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Male dog neutered on monday in pain going to toilet...


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Our dog was operated on Monday 6th October. He is 5 1/2 months old and we got him back and he perked up after 24 hours of being groggy and started going to the toilet normally again not long after getting him back.

However, as the days wear on he can pee without issue but when he tried to poop he is in a lot of pain. He normally paces about a bit in the garden before going but now seems to want to avoid pooping at all costs. He runs back and forth in panic whimpering and then has bouts of just lying down feeling sorry for himself.

He whimpers but still goes and when he has done his business he frantically runs around whimpering trying to rub his bum along the ground. We check and there is nothing wrong, nothing hanging out his bum and his poo is normal (albeit a little soft) but no blood in it etc.

He definitely does not have worms either.

Has anyone experienced this before? Is it just him healing of felling the aftermath of surgery?

My main concern is that if anything, his problems should be front related i.e. with his peeing rather than round the back.

His wounds are clean and he has been checked after two days at the vets without any issues.
Hi, and welcome to DogForum :)

Your dates don't line up I'm afraid- 6 October hasn't happened yet and the Monday in September was the 8th. This makes it hard to work out how long post- op your boy is.

If he's any more than a week post-op I'd get him back to the vets anyway. The anaesthetic could make him constipated, as could the painkillers he may have had afterwards, but the effects of these should lessen with time and a week is long enough for them to have started reducing.
Thanks for the welcome.

Sorry, I was ahead of myself. The op was the Monday just gone (29th September) so today will be his 4th day after the day of surgery. He is taking liquid pain killers with food in the morning as perscribed.

He doesn't seem to be backed up more in pain when trying to go which is the main concern. It obviously hurts him going and obviously afterwards too to the point where he would rather drag his brocken bits along the floor to scrape his bum.