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Lurcherworld Finals

To be fair to non ped racers objecting to just turning up is a valid point as the dogs have to be schooled & passed that they don't interfere with other dogs, having had the experience of 2 good dogs ruined by other lurchers misbehaving during racing I can understand this. :thumbsup:
Like you said Di - if us lurchers were to turn up at a non ped track to race againts registered non peds we wouldnt be allowed to run.....So i think you either need to be a registered non ped racer and do that or a lurcher racer..... not do both ;) But that is just my opinion which you already know :teehee: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I dont see why the shows cant do a seperate race for different than fitting in terriers, whippets or family dogs :clown: :thumbsup:

I see your point, but what about the ones that are not registered with any non-ped organisations, as you i have a pup which i would like to race in the summer,

where would she race, the outcome would be the same if she raced with lurchers, if she won that is, there are a few racing lurchers that have very little other breeds in them literally, you would have to go back quite a few generations to find it, how does that stand, this has been an ongoing thing for years, of which has caused lots of bad feelings, as mao has said every dog has its day, i see it as a day out meeting likewise people and enjoying it, and if you win something thats a bonus to the day, :thumbsup:
Oh yeah Deb i totally agree, its a fun day out and it keeps my dogs fit in the summer for working in the winter :thumbsup:

All i feel is that i dont see it fair that they can do both but lurchers cant, the same as a lurcher cant race with greyhounds on the track - there is racing out there for non peds, racing for greyhounds, racing for lurchers and racing for terriers! ;) Why can some race when ever they like and some cant.
I see your point Helen, :thumbsup: but i wasn't the one's that made up that rule, :p the way i see it is, Leia's brothers and sisters all race over here and in Ireland as lurchers, but just because I chose to go down the non ped route with Leia instead of the ordinary coursing, racing and showing like we always have, :p that she any different then them.

I haven't given up non ped racing Leia, due to injury shes hasn't been able to attend any non ped straight meets, but she will be racing the bends this winter as normal, (if injury free) :-

To me it's not her breeding thats the problem, but the fact that she's registered, :eek: perhaps some one can answer this question for me please, ;) what happens if we don't want to go non ped racing anymore, or with the non ped shows moving further and further up North, we can't afford to travel, sometimes 900 miles in a round trip to race Leia in one race. :( does that mean she will never be able to race down here along side other equally bred dogs, :b she's registered for life, so I'm stuffed. :lol: I agree that putting on a separate race for registered non peds is a good idea, and i haven't got a problem with that, :thumbsup: but how are the organisers :lol: going to know which ones are registered and which ones aren't? :wacko:

Like i said, i didn't make the rule, :lol: Happy racing folks, :thumbsup: di

Ps, sorry Josh, this isan't helping you get a life to the finals mate. :thumbsup:
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Cant beat them join them :teehee: :thumbsup: would love to see more folk down here with non-peds could start are own club then :thumbsup: not having a dig but good lurcher folk have and are quite happy to use non-peds for stud on there lurcher bitches so if we cant race at lurcher shows how will they know about good studs :wacko: I also never made the rule about lurchers raceing at non-ped meets but would like to know if they where how many lurcher folk would turn up to race (w00t) Its just my opinion but a non-ped is a cross breed so its a lurcher and i will always class them as that ;) :thumbsup:
If lurchers was able to race on the bends i would be happy 2 race :thumbsup: i dont have a problem with non peds (lurchers , longdogs what ever ) racing at shows i mean a good lurcher , longdogs will give any non ped a cracking race if not beat them :thumbsup:

A dog is a dog ! if u dont like them racing like russell said why use them as stud ??? which puts alot of non ped in your dog :wacko:

Just my thoughs :thumbsup: sont mean 2 sound rude sorry if it does 2 anyone ;)

LOL can any1 help wiv the finals ??????

Josh :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Off topic off topic :thumbsup: Can we get Josh a lift to these finals please :thumbsup:
If lurchers was able to race on the bends i would be happy 2 race :thumbsup: i dont have a problem with non peds (lurchers , longdogs what ever ) racing at shows i mean a good lurcher , longdogs will give any non ped a cracking race if not beat them :thumbsup:
A dog is a dog ! if u dont like them racing like russell said why use them as stud ??? which puts alot of non ped in your dog :wacko:

Just my thoughs :thumbsup: sont mean 2 sound rude sorry if it does 2 anyone ;)

LOL can any1 help wiv the finals ??????

Josh :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Its a fair old trip from you josh, it would take me near on 3 hrs, cant imagine how long from your area,

but i hope you get a lift :thumbsup:
Off topic off topic :thumbsup: Can we get Josh a lift to these finals please :thumbsup:

why dont you take him then pmsl :teehee:
why not **** off
choice words for a numpty :clown:
Just shut up !

look wild whippies was offering a solution to lurcher racing which you have no knowledge of as you dont have one, you seem to me like to

post to get people wound up (my reply was a bit of banter), not the first time may i add, so carry on no skin off my nose mate :clown:
I don't think any one else has qualified this year from down this way Josh, :thumbsup: I hope somebody can help you out, so you can at least give Flash a chance to show what he can do on the day. :thumbsup: di
Are they holding the finals on the Sunday, Josh?

The straights are on sunday as far as i know the 1 that matters ..... and the timed 100 yard dash on saturday that dont really bother me to be honest 4 a few reasons ;)
Got my L.W. invitations for the 100yrd dash and straight racing today ;) lol my terrht it would be funny 2 bite the side as they came through the door :angry:

Josh :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Got my L.W. invitations for the 100yrd dash and straight racing today ;) lol my terrht it would be funny 2 bite the side as they came through the door :angry:
Josh :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Have you been drinking Josh. :wacko: took me a minute to translate. :lol: well done for getting that far. :thumbsup: di
Got my L.W. invitations for the 100yrd dash and straight racing today ;) lol my terrht it would be funny 2 bite the side as they came through the door :angry:
Josh :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Have you been drinking Josh. :wacko: took me a minute to translate. :lol: well done for getting that far. :thumbsup: di

opps lol im a boreshead i meant TERRIER i dont think ive been drinking :wacko: cant tell wiv me tho (w00t)

Josh :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Cant beat them join them :teehee: :thumbsup: would love to see more folk down here with non-peds could start are own club then :thumbsup: not having a dig but good lurcher folk have and are quite happy to use non-peds for stud on there lurcher bitches so if we cant race at lurcher shows how will they know about good studs :wacko: I also never made the rule about lurchers raceing at non-ped meets but would like to know if they where how many lurcher folk would turn up to race (w00t) Its just my opinion but a non-ped is a cross breed so its a lurcher and i will always class them as that ;) :thumbsup:

Totally agree with you Russell. They are cross breds, And the majority are only there for the racing not the other events. Makes a stronger entry