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Lost Italian Greyhound

My heart goes out to the people who bought this beautiful 4 year old girl yesterday and so obviously wanted her, the distance they have travelled. I cannot imagine what they are going through now. Well done Nicky for all that you are doing to highlight her disappearance, I only wish I lived nearer to help out as other people are. I look forward to her safe return to her new owners.

Donna X
There has been a breakthrough. A lady who lives in Dunstall common had a positive sighting of Aria earlier today outside her house, She had been eating the cats food too as well it would seem. Her mother breeds Italian Greyhounds and she came over with a couple of other dogs, to helpwith the search, and maybe try and coax Aria out with others of her breed. Aria was called, but whilst turning around, carried on walking off.They did try to a pincer movement to try and contain her into an area, but Aria, although this wasnt done in any way to scare her, disapeared into a hedge. The last sighting was 10.15 This ladies daughter, is going to leave feed out for Aria, and hope that she will come back for some more, when she is hungry, and will contact me if any more sightings.
hoping this little girl is found safe and sound
Unfortunately it is reported on doglost that she has been back to the services but is now running down the motorway. Poor little soul. I hope she keeps safe
Unfortunately it is reported on doglost that she has been back to the services but is now running down the motorway. Poor little soul. I hope she keeps safe
yes and she is being tailed by the motorway police.
This saga is making me sick to my heart :'( :'( :'(

I hope that the poor little mite is safe soon :luck:
I have to say the people at Doglost are exceptional. What an amazing organisation
I have to say the people at Doglost are exceptional. What an amazing organisation

:thumbsup: It is heartwarming to see people working together with the best interests of the dog first and foremost. Having transported a few rescues I'm only too aware of how easily an accident like this can happen. Just hoping and praying that this little one is picked up soon.
This is just so awful. Im sick to the stomach :( . God, I hope this little girl is found safe.
OMG I hope this little girl is caught safe & sound soon! It just fills you with horror to know she is lose on a motorway :(

If she comes through this she will be the luckiest girl ever! :luck: :luck: :luck:
I can't imagine what her owners are going through right now, I'm upset just reading about it. Absolutely everything crossed that she will be OK.
I hope that local radio stations are all alerted and warning people to be aware. So many people listen to the local stations for traffic alerts when driving that at least making them aware there is a dog loose may make them watch their speed even if there is nothing they can do to help catch her. Stay safe little one :luck:
Just bumping this to the top, have just logged on to see if any good news, feel sick with the near misses yesterday, here's hoping better luck today.


Donna X
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She's been caught, just seen it on Doglost and Facebook :D
Wow that is fantastic news, I couldn't stop thinking about her terrified and loose on the motorway last night.

Thanks so much for updating :thumbsup:
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Thats the best news EVER :D

Well done to all who helped catch this little girl xx
Brilliant news. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: So pleased she has been found safe and sound. I kept checking back on Dog Lost as I couldn't stop thinking about her. Everyone must feel so relieved. Well done to Dog Lost and all concerned in searching for little Aria. :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: