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Luke (wintermoon)

called in to see Luke on my way home yesterday , the lovable big lump was wagging his tail non stop to say pampered pet is an understatement in the Marsden house he'll have the best retirement a dog could wish for

Best of luck at the vet this morning :luck:
Likes having his operation as we speak , it's a different break from the 1st time & it's a bad one so let's all hope & pray for him . He's with a top class vet in Paul so he should be fine !
Luke has had his op today it took along time almost 4 hours he has had scaffolding put on it so its just time now to see how he goes on, Paul our vet is great and I have every confidence in how he has treated luke, thanks for all the good wishes

fiona & john
My heart goes out to you, :( can't imagine how i would feel if it was my little girl,. :( glad to here he's out of the operation OK. :thumbsup: di
Glad Luke has had his operation and best of luck with his recovery, hope it all goes well. :luck: It is such a devastating time when such tragedy happens when we are racing our dogs and they are doing what they love most in life. I would just like to say there is no 'easy option' at times like these, we do what is best for our beloved pets and what is best advised by our vets. We know from our tragedy last year how heart breaking times like these are. :luck: Glad he will be able to enjoy his retirement :thumbsup:
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good luck with luke john & fiona hope everything goes well for him :luck:
Glad Luke came through his op ok. Get well soon Luke :thumbsup:
Glad Luke has had his operation and best of luck with his recovery, hope it all goes well. :luck: It is such a devastating time when such tragedy happens when we are racing our dogs and they are doing what they love most in life. I would just like to say there is no 'easy option' at times like these, we do what is best for our beloved pets and what is best advised by our vets. We know from our tragedy last year how heart breaking times like these are. :luck: Glad he will be able to enjoy his retirement :thumbsup:

have to agree karen could'nt have put it better,
Was at the vets with my own as Luke was being operated on, Paul showed us the wound before he dressed it and the xrays and you've got to be pleased with what he's done.

Xrays for John and Craig to see.





Luke bless him was ever so well behaved when he came round, as if he knew what was going on. Fingers and everything else crossed for him :luck:
God love him, I hope is feeling better soon. :luck: Good Luck Luke
good :luck: with luke hope he makes a full recovery and is up and about soon :thumbsup: Not something i ever want to witness again. Pleased the operation went well good :luck:
Well I think Paul's done a fine job :thumbsup:

Like's been said no option is an easy one and unfortunately John and Fiona have travelled this path before. Luke is a brilliant patient and this combined with Ian Taylor's work at stabilising the injury along with Paul's impressive surgery and of course John and Fiona's care will hopefully give him the best of outcomes. :luck:

My sincerest wish is that this thread finishes with Luke frolicing on the beach and enjoying his retirement, he's certainly got the odds in his favour. :luck:
Good luck with Luke ...i bet he is very sore today
Thankyou everyone for the money received from the collection at the track for luke on sunday it is much appreciated

fiona & john
So glad Luke has had a successfull operation and all the best for a full recovery. I know what you are going through keeping him confined and quiet.

My little Sam feels so much better but wants to try and run about but he has to be still until spinal injury gets stronger
2 great folks that dont deserve as much bad luck.hope he make a full recovery :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:

di and dave :luck:
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Update on Luke just been back to Paul with him he is quite happy with how he is progressing, his screws and scaffolding are still intact but we now have to encourage Luke to put his foot down and walk on it to excersise his wrist.

Update on Luke just been back to Paul with him he is quite happy with how he is progressing, his screws and scaffolding are still intact but we now have to encourage Luke to put his foot down and walk on it to excersise his wrist.
Glade to hear the boys feeling well even with the scaffolding, :thumbsup: it's a long road to recovery, but worth it in the end. :thumbsup: di
