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Lola Is Listless


Warrior Queen
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I'm going to take Lola in to the vet's tomorrow morning to get her checked out, but I can't put my finger on what's wrong with her. Does anyone have any ideas?

She's just coming up to 2 years. She's wormed regularly. She's normally lively and bouncy and very eager to play, but for the last few days she's been listless and lacking in energy. She doesn't seem to be in any pain, has no injuries or obvious problems, although she is a bit off her food (has had a couple of chicken wings today but turned away from anything else which is unlike her). She just seems sad... and it seems a big effort for her to jump up onto the sofa.

It is about the time she would normally have had a season. She was neutered last year and has gone through one 'season-time' in November when she was fine, so I don't think it's a phantom season (if there is such a thing!).

Has anyone else seen their whippet do this? Does it last? Has she got something more serious wrong with her that I'm not focussing on?

:( :(
I'm sorry Lola isn't herself :( it's always worrying when we don't know what's wrong with our little darlings. I'm no expert but it doesn't sound too much to worry about to me. Feebs has moods sometimes when she wanders around in the evenings rather than settling on a lap or in bed and sometimes I think it is if someone is out of the house as she wonders where they are. Don't want to sound flippant either but could it just be the awful wet weather we've got? :blink: Feebs hates it and wants to stay in bed and not go out, perhaps Lola is just fed up and lacking in energy because she's not perhaps been able to go out for her usual walks?

:luck: :luck: at the vets tomorrow. Always nice to have them checked by an expert to rule things out :thumbsup:
I would put it down to the season time probably,I've mentioned it before but my mum inlaws dogs were speyed years ago but she know when both of them would have been in season because their moods change :unsure:

I would still pop her to the vet though helen if you're worried, hope she's back to normal soon :huggles: :luck: :luck:
*Lesley* said:
I would put it down to the season time probably,I've mentioned it before but my mum inlaws dogs were speyed years ago but she know when both of them would have been in season because their moods change :unsure:
I would still pop her to the vet though helen if you're worried, hope she's back to normal soon :huggles:   :luck:   :luck:

I'll second all of the above :thumbsup:

To be honest, if she really isn't herself it would be best to get her checked anyway just in case.
Poor Lola :huggles: Could it be that she thinks she's coming into season even although she has been neutered . My bitch was like that and around the time she would have been due in she behaved as if she hadn't been neutered at all . She showed this behaviour every six months for a couple of years after she was neutered .

Good luck at the vets :huggles:
Are her motions normal, that is have you checked that shes been actually doing them regularly? Id be inclined to get her checked out if her first season was ok, just to check she hasnt got anything going on internally such as a blockage. Shes your dog & you'll know her best, but if your worried go to the vet if only to put your mind at rest. If the same thing happens the next time she would have been 'due' in season, you will have your answer so keep a mental note of the date now.

Evie was just like this last week for a few days :( , but unlike Lola she wan't off her food and hasn't been spayed (and not due in season ) she was very listless, didn't want to play, slept more than usual (if that's possible :b !) when we went out for walks she just plodded along and didn't want to play with Gracie or any other dog.

I was ready to take her to the vets for a check up cos I knew it just wasn't like her to be like this, then on Sunday afternoon in the park we met up with a new (male) dog who just wanted to play with Evie (and not Gracie who is in season :wacko: )

anyway this cheeky chappie wouldn't take no for an answer :- " and it was like a switch had clicked and she started to play with him, had a great run around with him and I took a different dog home with me, she was fine after this play session :lol: and is right as rain now. :)

It wasn't nice to see her like this and had pleanty of cuddles :huggles: still can't put my finger on what was wrong with her unless it was a hormonal thing.

Like most have said if you arn't happy about Lola then best to let the vet check her over ;)

Good luck :luck: and please keep us updated :thumbsup:
Thanks for all your replies.

I've just got back from having her checked out and she has a high temperature and high heart rate (although she was very anxious about being there). She's had some jabs - antibiotics plus something to lower temperature, and I have to catch a urine sample.

She is very sad, even one of the other customers said how sad she looked when we were waiting to be seen. Poor Lola :huggles: :( I hope she starts feeling better soon.
~Helen~ said:
Thanks for all your replies.
I've just got back from having her checked out and she has a high temperature and high heart rate (although she was very anxious about being there). She's had some jabs - antibiotics plus something to lower temperature, and I have to catch a urine sample.

She is very sad, even one of the other customers said how sad she looked when we were waiting to be seen. Poor Lola :huggles:   :(   I hope she starts feeling better soon.

Poor Lola :( Perhaps it is just a bit of a bug :blink: If you use our Garlic & Fenugreek tablets pop her on a high dose of these as they help fight infection and boost the immune system which may well help.

I hope she is back to her old self soon, when whippets feel sad they look soooo sad :(
Poor Lola :( Hope its just a bug and shes feeling happier soon :luck: :luck: Please keep us updated. :huggles:
~Helen~ said:
Thanks for all your replies.
I've just got back from having her checked out and she has a high temperature and high heart rate (although she was very anxious about being there). She's had some jabs - antibiotics plus something to lower temperature, and I have to catch a urine sample.

She is very sad, even one of the other customers said how sad she looked when we were waiting to be seen. Poor Lola :huggles:   :(   I hope she starts feeling better soon.

Sorry to hear Lola is feeling under the weather... Daniel & Grace send big hugs :wub: :wub:

Keep us posted - hope she feels better soon :luck:
I'm sure the jab will perk her up helen she probably has a virus, i don't know if you remeber recentley my cat went like that,I thought at 14 her time was up she went to the vets got some fluids had a jab and within a couple of days was back to normal (w00t)

you know that pets are sent to worry us o:) o:)

keep us updated won't you :huggles:
:( Sorry Lola is feeling poorly....Hope she gets better soon. :huggles:

Hope Lola is feeling better really soon :luck: :huggles: :luck:

It would be nice to see pictures of Josie, Lola and Monty when Lola is feeling better, it would also be nice Helen, if we could have an update on Monty too ...... PLEASE :)
Thanks for all your messages :)

Lola's the same, really, even though she had the jabs this morning that I hoped would knock the temperature on the head and set her right. She did eat a small lunch and tea, but she's still not 'normal Lola'. We're due back at the vet's tomorrow first thing, so hopefully they'll have some blood test and urine results, which might shed light on it all.

I'll keep you posted.
Awwww Helen I'm sorry to hear Lola is not herself. :luck: at the vets I hope they get to the bottom of it, try not to worry :huggles: