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Think this needs to be said before we dont have any lurcher shows to go to? :( As many know me and my brother in law followed lurcherworld alot last year and all went well apart from the weather? :eek: I have heard mixed reactions to the 2 previous shows mostly bad one's :rant: i for one would just like to remind people that these people take the time to arrange these lurcher shows and work hard to keep them going and also bring there familys and have them to consider as well(THIS IS NOT A BUM LICK)??They are trying new things that might not be working but who am i to tell them what to do? :teehee: As this is a discussion board in stead of critisising :rant: give them some ideas to improve the show(helpfull hints) (!) anyway hope someone from lurcherworld answers there critics and something can be done.Hope to attend a show soon when the dogs are ready and it is a happy one where things run smoothly Russ and the family. :thumbsup:
We haven't been too hundreds of shows, but the lurcherworld ones we've been too have all been very good, Well organised, fun and friendly.

Just our opinion :D :thumbsup:
We agree with what your saying!!

Everyone enjoys different aspects of the lurcher events. Weve been to many which ud love to attend again and to( others you wonder why you went!!(all different clubs around the uk not just them)

But like you said people dedicate alot of time to these events which needs to be recognised

Changes some times need to be made, unfortunately sounds like last year was agood set up and this year its changed abit too much!!

I think like everything in life u need peoples FEEDBACK!! that is soo important, theres loads of ways they could of found out what people want and like from a show, there is even polls that could be done on here and as most people attend their events also use k9 they would have had a great understanding of what people expect from a days racing!

I hope this doesnt discourage lurcherworld to iron out the creases and encourages them to move forward with the info and feedback people are now leaving and make this year a fab year also.

Lurcher people would travel hundreds of miles to attend a great race/ show weekend but many wouldnt travel far for a single race!!

Point systems are agreat idea, The title is always worth more than the money and people wanna be proud of their dogs acheivements!

We were made to feel welcome and hope people who were put off would go again giving them the benefit of the doubt,

This is just our opinion ;)

now alls left is for lurcherworld to have their say !!
Good post Russel ;) Similar thoughts to mine..

I haven't been to many shows this year and wont be able to make many due to living away.

I went to alot of Lurcherworld shows last year and enjoyed them, organisation was good and timings were punctual.

I attended one lurcherworld show this year, which was Thame on the sunday.

Things got put backwards due to main ring events clashing with arranged fieldsport events which wasn't a major issue. I dont think this can be helped as it was Lurcherworlds First day of the new schedule so teething problems are obviously expected. Due to that I dont think I can give any feedback from the competitors point of view from my only experience this year.

Hope to attend some racing this summer.

All the best

we have been to shows but never entered anything so this time we stayed all weekend and had a brill time we had help from all the people involved from singing in for racing/showing and advice in what catagres to enter to the starting line.

we will be going to a lot more in the future. Fab weekend.
Think this needs to be said before we dont have any lurcher shows to go to? :( As many know me and my brother in law followed lurcherworld alot last year and all went well apart from the weather? :eek: I have heard mixed reactions to the 2 previous shows mostly bad one's :rant: i for one would just like to remind people that these people take the time to arrange these lurcher shows and work hard to keep them going and also bring there familys and have them to consider as well(THIS IS NOT A BUM LICK)??They are trying new things that might not be working but who am i to tell them what to do? :teehee: As this is a discussion board in stead of critisising :rant: give them some ideas to improve the show(helpfull hints) (!) anyway hope someone from lurcherworld answers there critics and something can be done.Hope to attend a show soon when the dogs are ready and it is a happy one where things run smoothly Russ and the family. :thumbsup:
Well said Russ :thumbsup:
I've only been to one lurcherworld organised event and it was great as far as I'm concerned.

The problem I have with them is that they are all too far away for me to attend. So come on Lurcherworld, how about one down in Cornwall :thumbsup:
We go to Tatton Park show every year & the Lurcherworld event there is great. Friendly people, very helpful when we didn't know what was going on & when my Hebe cut her foot quite badly they were brilliant & patched her together again for me. It's one of the highlights of our year, a great day out :D Thanks to everyone involved.
We go to Tatton Park show every year & the Lurcherworld event there is great. Friendly people, very helpful when we didn't know what was going on & when my Hebe cut her foot quite badly they were brilliant & patched her together again for me. It's one of the highlights of our year, a great day out :D Thanks to everyone involved.
I have been to my first two Lurcherworld events over the last fortnight at Thame and Monmouth for showing and racing. I found the team extremely friendly and helpful - slipping the dog for me because he'd never done hurdles before ( I was on my own) and later even holding him for me so I could go to the loo! The days were long but with so many events going on (which is one of the attractions?!) I can't see how this could be avoided. The events were all posted on here in advance though - so you could judge before how the day would pan out.

As far as pure breds racing against lurchers is concerned I think our lurchers did us proud as I'm sure neither China or Tigger are pure breds and Rowan certainly isn't :lol:

I had 4 great days out for £20 - one day at Kelmarsh cost me £12! I only wish now that last years weather hadn't put me off camping this weekend!!

Thanks Lurcherworld for your welcome and support and the opportunity to show Rowan's true ability :D :thumbsup:
hi there, im 1 of the helpers at lurcher world and wud like 2 thank all who has post, firstly there isnt many people that if they find a show not up 2 there high standards, come into the tent and bring this matter forward 2 one of the team so if poss it can be sorted, most of you jst cant wait 2 get home and start typing on ur keyboards,

sencondly, ********, we all love r dogs and would love 2 see them win everythin tht they r enter in but hey this wud neva happen, so i understand u could get upset wen you get knocked out, also as for the chaos, the rules were neva changed thro any event put as i hav posted on previous boards, that if they is any classes that people would like puttin on, show or racing, then let us no and we will do r best 2 arrange it, this was the case with the 100yard dash, the under 21'' was running and while it was ova 20 people came forward and asked if they cud hav there lurchers timed ova this distance, so once the under 21'' championship had finished the team opened the event up for any lurcher any size (or whippet or greyhound), now talking of greyhounds running in the lurcher events, jst 2 let u all no tht lurcherworld will not knowingly let full greyhounds or whippets run in the under and ova straight racing, BUT in the simulated corsing where on saturday you will hav seen a greyhound running in is because lurcherworld see it fit that the sim should be open to any breed of dog, the sim isnt jst about speed its about how the dog is running behind the lure and how it turns and neva takes its eye off the rag, yes the greyhound would mostly thrash all lurchers in straight racing but as we've seen many times be4 little dogs do win sim,

sorry 4 dragging this on folks but there is afew points people hav made that we hav the answers for so agen this goes out 2 ******, the $10 you were charged 4 camping wasnt 4 camping at all, as uve already sed u were not attending the show on a sunday because u had another 1 to go to and because u 3 arrived be4 the gates had offically opened u 3 were not charged an entery fee ( which is $5 per adult) so if u do the maths bernard u got in 4 free AGEN,

rite then now on 2 ************, if i remember ritely u hav 2 staffy's that wen the lurcherworld team was asked 2 add some special events jst 4 staffy's and at a perticular show lst year u attended, i believe u didnt want 2 run against staffy it was jst the normal smaller terriers u wanted 2 race, and because of this the offical on the start line sed no , this was because if ur staffy's was running against the smaller terriers it wud hav been like greyhounds running agianst lurchers, also ur comments about lurcherworld only been afta ur money with the 64 dog stake, yes there will be $10 enter fee per dog which if we was 2 fill all 64 spots would add up2 $640, a nice sum of money, now if the sheet was also filled the prize money wud be $400 for 1st place and $100 for 2nd place, so does this sound like we are trying 2 take ur money and run folks,

so comin 2 the end of my moanin, id like 2 say a big thnx 2 all the support from the public, without u lot these shows wudnt happen, and also lurcherworld wud like 2 thank all those helpers, including judges, stewards and jst the kind hearted people tht make snacks and drinks 4 the team because they notice the team always on the go wether it be showing, racing or chase the bunny, alot of these people attually spend there own money 2 travel and eat at these shows and end up going home with alot less money then they came with so jst think how they feel reading comments that r telling them there work they did 4 free all weekend was no gud, im no saint but i wudnt like 2 think ive hurt people feelings jst cos either my dog got knocked out or the show isnt been run the way u wud do it,

but folks this is jst my opinion

[edited by Moderator - please refrain from bringing personal issues]
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unfortunately you can't please all of the people all of the time, i think what folks seem to forget that its all for fun, and shouldn't be taken to seriously, everyone at these shows trys very hard and do a lot of work for the competetors so they should be considered, they don't do it for the money at the end of the days as there is not really that much money to be made, over the years when i competed with my dogs, you had people moaning about it should of been done this way or why have they done that, if you feel that it should be done a different way or could be made better either go to the organisers and say your piece or write a letter to them, they are only doing it for you all to have an enjoyable time with your dogs, i have seen too many events and club finnish because they didn't have the support or the encouragement of others to make it better and bigger,

We all go to these events to win, i don't know of anyone that doesn't but wether you win or come last its the buzz you get from it that makes it worthwhile,

We should all encourage these shows as we will not have any to go to, as the organisers will think to themselves why bother, anyway that is my opinion and is written not to cause offence to anyone
This is exactly what Jeff does not want.As he always says at the shows,if you dont like something,tell him face to face,and he will try to sort it out,not to go on "the internet thingey" !!It is hard to please everybody all the time.This is just my opinion.

Ok I think everyone is getting the wrong end of the stick here - i know how much hard work goes into these shows and i know that with out that we wouldnt have any, which is why i would travel so far to enter and support them and when i get there i enter every event i can.

I did bring my concerns forward but just got dismissed and told i was complaining, but this is the thing aint it - when it comes down to someone speaking up and giving the feedback like everyone tells people to do, people dont like it. But like i have said before, Im not saying this to fall out with anyone or to cause arguement, im simply giving my opinion hoping that someone will say fair enough maybe we can change that a little to make it better for everyone so we can keep the lurcher shows going - but once again i get dismissed and slated for trying to help.

And for starters i aint bloody complaining because my dog got knocked out, i dont go to win anything, i go to watch my dog enjoy himself and for the atmosphere and buzz of it all. And i go to see good dogs like Tigger and China win.

As for the rules not changing - the first 2 pairs in the hurdles started with the lure behind them, all the rest started with the lure infront of them.

Simulated Coursing - some dogs were put through for catching the lure, other were made to run again - for some it was the first over the finish line, where ever that was and for some it was the best course.

I would like to say that the slipper was excellent and did a fantastic job at it. I also think that running the dash for the bigger lurchers was great idea as well and much apreciated.

there were lots of other people that did the same and didnt pay, and we came throught the gates when they opened in the morning which is no different than those that got there the nite before.

I really think that it is funny how people complain under their breath but when it comes to saying anything out loud they dont.
New here so be gentle.

Lurcherworld 1st timer @ Monmouth and had a wail of a time.

Compare the organisational set up of Lurcherworld to that of the show and it's easy to see how, in reality, there is no comparison. A lot of hard work from very few people for the masses.

Well done to Jeff and his crew.

I, plus family, am planning some more weekends to which ever venues Jeff will let us into.

Well done Lurcherworld.

The Converted.
hi there :D iv only been twice b4 2 the lurcherworld events and had a great time and 4 me the main thing is watching my dog run (when she will 4 me!!!) Regardles and id like 2 say that i had my dog in the hurdles and yes they put the lure behind her as they thought it might help her go as they try there hardest 2 please people and my dog has not had much experince.... i also would like 2 say that i helped out 4 the first time due 2 them being very short of there team members at this show and think they did a very good profestional job. and id like 2 say that no 1 gets payed THEY just help out when ever they can.and a thank you is all i would ever want from them. All the time and effort that goes in 2 these shows so we can c our dogs do wat they love and r breed 4 and 4 me thats wat its all about!!! :) and yes the rules have changed alot since my first show and in time it will all fit back in 2 place just give it a chance and wait if then it still is not the way people like it we only have 2 say BUT JUST GIVE IT A GO!!! and they allways ask people if they is anything they would like 2 add 2 it and try 2 fit it in 2 please every one!!!!! which does not allways work??? but meny thanks 4 a great time over the weekend cant wait 2 the next show well done 2 all the team !!!! ;) tinkerbell81 and im not a arse licker!!!!!! lol just had a great time and who was that bird in the truck driving the lure top banana lol 8) :lol:
I was at Thame this year on Monday and had a great time - show was very well organised, and all the Lurcherworld people were more than helpful in answering my stupid questions as a first-timer showing rather than just watching!!!

Only suggestion I have is that maybe the Mixed/Matched lurcher pairs class could be split into 2 classes - mixed in one and matched in the other as the judges never seem to pick the mixed pairs - only the matched ones!!

Otherwise thoroughly enjoyable day and will be following them to Broadlands for May bank holiday too! :thumbsup: