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Lurchers = Oscar's 1st Rabbit.

Mike from Hereford

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Just got back in from some new permission, the owner of the fields stated his fields were overun with rabbits so I went out with one of the Blues Brothers (Blue) and Oscar my deerhound x lurcher.

Well, saw several rabbits in a orchard, seemed quite skitty (nervous) and were quick to move back into the hedgerow.Saw a entrance with a gate open, approached very slowly , both dogs on slip leads, appeared what seemed to be a flatish field, but then the distraction begun, there were rabbits moving about in the middle of the field and along the sides I would guess 30 + maybe more, again some moved into cover, some sat up, some went into a squat. The breeze luckly was going into my face, the dogs were straining on the leash, eager for a course.

Set them off, rabbits started moving, under pressure, quickly moving into cover.I then noticed a rabbit moving slowly in the orchard, recalled both dogs and Blue came charging over at mach 5, something I,ve waited for months to see, simply breathtaking.Well he went over the rabbit after a strike not quite connecting, but then Oscar made his strike and the rabbit was caught.Called both dogs and by some sort of miracle both dogs came back straight away, maybe the boys knew this was serious business.I made sure the rabbit was quickly dispatched and noticed one of his eyes was seeping puss, a sure sign of that disgusting disease, mixy.

Now , I had gone from a real , proud moment to one of dissapointment, but then thought back to what some hunters had told me about young dogs.Either start them on young rabbits or mixyed rabbits if possible.

The dogs are now asleep infront of the TV, and you just would not know 1 hour ago they were hunters, doing something they were designed for. Hope this don,t read like a hunting advert, but for me to witness my dogs doing something they obviously enjoy was a memorable moment.

I look forward to friday night, where I have invited a friend who owns a .22 rifle to cull another place overun with white tails.

So tonight was Oscars first catch, something I,m chuffed about for both of us, but mainly for the lurcher.

Congratulations Oscar!!!!!! :cheers:

You must be thrilled Mike.......................I remember seeing Basil catch his first and cant begin to describe how I felt. There is something breathtaking about watching a hound do what it is meant to do, combined with the stealth, grace and speed they have. May this be the first of many :x
yeah I know what you mean the first time i took Chloe my longdog out i was amazed one minute she's playing on the canal with an old coke bottle. I walk down a ginnel and she turns into this serious hunting dog stealthily walking by my side observing for rabbits, some thing i'd never seen from the loopy dog. She hasn't actually caught one as such yet but she's come close. Im sure she'll get one soon.
Proud dad :thumbsup: Well done Oscar
Well done Mike sounds like an excellent start, the beggining is all about boosting confidence and it sounds like Oscar has had a good boost. You're much better off running a young dog on green/mixy rabbits imo.
:cheers: Well done Oscar :thumbsup:
Nice one Mike, pleased for you. It`s always nice to see a dog that you have put time and effort into come good . Keep him going on the myxied rabbits and keep his confidence high . he should be a natural on them soon
well done Oscar! if nothing else, you should be pleased that he is putting the poor bloody myxsied bunny out of its misery

I agree about how the dogs change when their eye is caught - my whippets are old show dogs, but the people who know them as our pet pooches are always amazed about how they turn into serious hunters when they spot something to chase :eek:
Well done Mike,

after reading your initial post on this thread, have you ever thought of putting pen to paper and sending the exploits of your dogs first rabbit, or similar to the Countrymans Weekly? Im sure they would welcome it, and they are always looking for new enthusiastic contributors. I enjoyed reading that post, and I believe many others on K9 did, if you want any information or the editiors contact email send me a pm, I will help where I can :thumbsup: :cheers:
Congratualtions OSCAR !!

Congratulations also in order for my two young pups who took their first rabbit today. Albeit the rabbit had gotten behind a fence and when it darted for the only gap found four dogs waiting for it. A spot of expert tuition from the pups mother and I don't think they'll look back.

Hey Mike, heres what could have been his next first if the ban hadnt come into force, this one was taken a few years back now, pity about that ban :(
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