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Mccoy At 12weeks Advice...........the Problems Start.


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Ive posted pics of McCoy when we got him lower down the thread (will put updated ones on here soon)

Just need a bit of general advice, he gets plenty of playtime and has lots of toys, and someone is always around. The main problem is he seems to have a very aggressive streak, if he nips we say a firm "NO!", but he goes on all fours growls a bit then dives and nips again. Obviously nipping from a pup is expected but I dont want this to become the norm.

When he nips too hard we put him in his basket and give him a time out (10mins), then bring him back into the room we are sat in. This was working until the last couple of days when it has made little difference. On a night he is avery good sleeper and never chews anything in the kitchen he shouldnt. Its just the nipping that is getting a little to much.

The vet asked if we would want him castrated 2 weeks ago, I said no, but if we do get him done will it help with his behaviour.

Could his diet have anything to do with it, currently feeding him Iams and 2 sardines (tinned) in each meal.

I wouldn't call behaviour like that in a 12 week old puppy aggressive it sounds normal to me . If you watch a litter of puppies playing with each other that's what they do . He just hasn't got the message yet that that sort of behaviour is not acceptable towards humans . The time out is a good idea or substituting your arms etc which are being nipped for a soft toy . Persistance is required and the nipping will get more painful probably before he gets the message .

My little pup behaved like that for a good few weeks but thankfully stopped and now behaves perfectly well . Good luck .

I wouldn't be thinking of castration for a long time yet . The diet sounds fine although IAMs is a complete food so no need to add anything . There are better complete foods out there such as James Wellbeloved or Burns ?
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I have two 8 weeks old pups who are in a similar phase - but having had a variety of pups including gsds this is perfectly normal for a puppy of his age. As the previous poster says the time out is a good idea in time it will stop. The louder 'ouch' you scream the quicker they get the message, likewise once you have ouched loudly! turn your back on him and completely ignore him again he'll soon get the picture that that behaviour get's him no where at all.

Likewise castrating him wouldn't necessarily stop this or any behaviour anyway and is IMO way too early.

Hi, sounds like you have a very normal pup there, they do learn not to nip quite quickly, just remember he is still a baby and like all 'kids' needs to be told more than once before he gets it! Don't know of you have started to take him out for walks yet but once he is getting more exercise he will be more settled. Molly was a whirlwind before she was able to go out. we found that yelping when she nipped and then time out worked well. :D :D

Make the most of this time though cos they grow up far too quickly 8) 8)

Gaynor x
Been taking him out for walks over the last week and hes good on and off the lead although seems a bit fearless at times.

Just tried over the last hour standing up off the sofa every time he nips and turning our backs to him, at the minute he thinks its a bit of a game jumping from one sofa to the nxt but hope he will learn.

will keep you updated with his progress............ :)