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Hello! :)

Just found this forum through googling saluki lurchers!

Dont know how to go about this so will just go ahead...

I lost my lurcher 2years ago and am at the right time now to have another one. I want to start afresh with a puppy i can watch grow up... Plus i have 2 cats so starting them off young!

My last lurcher was a stunner. 1st cross saluki/grey. A smooth haired with saluki looks and ears but a bit chunkier muscle wise. She was parti coloured, white with black patches and spots on her and tiny bit of tan on her eybrows and ear edging... She was a hunter before i got her but took to a life of leisure like a duck to water...

Temprament wise i couldnt fault her, loved people, large, small great with people with disablities etc... So i would have to meet the parents to rule out any nervousness etc... She was used as a therapy dog for disabled children you see...

Now i know unless i get a puppy from a litter by her previous owner it will be difficult to find one with similar looks and temprament. But A) I would never purposely get one from him as he is a horrible man and that was the reason we rescued her at 3years old in the first place...

If anyone would like to know what she looks like to get an idea then please pm me with your email addy and i will be able to email you a picture...

So if anyone know anyone who has a 1st cross saluki/grey litter that isnt fawn or black or black and tan would you be able to point me in the right direction? EIther that or a 1st cross rough deerhound/grey as i do love them aswell...

Look forward to joining in!
hi, hope you find your perfect little puppy :wub:
Welcome to K9 :cheers: See if you can find a paper called the Countryman' s Weekly for litters of saluki lurchers. You may find that 1stx saluki greyhounds are a bit rare, particularly post hunting ban. As I understand it, 1st crosses were bred very specifically for fenland coursing. I think that you may find that special chilled out temprament in many crosses of lurcher with saluki blood in them. As for nervousness, in my limited experience, socialisation, living in the house with the family and bonding with their trainer is even more important for saluki types than other dogs. My dog is a saluki type but she was a rescue job. Even years on, people still comment on how relaxed she is now, compared to the bundle of nerves she was. I am convinced that this is mostly down to being with me more or less 24/7, rather than being kennelled most of the time in her previous homes. She still carries medical problems which I think are possibly down to stress encountered due to long term kennelling and being bred from very young.

Deerhound lurchers are fine looking beasts, and, I believe, chilled out souls too. There is an established deerhound lurcher breeder in the midlands (Leicestershire, I think) and another in the north east, who I think is called Bill Docherty. Other K9 ers may know much more about these breeders than I do.
sorry, link didnt work, i saw a dog wanting a home on the whippet forum
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Thanks for the info...

I didnt know that 1st cross saluki greys may be hard to come by! My previous lurcher was just chilled out from the beginning which, considering she was kept outside in a cage with a bit of tarpaulin over the top for 3 years, amazed me. Brilliant hunter but didnt breed hence him getting rid of her.

I wil definitely check out the countrymans weekly when i can find it and i just might get in touch with the man from your link aswell Bedlam. Hopefully i will come back soon with an addition!
Hello and welcome to K9 forum,

I too had a stunning first cross greyhound/saluki who I loved dearly but lost far too early.He was rich red with white trimmings and a very chilled out ,faithful soul who, although he could catch and did catch, I don't think really considered this his principal role in life. We understood other very well and I adored him.

Like yourself I searched for another first cross but this can be difficult so many ads on further investigation can turn out to be not what you want. Also there is the point that I had not considered at first and that is that you will NEVER replace that first dog who stole your heart. Now I can hear some people saying "sentimental rubbish" but I am sure the large majority of us truly love our dogs. In the end I settled for a 5/8 greyhound-3/8 saluki who looks very "greyhoundy", not quite the same but not a bad dog at all. However in my search for another more "special " character I came across a first cross greyhound/deerhound, he is quite a character,not as fast as my other dog but with more brain, he is a big dog being 32" at the shoulder and weighing close to 40kgs but can be as gentle as a lamb and definately more chilled out than the other two lurchers I have owned.

Anyway the very best of luck in your search for your next companion. I hope you find "the one"

Morganna :sorcerer:
I know Morganna!

Once you lose you first dog its very difficult to stop thinking " i want another Chloe (her name)" and realise you cant get another the same... Probably why i have waited 2 years to have another dog...

I did meet a full deerhound at The County Show in Stafford recently which completely bowled me over at how lovely and gentle he was and have narrowed it down to another saluki x, deerhound grey x or full deerhound! I'm looking at some options at the moment from some great info people have told me to look at so fingers crossed one will stand out!
Wheres about are you? as i know of a Saluki x in a rescue centre,looks lovely too.
Im am in a little village just outside Wolverhampton... Has this rescue centre got a website?