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Make it come true in 2002

kipper fluke

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2002 suggestion box!

Does anyone out there have any new ideas to make the sport better?

e.g Dealing with the local councils/sport board, how to gain their support in providing facilities and funding for clubs.
hi steve

dont know if you ever raced at carlton wrc when it was running, they now have three football pitches on the field and they charge the footballers £45 plus just to play one game there. council that is.

(Edited by NEILPEM at 11:19 pm on Jan. 6, 2002)
this is where the drug testing money could be well spent

on  helping  some clubs out .ie funds for new tracks or to help buy the smaller clubs some equipment or maybe

replace items not up to date.generally just help each other out.
I`d like to see the end of yard per pound racing over the short distances we run on the straights. It`s not a race as there is absolutly no chance at all of a middle weight let alone a heavy weight dog winning overall so we get stuck with the farce of people only racing in tiny weight groups against the same few dogs week in week out because it is impossible to beat the small dogs weight handicap and then anyone with any sense withdraws to prevent running a dog that has no chance of winning. This means that a t every major event the light weight bitches go home with all the silverware even if they are second rate in their class and the best in their class have stayed at home.
2002 In whippet racing I would like to see:-

No bitching or backstabbing

More clubs esp in n/west and scotland!!!!

More ABCDE opens

The governing bodies taking note of how our sport needs improving(maybe they should join k9 and read this!!)

More research in drug testing, and if it's to be done a person independant of racing(eg. vets) should do the tests.

More stud dogs(give the bitches a better choice)

If I think of anything else I will add it on.
i think you said it all michelle well done
I thought of another

No prefence of traps/heats given to friends of race organiser(don't say it does'nt happen,cos it does!!)

The heats for all races to be drawn in public in front of whoever wants to watch

I can't think of anything else at the moment as I am trying to watch jackass on MTV(very highly recommended program for sky/digital viewers on mtv music channel!!!!!) (but not for squirmy people!!!)
did u go to the open at old hall. it was abcde and all the winners were drawn together in the same heat. it was so obvious. the whole point is that dogs with less ability can win something which makes it more fun. not 5 top class dogs drawn together so they take everythin. draws made in public is how it used to be and is a great idea to bring it back.
Last time I went to an ABCDE open there were 5 dogs in my heat, 4 were champions(not mine:shocked:), and I was giving them all a start, funnily enough I was'nt last and I got another race.

The annoying thing were that the finalists were all champions and it was like a championship final not an ABCDE.

Another thing, more time trial opens they are quite good fun.
Tony Taylor thinks Yd/lb racing on short distances should be done away with, as he feels middleweight or heavyweight dogs don't stand a chance & says its nearly always the light weights that win.

If this is the case then surely on the bends it should be 1 & a half Yds/lb to give the lightweights a fair chance.

Out of interest what format would Tony suggest ?
Lightweights do win on the bends - overall champs (BWRA and NWRF) at bends in the last 2 years include Little Madam(21lb), Two become One(21lb), Mystical Dancer(21lb) as do Middle weights Fluke (27lb), Mad MIck(27lb) and heavyweights Blue Boy(30lb) and Definatly Blue(32lb) at yard per pound over 300yards which illustrates my point in that it takes 300yrds and not 150yrds for yard per pound to become fair - compare this with straight champs, when did a middle weight last win overall let alone a heavy weight?

I see the independant  will race at 2 feet per pound on the straight  


(Edited by michelle at 8:37 pm on Jan. 9, 2002)

(Edited by michelle at 8:40 pm on Jan. 9, 2002)
As far as i can see you will always get CHEATS in the sport ,it will always be the same nothing will ever change,no wonder people are thinking of giving it all up,including ourselves,but its surprising what effect a litter of pups can have on you,i myself am not bothered about keeping a pup but Andrew has got it bad (he needs one)so it looks like we'll be in the sport for a bit longer,Bye the way if you haven't already realised it's Lorraine here not Andrew and Newcastle are still CRAP........BYE FOR NOW
Hi Tony

OK we get your drift, but we were classing lightweights as 16-20lb and not many at these weights win overalls on bends, we were just saying that to be fair to heavier weights on the straights, we would then have to think about light lightweights on the bends.  We were only tryin to put our point forward tryin to be fair for all weights.  Although we have had the odd exceptions in both big on the straights Mo Bex  (or was it Mo Evil my memory fails me) for instance and little Perrys Own 16lb won overall bend opens, there are always exceptions.

Just a friendly difference of opinion as we like lightweights 16-20lb and have possibley raced more of this size than heavier dogs.

Lightweights as you describe also suffer in yard per pound handicapping it`s just they suffer on the bends whereas heavyweights suffer on the straights and to be fair there are far more straight opens than bends.

I propose handicap at 200yrds:

upto 12lb @ 6 Feet per pound

upto 16lb @ 5 ft/lb

upto 20lb @ 4 ft/lb

upto 24lb @ 3 ft/lb

upto 28lb @ 2 ft/lb

upto 32lb @ 1 ft/lb

add or subtract 1ft/lb if over or under by 20%

There is historical precedent for differential handicapping as above.
I've just been reading through and my dogs are'nt that small so i think that 1/2yard and 2ft per pound at some opens would be a great  idea it will give the bigger dogs a chance.


maybe if they started giving prizes out for the dogs which come last in races then people will be more interested in the sport more it just gives ther judges more to do as well.

I also think that money is a problem because if you go to an open it would be nice to win abit more than what we pay to enter maybe even to cover the petrol expences because petrol is not cheap nowadays.

cheers Kate
good answer sadie and co ,i prefer yard a pound racing at all event s on the straight and it should be yard and half on the bends because it isn't fare for the small dogs, surely if you are running in weight groups you all get a chance at winning, but after running my big dogs at yrd a pound i too found they could not catch the smaller dogs, so maybe you have a point about running some opens at 2ft a pound,i personally have only had small and middle weight dogs untill now,so lets cater for all and have some races at yrd a pound and some races at 2ft apound you cant be fairer than that ???  or can you....??????.......lets hear from you all on this subject :p see u all later      tricia,,,,
pat can i run at yard a lb with wonderwall against the stunner ;)
??? course you can ,wassssss uuuppppppppp  do you want a start hmmm:D :D  ???  ???
Interesting that there is no change after 6 years, people are still moaning about the exact, same problems... hmm wonder what that means? :wacko:

Such is the ever evolving world of whippet racing! :lol: