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Lumps And Bumps


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Hi, First Post.

Can any 1 help me here, kobi is 10months old, sometimes when we come back from a walk he starts getting lumps and bumps on his Back. Sometimes his face and throat swell right up. The vet isn't sure about this problem.

Any help would be great

Thanks Richard
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It sounds like it could be an allergy problem, but I am no expert. Perhaps you need a second opinion from another vet?

It does sound like an allergy. I am surprised that the vet was not able to come up with something. You could try a half or just a quarter Piriton antihistamine tablet, the old kind, not the daily non drowsey ( the old type ones you take 3 times a day are safer).Piriton is also available in a chlidrens syrup. Try this an hour before you go for a walk and see if the bumps still appear. I agree that a second opinion might be required but I am really surprised that the vet did not give you an antihistamine to try and see if this solved the problem.

I have used piriton in the past when my dog had multiple wasp stings and colllapsed. The vet said that it was safe to do so.

Good luck :luck:
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Sounds exactly like an allergy to me. Finding out what the allergy is to, might be difficult if its something out on a walk. This is my boy after a wasp sting, I keep antihistamine everywhere since it happened - car, caravan, indoors - goodness knows what would happen if he was stung by a swarm - doesn't bear thinking about.

I have had whippets just come in from the garden before with similar symptoms to the ones you are describing, and many years ago I went speeding off to the vets one night for an emergency appointment because I was horrified :eek: Now, I'm quite calm about it - as long as I have anti-histamines to hand :D

our old boxer dog used to have an allergy to mosquito bites and the exact same thing used to happen. he used to have piriton tablets twice a day if we were going to be walking anywhere near the woods.
Hi thanks for the advise, piriton does the trick. give him half as soon as i see the lumps appearing.

Q. how can i upload a picture?? all my pictures are over 300k. any help would be great.

I can only agree with the comments above. One of my dogs had a reaction after licking carpet cleaner!!!!
open with Microsoft office picture manager if you have it. Go to edit picture, click on compress and the box webpages. Save et voila

If you do not have MOPManager then you need to find a way of compressing the picture.


Hi Richard glad youve found your way to K9... :thumbsup:

Life is very strange isnt it...Richard and I met on facebook...and I couldnt help thinking his Kobi looked so wonder

after we had both had a chat....My Kobi and his Kobi have the same dad...Brunstfield Playaway...they are half brothers.and we live miles apart

and have picked the same name.....hows that eh? :thumbsup: (w00t)

Meant to say Richard, mine have had those lumps and bumps too...and they do go away eventually, but look so aweful .
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Stunning whippet!!!

What a coincidence that both Kobis are related and with the same name (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) .......... spooky :eek:
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As soon as I saw your photo, I thought he looks just like Janice's Kobi (one of my favourites on's those black ears). it must be a popular dog's name in the NE. :- Look forward to many more photos of Kobi #2 :wub:
Hi Richard, I am Kobi's dads owner,it is lovely to see the picture of him, he looks very handsome, and also has his dad's lovely black ears. I hope you get the lumps and bumps sorted, it does sound like an allergy, but not one I have come across. Have you tried getting his breeder's advice as she is a vet?

What a stunning lad :)

Glad the piriton works. My vet OKed it for use in dogs but I am not sure of the correct dose.
Hi Liz last time a seen you was that coursing day in malton. How you doing??? Kobi is fine. Got some advise from fiona the vet she advised on half a piriton.

we still arn't sure what causes it. I'm thinking of getting another whippet to keep Kobi Company, He goes for walks with another whippet and really enjoys it.

I went to show fiona Kobi yesterday but she was out. Luckily the dog walker ladie was there so kobi got to meet his mother and sister. He's alot bigger then the both of them.


Hi Richard

I remember meeting you at Malton, I have replied to you other query, in the other thread, my dogs are fine, we do go to a few in Northumberland, there was Corbridge Agricultural show, but I did not go this year, in Durham there are shows in September at agricultural shows at Stanhope and Wolsingham which have 2 or 3 whippet classes. There is also the Cheviot Canine society which has a couple of shows a year at Wooler and has 2 whippet classes, the next one is on July 18th and the secretary's number is 01289 309833 a Mrs Davison. you would have to be quick to enter as the entries close Monday June 22nd. They also run a training class on Wed nights in Powburn, which would be really good for you if you were thinking of showing him, a bit of practice first is a good thing.

Hi liz thanks for the advise. i'll look out for events up and coming in the durham area. I've taken Kobi along to dog training he has just passed his gold test. :) with jackie hall northumberland canine centre.

What advise would you give me about getting another whippet???
