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Lovable But Agressive Labrador!


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My 5 month labrador has recently developed a slightly concerning agression when told certain comands by my wife and my wife only. She will get really excited and out of the blue jump and continue jumping and biteing without stopping! now she is 20kg and very strong. She will then go mad and run around at 100mph! the bites are getting very strong and now drawing blood. She is a great dog in all other ways, no issues on walks with other people or dogs, great with the kids etc.....

It seems like she has it in for my wife and only my wife who plays with her all the time and spends time training her in the house. My concern is will she grow out of this? or shall we start doing something to correct it now before she decides to do it to the kids!!

Please help as I am very concerned......


Hi ollie i have 4 Labs, and yes something has to be done now, simply walk away from her when she becomes over excited, its a game thats all and because your wife interacts with her all the time she knows her well and feels she can be herself, they get overexcited and she as yet to learn self control, if she senses her becoming hyped up she needs to turn her back and walk away untill she calms down, she then needs to call the dog to her and instigate whatever play or training she wants to resume but on her terms. Dogs hate being ignored and will soon get the message, while your ignoring her though that means everything , no verbal , no eye contact nothing.

Our two year old male dog still has mad bursts where he literally runs up the sofas etc , i only have to stand up and walk to him and he stops now .
Hi Andrea,

Thank you for your advice.

As mentioned my worry is that she bites and bites when she is in this state of mind. Will this stop when teething finishes and her teeth are adult teeth?

I think your wife also needs to regain control of the doggy...

Our trainer told us that when Ripples jumped up, we were to tell her 'Off' then when she stopped jumping 'Sit' then when sat 'Okay'.

If she takes two attempts to do any of these commands, we have to take her by the collar (by hand or lead) and put her into a non populated area - we use the utility room.

After 3/4 minutes we let her out without a word and if she starts again we go through teh process again.

It took us 2 days and we rarely have to put her put now.

Welcome to Dog Forum btw! :)

Oh and whilst we started we used a lead rein so one of us could physically move her by lead rather than grabbing her collar all of the time...
keep hands out the way, if you try to physically stop her from jumping up or point she will see your hands as an object to mouth, i tend to opt for the stand still hands folded and turn around so that my back is where the dog is then walk away.

If teething is still an issue give her toys she can chew on like kong toys you can fill these with food or yogurt pop it in the freezer and when frozen give it to your dog to keep her occupied ,it also helps that she can try to remove any puppy teeth still left.