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Lurcher Help

Thank you - thought it might be something like that but wasn't sure.
All my dogs have always got on with terriers, on the whole jack russells, not so much staffies though.
Do you mean one male one female Kara?
Sorry posted to quickly, thought it maybe a rabbit reference.
Usual advice is different age, different breed, different gender.
All my dogs have always got on with terriers, on the whole jack russells, not so much staffies though.
Do you mean one male one female Kara?
We had a female lurcher and jrt i mainly stick to males i find them much easier than bitches .... (just personal preference )
I currently have one female lurcher 2 male lurchers and 2 male jack russells all neutered :)
now i mainly stick to males i find them much easier than bitches
Its funny you say that, when looking for another dog before we got Elsa, i was asked what i wanted and said i have always had females, the reply was males are easier but because i did some training with some rottweilers many years ago i was told the males were harder/more stubborn to train,a completely different type of dog i know it always stuck with me.
One of the reasons was of dominance problems when meeting other dogs, has this ever been an issue?
Urinating and marking in inappropriate places? i do however have bitch patches all over my lawn and i think my wife has shares in miracle grow patch repair :)
We have never had a problem with dominance from the boys only my girl ...but she does have 4 boys to look after!!!!
Never any peeing ...easy peasy to train ....all mine love other dogs and welcome them into the home ...victor used to be funny with black labs only whilst onlead ....
Thank you Kara worth considering, wouldn't mind a jrt but lots of holes where we live and have had to help rescue a friends once, love to see them all running around together but to many fluffy things above and below ground :)
Had a thought that i maybe should of mentioned, sort of adds up to when Elsa got more upset seeing other dogs.
Out on a walk and Elsa running around with another lurcher seemed to be having fun, the other dog was friendly but could of been the fastest dog Elsa had ever met, this may of frightened her, the other dog came back but Elsa didn't and ended up running home, at the time i thought it was something else as there is the odd loud noise because of the army, which hadn't bothered her up to that point.
Elsa has also met the same dog after that a few times and isn't that bothered but i am only now really appreciating how nervous she can be i thought it could have been a trigger?
I live in a rural area of my jrts stays on an extending lead ...the other one barely leaves my side snt interested in chasing or going to ground neither was my others jrts ....
Have a look on Rescue Remedies site they have lots of different terriers and they consider fostering to adopt ;)
You need to read this guide to lurchers: Lurchers for Beginners - greydogtales ;)

Sighthounds (as a generalisation, there's always exceptions) love other sighthounds - they spot each other from quite a distance, and greet each other like long-lost friends, even those as unlike each other as a whippet and a deerhound.
That link to greydogtales is hilarious! I'm sure our Kelpie X is part Lurcher!