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Speaking to someone I know who has recently become a breed club secretary and talking about entries for their championship show, she mentioned that two people (who award CCs) have both phoned the Chairman whingeing that they have not been sent a schedule.

Now, neither of the people are (a) members of the society nor (b) exhibited at the show the previous year so, therefore, would not be automatically sent a schedule. The show has been well advertised in both dog papers and schedules have been available for months at various other shows.

Excuse me if I am wrong but shouldn't both these people ring the SECRETARY for a schedule, if they want one, and not make mischief by complaining to the Chairman, who falls into the trap and subsequently tries to take the Secretary to task ........... what is she meant to be, a mindreader???

That, to me, is the height of arrogance, why should the rest of us plebs have to do things in the normal fashion and yet theses 'names' think people should kowtow to them. I certainly bloody well wouldn't!! But then that's why I won't do committee work ....... it's bad enough all the politics at work, I can't be doing with it in recreation time as well!!
I agree with you Dessie, what make them special from us. I also didn't get a schedule but am i NOT complaining . Just because you are a name in the breed you shouldn't expect that. You didn't show last time and you are not a member, why should you automatically get a schedule, even god wouldn't expect that, what makes them different.

Debra. :D :p

Abit early in the morning for me, so if it don't make sense sorry.
What Club, what schedule? Why did'nt I get one, or did I ? I think I exhibited last year and I must be a member it says so on the left. :D

Seriously though perhaps they couldnt get the secretary, I know one that is impossible to get hold of. And no one should expect to get a schedule from any show its not a KC rule! Some people like to feel important, they lead very small lives.
Not a difficult person to either get hold of or speak to but that is all I am saying on the subject because that wasn't the point of the post. It is the arrogant attitude that gets up my nose.

And ANOTHER thing that annoys me, when you are talking to someone who hasn't got a clue who you are, or what you have ever done in the past in dogs, and they say "Of course I have been in the breed for 110 years" ............... SO WHAT!! It is ususally said in that patronising, bored voice as well as though they think they are talking to someone who is a complete dimwit. Just because you have owned one particular breed for a few years doesn't mean to say you know everything about everything. No-one does and you carry on learning but you will learn more if you talk to people with other breeds (and horses as well) and take an interest in other dogs rather than just your chosen breed.

Sorry, I'll come off my soapbox now!!
:D You must feel a lot better now, thats a lot of your mind LOL :D
Well Dessie I agree with your sentiments & hope you feel better now, have a good long glass of wine, it usually works for me :p

But you are right in that you cannot please all of the people all of the time :(

and 'membership' of one breed does not mean that you have no history in or with other breeds of dogs, horses or anything which gives a person the 'stockmans' eye for want of a better phrase :b

Its amazing what you can learn in other circles & have a giggle doing so sometimes.

So chill out breed sec. it'll never change, human nature ? :angry:

AND did I get a schedule I ask :D doubt it 'cos the old grey cells keep missing these things, age or vino?