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I have known for 8 weeks now . She was given 4-6 weeks to live then . No chemo as she is 14 years old and quite frail . My daughter is a vet and has dogs who are still alive a year after they started on chemo but they are younger than our dog . We are just glad for each day we have her now .

Your Joy is very beautiful and I hope you have her for a long time yet :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Hi, so sorry your going through such mental torment. Hopefully the specialist vet will give you a better insight into the severity of the situation and whether treatment offers a good outcome.

Cancer in dogs is unfortunately a common occurance but only because we've given them longevity as pets wheras in the wild they would live and die a fast life trying to survive. The fact your dog is ten years old and had a good quality of life with you is a comfort that you must remember.

My personal feelings regarding treatment is that I would want a good long term outcome for my dog before I put it through treatment. I've encountered many humans undergoing various courses of cancer treatment and they have an understanding of what is involved and what they will have to endure inorder to survive, unfortunately dogs cannot comprehend this. For this reason, I would only contemplate treatment where I feel the 'bad days' would outweigh the 'good'. In other words if the vet gave an estimate of say 12 months with treatment and the treatment involved 6 months of considerable malaise then to me personally I'd sooner spend a smaller amount of time with my dog and avoid the treatment.

Everyone is individual in their decision, neither is right or wrong, it's a personal judgement only you can make and it will be the right one providing the vet fully informs you and spends the time with you to discuss all your concerns. Questions that are flying through your mind until you see the vet will be worth writing down to discuss with them and will help you with your decision. Don't be scared, you will do the best for your dog and you have an overwhelming amount of support behind you. :huggles:

Jac x
What a gorgeous girl Joy is :) How awful for you to be in such a position, what ever choice you make Good Luck :huggles:
I'm so sorry to read that Joy's test results were so discouraging ... what a nightmare for you. It is scary, and what a difficult choice to be forced to make, but I'm sure you will choose the best course of action for you and Joy. For what it's worth, for a dog of Joy's age personally I think I would not choose chemo but would make her last weeks with me, however few in number, the most bone filled, game filled, treat filled, cuddle filled weeks they could be.

Hugs to you and Joy

Sorry to hear such sad news, i had that same outlook with Kate (s kiss me Kate) However with the homeopathic treatmeant she led a very good quality of life for several months.. Only when her glands really were swallon, you knew which dog in teh house was ill.
After speaking to the specilist, we have decided to give Joy steriods and pain killers to make what time she has left comfortable. I am devistated. But must do what I can to keep her painfree and happy.

Thank you all for your thoughts and support.
Thinking of you both and hope that Joy remains pain free and keeps up a fight and remains happy :huggles: :huggles:
Joy is feeling well in herself and still a happy girl. But ooohhh so thin, she eats much much more than the others but her hips, ribs and spine are really prominant.

She is getting loads of love and I try not to cry when I am with her because I do think they pick up on your feelings. The others can be abit wild around her so I have to come between them to avoid her being knocked over as she is weak.

Up until now Joy has been able to join us on our walks but I think we may have to take her out by herself on short plods as I am abit worried about how much energy she is using keeping up with us. Although she is showing no distress.

Everyday I wake up I go downstairs expecting the worst. She is happy and that for me is what counts. Vets tonight for check up.
Thinking of you both :huggles: Good luck at the vets tonight :luck: :luck: :luck:
The visit to the vet went ok. Joy has lost two and a half pounds in 5 days, although she eats like a horse. As she is not in pain or distressed we have decided to carry on the steroids and see how things go. We go on holiday in a weeks time, I want Joy to come with us and have a final walk on Modbury Common because she loves it there so much. I just hope she can hold on that long.
The visit to the vet went ok. Joy has lost two and a half pounds in 5 days, although she eats like a horse. As she is not in pain or distressed we have decided to carry on the steroids and see how things go. We go on holiday in a weeks time, I want Joy to come with us and have a final walk on Modbury Common because she loves it there so much. I just hope she can hold on that long.
Glad shes doing ok,we have just returned from holiday(house in North Norfolk) which was booked because of the large garden for Lou Lou.Just did not seem right without her.

Good luck with Joy.
The visit to the vet went ok. Joy has lost two and a half pounds in 5 days, although she eats like a horse. As she is not in pain or distressed we have decided to carry on the steroids and see how things go. We go on holiday in a weeks time, I want Joy to come with us and have a final walk on Modbury Common because she loves it there so much. I just hope she can hold on that long.
Good luck with your holiday. I hope Joy is well enough to go with you :luck: :luck: :luck:
Joy managed to come with us on holiday. The first couple of days she managed some good walks, by the second week she only wanted to sleep and was abit wobbly when tottering around. Last Thursday Joy couldn't stand up at all, she was not in any stress at all so we gave her lots of cuddles, then said goodbye.

We miss her terribly, I think that Dec and Reggie (our other two dogs) also missed her for a day or so. Dogs really do just live for today, they do not dwell on the sad stuff.

I was amazed how quickly and aggresively the cancer took hold. The vet only gave her 4 weeks at the most, so we where lucky to have abit longer.

Rest in Peace Joy.

I'm so sorry , she looked a lovely girl :(
This is devastating news ! Over wayyyy to early. really really saddened to hear this :( :(

I'm so glad she managed a last holiday with you

so sorry for your loss - RIP Joy you beautiful girl
I am so sorry to hear your sad news :(

Rip Joy and run free beautiful girl :huggles:
Thank you all for your kind support. I am so glad I found this Forum, it has helped me through the past few weeks. I hope to be able to join in your fun chats in the future.
Thinking of you and your precious girl, she was lucky to have found you who cared so much Sleep tight Joy