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Longhaired Whippet Pics

Wow lovely dogs :wub: have never seen ones like them before :thumbsup:
The Longhaired Whippet and the Silken Windhound are two SEPERATE breeds. Both are wonderfull dogs! People get confused because the Silkens were started from LHW and Borzoi crosses and were at firsat called Silken Windsprite. The Windsprite name was droped because it belonged to a LHW breeder. The silkens are a little taller and have a Borzoi head intstead of the Whippet head, and in MHO they are a little more aloof than the LHW. I looked at both when I was researching what dog to get and had a hard time choosing but ended up with the LHW because I like the whippy look better than the Borzoi look. The Silken poeple are having an easier time because they chose a new name compleatly and some people who may have liked the LHW don't want to deal with the nastyness of some poeple who have issues with the LHW. It's too bad our little dogs weren't marketed another way, but oh well. You guys are lucky to have so many options when it comes to sighthounds over there! But it does go to show that there is a large interest for a smaller, longcoated sighthound, whatever they may be.

I think they're beautiful. :wub: :wub:

I don't really think they are lurchers, because even though there are some lines of lurchers that people claim to breed true they don't really. They are crossbreeds and so their genetics work as such, even the most inbred lines won't have litters as consistent as a true 'breed'.

Also I have yet to see a lurcher with such a silky coat. Even the really whippety long coated ones (see Josie in my sig.) have rougher looking coats. The only silky whippet lurchers that I have seen have had saluki/collie in them and they haven't nearly as much coat.
I think they are lovely!! I especially like Cruise..he looks stunning and has such or looks to have such a fine silky coat.

Lovely dogs,whatever they are or are'nt :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
FoxyDog said:
No problem!
Like I said, I don't really care either way.  There are LOTS of web sites with info on them about both theories.  I LOVE Lurchers which was why I was drawn to them in the first place, but none of the rescues I contacted in England would ship them over seas.  It has got me interested in genetics which is REALLY cool too, I've seen Labs which are both black AND yellow and longahaired Dalmations!  Crazy!


This is a thread over on Whippet World where there was some fairly level-headed discussion about the origins.

Martina said:
so.. is this the Silken Windhund? Or Silnky Windsprite?We have one here in Dubai - the dog is AMAZING.. he moves with such a grace!

And he does look slightly borsoi-ish - and I find that it really adds to his elegance..  :wub:

The dog in Dubai is a Silken Windhound, exported from kennel Sarafias in Finland. Not a LHW.
Wow. That's A LOT of reading. I does sadden me though that there is so much mis information. Walter Wheeler was NOT a bad man, I know for a fact that he LOVED his dogs very much. I'm a little offended at the "cult-like" followers comment. Most of us are just poeple who fell in love with this beautiful, persaonable, and charming little dog. Silkens are beautiful, but do resemble a Borzoi more than anything else. Most us us prefuer our whippet-looking pups. Walter DID NOT own Shelties at the same time as his LHW BUT did own two Borzio.

Unfourtunatly I found this dog breed long after the debate started so I cannot say either way. What I can say is that some people are disregarding the very history of the whippet itself. Whippets did start out, for all intents and purposes, as lurchers. Almost every history book states they came from either greyhound/IG's crossed with terriers or hearding breeds. The DNA test still do not prove, in my opinion, that they are or are not crossed. The gene for ivermectin sensativity could possably only be carried on the longhaired gene therfore it would not show up in the smooth whippet population. The paper that was writen on the issue did NOT conclude that LHW were or were not pure whippets. It simply states that they carry the gene for it.

I have seen quite a few pictures of Wirehaire Whippets and I don't see why poeple have a problem with longhaires but accept the wirehairs. The pics look a little terrier to me ;) It doesn't matter to me, I still call them Wirehair Whippets!

I guess there is just bad blood. I wish someone would start over from the begining, use the dogs that we have now and just say they are new. I don't think the name should change as they are meant to be a whippet with a coat. It would be the same as if someone wanted a wire coated Lab and introduced some other wirehaired dog into it but over time got a dog that looked like a lab with a wire coat. It's no different. Of course the Lab people would then be up in arms! :lol:

It all seems a little silly to me. All I can say is that the LHW people I have had the pleasure to know are wonderful dog lovers with a passion for their little pups. They are responsable breeders and VERY supportive of their dogs and new owners.

Some day I'll move somewhere warm and I can get a smooth whippet too. I think all the whippies on this site are just BEATIFUL and I love seeing them and talking to you guys! :cheers:

So so different :wub: they are a bit like small salukis - how graceful. :wub:
FoxyDog said:
Again, this is all matter of opinion, not fact.  The truth is that we don't know for sure either way and can't prove it either way.  I also don't call them Lurchers because Lurchers have no defined standard and do not breed true.  If someone someday decided to breed lurchers to a standard and came up with a dog that like to like begets like than you could call it a breed after a time .  There are two groups breeding Longhairs.  I investigated both and found through outside sources (unrealated to either group) that one club are not responsable breeders and have been know to outcross their lines (hence some of the confution).  There is also another group which used the Longhaired Whippets as their foundation stock for breeding a smaller Borzio-like dog (which adds even more confution). 

It's just my opinion that regardless of the dogs origin it is still bred to be a whippet with long hair. 

I like Ladradoodles, cockapoos, and some other crossbreeds.  If some day they are able to get them to breed true then I'd have no problem calling them a breed.  I'm a very open  kind of person.

Above all, I think it's great that there are so many breeds and crosses to choose from when it comes to dogs, everyone can find something that they like. 


And by outcrossing I suppose you mean a "LHW"-kennel like this one?
>>And by outcrossing I suppose you mean a "LHW"-kennel like this one?

I've never heard of that particular kennel. They do seem to outcross, but they tell you so and I don't have a problem with that. The only thing is that is does confuse people who haven't done their research.

I took a look at your dogs StarCastle and WOW are they pretty!!! It really was a hard choice between the LHW and the SW!

FoxyDog said:
>>And by outcrossing I suppose you mean a "LHW"-kennel like this one?
I've never heard of that particular kennel.  They do seem to outcross, but they tell you so and I don't have a problem with that.  The only thing is that is does confuse people who haven't done their research. 

I took a look at your dogs StarCastle and WOW are they pretty!!!  It really was a hard choice between the LHW and the SW!


The black puppy on your photos looks very much like a 6 month old black puppy I have here. Head is different, mine has a much flatter nose, and for the moment she is awfully high in the rear throwing all her angulation off, making her looking a bit silly :- )

Their dog Skippy is out of my pup's Granddad NorthCorbin! Too Cool!


I've GOT to see photo's!!!!!!!! Please post some :D

starcastle said:
Martina said:
so.. is this the Silken Windhund? Or Silnky Windsprite?We have one here in Dubai - the dog is AMAZING.. he moves with such a grace!

And he does look slightly borsoi-ish - and I find that it really adds to his elegance..  :wub:

The dog in Dubai is a Silken Windhound, exported from kennel Sarafias in Finland. Not a LHW.

Small world.. :D

I think his name is Florian - I do remember now the lady telling he was from the Finnish line.. they used to bring him for our lure coursing sessions but he was still too young to run at that time-he was more of a spectator. I think the lady used to have borsoi herself - so the SW does remind her of the breed.

I'll give them a call and see if they are keen to arrange for a nice whippie/windhound run over the next few days. Will post some photos here then!
I just do not understand why would somebody feel the need to "create" something like Appaluchian greyhound, when there is already a breed looking very much like it = Deerhound. I have also came across a "new American" breed looking very much like an Irish Water Spaniel and several other breeds, when i tried to compare their descriptions, they were almost identical - some differed slightly in size, others in the recognized colours.

There are so many different breeds in the world and unless there is a very compelling reason I do not think people should be trying to breed new ones. Some of the existing more rare breeds already have problems due to the fact that there is not enough of genetic diversity.

Most of the old, existing breeds were created over a very long time by mutts being sellected for particular purpose, and also in the time when people did not move around so much they were limited to the breeding stock available in their immediate area. Some colour preferences happened when lets say certain black dog was the best performer (in what ever particular role) so people would believe that black pups are related to him, so were picked over other coloured ones. Untill dogs started to be registered and the stud books closed, anybody could introduce anything they wanted into their breeding.

The problem with the new breeds (I am not talking about the designer mutts) is that it will be very difficult to keep sufficient genetic diversity, while getting them to breed true.
Well...and please don't take this the wrong way, but Kennel Clubs seem to have the idea that any dog other than what they call a pure-bred dog should not exist. We do have LOTS of breeds,rare breeds and crosses to choose from, but there is always room for others. For me, I wanted a smaller coated whippet-like dog. I LOVE Greyhounds and work with my local Greyhound rescue but they are just too big for me. Deerhounds are lovely dogs but mabey someone would like a smaller version. You guys have Lurchers but they are hard to find here and you can't know for certain how they will look or act as an adult dog. I also love rare breeds, but lets face it, they are hard to come by- that's why they're rare! Shipping dogs can be expensive and something that not every person can afford. Not every breeder/rescue is willing to ship dog either.

I don't have an issue with someone trying to create a new breed. It is HOW they do it that I care about. I know how hard it is to develop a breed. The LHW registry is still open to smooth whippets so that we can have a broader gene pool. It is a VERY slow process and you have to be willing to hold as many dogs as is needed without dumping then at shelters, pet stores, or any of the other irresponsable places to send unwanted stock.

I work for the City Animal Control so I KNOW how many animals are wasted every single day. I rescued my first dog FOXY from the shelter, but I've ALWAYS wanted a whippet and just fell in love with LHWs. I'm VERY glade that they are around.

Unfortunatly breeds will be lost. They may never show up again, or they might be re-created by some later admirer. And new ones will always pop up. It's just they way things are.

Aren't you galde someone decided to create Whippets? :D

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