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Meg Is Very Ill


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Meg had been sick a couple of times this week, we put it down to her picking up Jaspers disgusting habit of munching on Guinea pig poo (we are pig sitting for a week).

Thursday night she looked really off it, and was sick several times in the evening.

We let her out last thing and although it was dark we could tell she had very bad diarrhoea :x :x

Over the next few hours she was sick 4 times and the last time she produced a large volume of very bloody mucus.

She then made her way to the door to go out side but didn’t make it. She squatted on the kitchen floor and to our horror produced a pool of bloody Diarrhoea.

We got her to the vets first thing this morning; he took her in and put a drip in her straight away. The first test results are back, no obvious liver or kidney damage, the stool culture will take a while longer.

The vet seems to think she has a very nasty bug, Salmonella or E-coli. But neither of the other two dogs are effected although they all go the same walks, play with the same toys eat the same food Etc. We don’t think its poisoning but it can’t be ruled out at this stage. Has anyone any thoughts as to what this could be. We are very worried about her, the vet say she has stabilised but is still very poorly. Its heart breaking, as ill as she is she was still trying to find the energy to wag her tail.

I am so sorry to hear about Meg. I do hope she gets better very soon.

Get well soon Meg :luck: :luck:
:( poor Meg. Hope everything's okay and that she is feeling better soon :luck:
poor girl!

my friends rottie had salmonella a couple of months ago, it really took it out of him but he has now made a full recovery. she has another dog but she was ok.

get well soon Meg :luck:
ive only ever see a couple of things that produce haemerrogic gastro entiritis and thats parvo virus and a severe gastro entiritis bug.neither of which are pleasant.if shes up to date with her injections it cant be could be poisoning.i had a winning bitch poisoned at a champ show years ago.she was given something really corrosive as it actually burned pieces of flesh off her tum and she vomitted them up.when we were at the vets i took some vomit with me and showed him,i thiought they were berries shed was pieces of flesh.he said she survived cos she vomitted most of it up straight away. :( hope shes better soon. :luck: all you can do is wait till the results come back.the vet will give her supportive therapy till he knows whats wrong.shes in the best place ;)
:( Poor Meg she is in the best place.

Sending her :huggles: :huggles:
So sorry to hear about poor Meg :( - I do hope she makes a full recovery. [SIZE=14pt] Get Well Meg[/SIZE] :luck: :luck: :luck: and lots of :huggles: :huggles: coming your way.
Get well soon Meg. :luck: :huggles: :huggles:
Hi Paul, When I read your post, I thought the same as Kris (my mum), I do think it's more than likely to be haemorrhagic gastroenteritis which can put the fear of god into you when it happens. The positive side is you've been quick in your actions and your vet sounds on the ball. Both I and my mum have taken dogs to the vets with this over the years and on occasion felt that the dog wouldn't be coming back but they have all made a swift recovery, I hope Meg will too. :luck: :luck: :luck:

:luck: :luck: Get well soon Meg. :luck: :luck:
I'm so sorry to hear Meg's unwell. It sounds as if she's getting the best of attention and I hope you can see an improvement very soon.

Best wishes.
Thanx for the support and kind words, its going to be a long night.

:luck: get well soon meg :luck:
Very best wishes to Meg for a safe and speedy recovery from this nasty bug. :(

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Get well soon Meg :luck: :luck: :luck:
