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Meet Max

and this is elisha on her pony tinkerbell :wub: :wub:

and the other piccy i just wanted to show you my younger sisters jack russel puppy...ebony :huggles: with lolly :wub:
You are very lucky to have so many lovely pets Julie :wub: Just shown Holly the horses......she is soooooooo jealous of Elisha having her own pony :wub: She looks great on Tinkerbell :D
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I think you missed out two little ones at the end

GRACIE AND LOLLIE :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
You must never get a minute Julie (w00t) :lol:

They are all lovely, you are so very lucky :D Elisha really looks the part on the lovely Tinkerbell :huggles:
We have two parrots as well as all the dogs, Ozzy is a Caique and Ruby is a TAG. Your Grey looks lovely, we dont clip wings though.
Lovely lovely animals u got there (w00t)

Elisha stunning little girl too,reminds me of my own daughter Paris,aka Pinky P
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abbey said:
We have two parrots as well as all the dogs, Ozzy is a Caique and Ruby is a TAG. Your Grey looks lovely, we dont clip wings though.
i clip his wings for his own safety :thumbsup: he can come out and climb on his cage and i know he is safe.....without his wing clipped he just flies off and crashes into things :oops:

its also a worry then with the dogs....and the weather is to warm to shut all doors + windows 8) so if i didnt clip then he wouldnt get out much :unsure:

then max wouldnt br a happy chappie :- " :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I can understand why people do clip, i personally wouldnt, but each to their own.

Here are my parrots...

Ozzy - 3y old B/H Caique..LOVES everyone..he especially loves the terriers and grooms them, then they lick him...eughhghgh..and i KNOW where they've been!!


Ozzy's party trick..

Ruby - 9m old TAG..sweet girl..


With a bizarre habit of liking to wear things on her head..


(w00t) (w00t) oh they are lovely

your grey is sooooooooo :wub: :wub:
Xena on mums back! x :wub:

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(w00t) (w00t) oh they are both :wub: :wub:

do they speak much? :thumbsup:

my little max party trick is he rolls little bits of paper in to balls, and dips it in his water (w00t)

i have no idea why :unsure: ;) :wacko:
:D Yes they both talk but only nice things. Xena has been on the Nick Ferrari show on LBC radio, saying "Good morning". You go a bit dotty living with parrots -that's my excuse! :D We sometimes look after a grey and he is a fabulous mimic but very dusty!
Stripey said:
:D Yes they both talk but only nice things. Xena has been on the Nick Ferrari show on LBC radio, saying "Good morning". You go a bit dotty living with parrots -that's my excuse! :D We sometimes look after a grey and he is a fabulous mimic but very dusty!

:lol: :lol: dispite efforts from my mum :- " :- " max has not got the hang of anything rude..........yet :wacko: :p
Great photos. :wub: :wub: :wub: I really love the African Greys. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: