OMG you mean they can do it as early as 7 months :blink:JAX said:kris said:the funniest thing i ever saw was when a very posh woman came down to use him at stud and he got a sniff of the womans bitch!that was it!he went into overdrive!it took 2 of us to drag him off her (his legs were locked around her waist and hed knocked her over so she was prone!)after shed recovered she said, 'hes very keen isnt he!' (w00t) :lol: he added new meaning to the saying if im not there start without me! o
PMSL Thats sounds so funny :lol: :lol: :lol:
I think maybe breeds are different Kris . My boys only get the `odd :b stud now and I dont have any leg cocking or escaping dogs :sweating: , Harvee tried his best to mate his mum and Buffee when they came into season 5 weeks ago , I would have let him mate Buffee , but he couldnt quite `reach the spot `and then his dad beat him to it any way
kobi is 6 months in january and both my bitches are due in season the first part of the year !!!! looks like im in for some fun sooner than id expected :- "
didnt think he would actually know what to do with it for another few months , although if he is anything like his dad and grandad he is going to be super stud (w00t)
he is trying it on already but i didnt think he would be getting "seriouse"