I did say that it wasnt aimed at you Whippets Rule! I'm sorry you felt you have be so defensive. I work with a rabbit charity and spend a lot of time talking to pet shops, rescues, vets, members of the public and it's scary what goes on. Pet shops do give appauling advice, many of the hutches are inadequate, it's a fact. Maisie is lucky she has a knowledgable owner, nice hutch and lovely big run, but (assuming she was from a pet shop) she could just as easily have ended up in the hands of someone who didnt provide her with a run and kept her in a 3ft hutch permanently. 
In 20 or so years of keeping rabbits I've never ever had a rabbit that didnt prefer the company of another rabbit, some rabbits dont get along, but there will always be another rabbit that they will like (and if you take your rabbit to a rescue centre you can try them with other rabbits to see who they prefer before you make your decision.)
I disagree that they 'prefer' to be alone - they are prey animals, safety in numbers etc
I've found the does to be much grumpier too Janis - it's the hormones, permanent pmt! (They are much calmer once neutered.)
In 20 or so years of keeping rabbits I've never ever had a rabbit that didnt prefer the company of another rabbit, some rabbits dont get along, but there will always be another rabbit that they will like (and if you take your rabbit to a rescue centre you can try them with other rabbits to see who they prefer before you make your decision.)
I disagree that they 'prefer' to be alone - they are prey animals, safety in numbers etc
I've found the does to be much grumpier too Janis - it's the hormones, permanent pmt! (They are much calmer once neutered.)