turned the corner now and will be much better soon. :luck:
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