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Long Way From Tipperary

Mark Roberts said:
does that mean we'll be having a few nights out at belle vue in the future 
were the chips and gravy that good Lesley :p

The second lot were Mark :- " Andy said the first lot were nice but he had to throw some away seeing as he'd already had a burger :(
Mark Roberts said:
Hi Jax,I told you the Droopy's Merson litter would be something a bit special, wouldnt be suprised if 1 didnt win something major in the next year or so.

If they do go NGRC you'll have to give us the names so we can watch out for them.

My mates got a litter down by Hondo Black x Fogonthetyne, Hondo Blacks first crop are just hitting the track and are already winning on NGRC.

he could be a big stud dog in the future once a few more of his pups hit the track.

They have registered the affix [SIZE=14pt]OOEERR[/SIZE] :eek:

I think thats how theyve spelt it . :blink: I think a couple are on Hall Green , they might be runnings B A G S
oh how nice, I'd love a grey, infact my house would be full of sighthounds given half the chance, 2 just doesn't seem to be enough :p

thier VERY, VERY addictive!! :thumbsup: good luck!
Right now we have the dilema, the greyhound is called Aggie, so i said you cant just have an aggie you have to have KIM & AGGIE, and as none of our dogs are called KIM, we might have to get another, Mark said she will just have to live with being on her own but i dont think thats fair, i think a nice rough coated Beddy/whippet called KIM would be much better. :- "
Paula Roberts said:
Right now we have the dilema, the greyhound is called Aggie, so i said you cant just have an aggie you have to have KIM & AGGIE, and as none of our dogs are called KIM, we might have to get another, Mark said she will just have to live with being on her own but i dont think thats fair, i think a nice rough coated Beddy/whippet called KIM would be much better.  :- "
or a saluki :thumbsup:
The only Kim that might be coming here is a nice Hondo Black x Fogonthetyne pup.
Haven't a clue about racing / greyhound bloodlines. But good luck - it all sounds very exciting. :luck:
Congratulation and good luck with your new arrival Mark and Paula :cheers: :luck:

Oh I am jealous now, must not go near the racing kennels, must not go near the racing kennels..........................................
Due to i'll health (my mates health) He's letting the 2 dog pups go as well.

6 month old sapplings (Doroopy's Agassy x Droopy's Trisha) reared in complete freedom with good quality food.

they are £1000 each (a deal for the pair) price includes delivery to the UK.
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The transporter rang me last night to let me know he's be picking Aggie! up at 10am this morning and so will meet me at 7am Thursday for me to collect her from him.

So a few pics tommorow night of Parkstone ???????? umm this thinking of names is hard.
We have just come back from visiting a very well known, and respected whippet breeder who has loaned us many pedigrees from way back; even before when Noah was still hitting his thumb.



Amongst these we found a pedigree and a press cutting for a 1910ish Irish whippet called Rarie. It appears this whippet had quite an interesting life and became valuable as a stud in Ireland. He sired many litters of multi-tasking whippets and is even listed in the Irish KC Stud Book as Ch sire for 1912.



Unfortunately in 1914 he was stolen and his owners told to pay a ransom with the warning that if the ransom of £20, which was an awful lot of money in 1914, was not paid he would be killed by being tipped from a high cliff, out of a lorry, and his body left to be claimed by the sea..



Luckily the owners paid the ransom and claimed the dog back and he continued to sire many racing, coursing, showing Champions – you will find his name in many Irish litters if you look far enough back.





The news became national in Ireland and the cutting, from the Irish News, shows a picture of the whippet and the cliff he had been almost thrown over.






The caption reads:

You can see from the photograph that.................................










[SIZE=14pt]It's A Long Way to tip a Rarie[/SIZE]
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Have you got any finger nails left Mark (w00t) :sweating: I think you should call her Parkstone need a bigger house :lol:
good luck with your greyhound :luck: :luck: look forward to lots of piccys
:luck: Good luck for tomorrow Mark and Paula, hope everything goes smoothly :luck:

Aggie is gonna seem absolutely huge compared to your diddy whippets!!

Bit harder to share your sofa with a greyhound :- "

Good Luck with her and look forward to seeing you at Westy :thumbsup: