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Lurcher Owners In North London???


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I was wondering if there were any Lurcher owners in North London (around the Hampstead Heath/Highgate area) that wanted to look into meeting up to let their dogs play and have a good run around or even just to walk them.

I really want my rescue Lurcher to have a good off lead run/play with other dogs but being a Lurcher her type of play isn't really suitable for a lot of other dogs and I feel bad keeping her on leash most of the time.

Alternatively if anyone knows any good quiet areas to let dogs run around whether it's a tennis court or field that would be great too. Where I am there are so many dogs about that I just can't really leave her offleash the whole time as she'd be running off to meet them and chasing them around.

I did set up a Facebook group but can give details if anyone is interested.
Hi LurcherAl,

I can't think of anyone with lurchers in that area. Most of the regulars on here are far from London. I'm based in Aylesbury, so if you ever fancy a trip out this way up the A41 let me know. I have a large boisterous hairy lurcher and two whippets, all of which like to play rough! (w00t)


lurchers can play fine with other dogs just get her socialised and let her go. Chat with the owners and assess the dogs so that you can find the most suitable for her to play with (the owners are more likely to be a problem than the dogs) The only specific problem i have come acrosss with lurchers is their tendency to charge up to other dogs at high speed this can be solved by letting your dog off when its next to the other dog so it has no space to charge up.

As for less busy locations if you head out to hertfordshire not that far in a car i can recommend cuffley woods.
lurchers can play fine with other dogs just get her socialised and let her go. Chat with the owners and assess the dogs so that you can find the most suitable for her to play with (the owners are more likely to be a problem than the dogs) The only specific problem i have come acrosss with lurchers is their tendency to charge up to other dogs at high speed this can be solved by letting your dog off when its next to the other dog so it has no space to charge up.As for less busy locations if you head out to hertfordshire not that far in a car i can recommend cuffley woods.

Thanks for your comments, I do try to socialise her with other dogs but she does do that thing of charging over at full pelt which is a bit unerving for other dog owners. It's a relief to know that this is actually something Lurchers do rather than just mine. :sweating:

Problem is that if she is off leash already she'll do this if another dog comes on the scene and I'm not able to stop her if she isn't right next to me. If the other dog isn't interested then she'll just leave it alone but if it runs off then she'll immediately lock in and chase it.
Thanks for your comments, I do try to socialise her with other dogs but she does do that thing of charging over at full pelt which is a bit unerving for other dog owners. It's a relief to know that this is actually something Lurchers do rather than just mine.

Problem is that if she is off leash already she'll do this if another dog comes on the scene and I'm not able to stop her if she isn't right next to me. If the other dog isn't interested then she'll just leave it alone but if it runs off then she'll immediately lock in and chase it.

Keep your dog on the lead then let her off up close. This will get her into the habit of not charging up and allow you to meet other dogs/owners gradually they will get to know your dog and even if she does charge up later on will not be phased as they know the dog. Explain to other dog owners that she does this and that its not aggression. Also the more dogs she meets the less of a big deal it will become and she may stop the charging up as she is not so excited. The other things to work on are recall and a wait command if you train her to wait on command you will be able to stop her before she runs in, and then put her on a lead and do a controlled introduction.
Hi Lurcher AL

I sooo know where you are coming from! We don't live near London unfortunately, we're much further down south. I have my second lurcher Barney who is 18 months old. My first lurcher was Sonny and he was about 3 or 4 when we rescued him. He did the charging up to people thing all the time and he was a big dog. Always very friendly but it was a worry that he might unintentionally hurt another dog or person or child. And as others have said it is usually the owners that have the problem. Anyway, sadly we lost Sonn prematurely and by then I was smitten, so fate took us to another blue lurcher. Barney was a pup so we thought we would be able to train him not to do all the things you mentioned. Well that hasn't happened despite the puppy classes and the socialising, all my friends have dogs and both myself and my partner have had dogs before. He spots a dog long before me and he's off. The difference is he comes back straight away and soon looses interest. He's very play driven so taking balls etc works and he is much more interested in us as he's getting older. We always walk him with our other dog in local farmers fields where we come across like minded people with their working dogs so it works well for us.

Theres always loads of advice on this site so good luck with her! Dig out the ordnance survey maps and go find somewhere where she can run like the wind!