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Loki`s diary


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Hello from cute Loki

Soon to be 4 month, Loki is a constant surprise!

We love him and we feel that he loves us. It`s been almost 2 month since he is in our house and our lives have changed completely.
We are constantly working in improving behaviour and training. There are happy days and not so happy days. There I days when I feel like I am the worst mummy.

To start our diary from this week: Monday Loki decides that he is not happy alone home anymore and he barks for 30 minutes after we leave the house. He goes for a nice walk with the dog walker but decides not to poop outside. Later on he poops inside and eats it all. Mummy and daddy are back home and he is happy and the best he can be.
Next days Loki is perfectly fine home, no crying, no barking , lots of sleep. Happy days
Yesterday, Loki decides he does not want to walk unless we go in his favourite spot where he can eat bird poop. Loki lays down outside and mummy is begging him to move.
Last night, Loki went in his crate, barked only twice but then relaxed and fell asleep. 3 am Loki wakes up and plays for an hour in his crate. Today, Loki would still not walk unless is where he wants.

We all have to do better together, so I will be positive and I am sure our next entries will be more positive. Loki is the smartest and the best but maybe we keep failing him.

Our tired but happy family is waiting for holidays! Few days out in the nature! Let`s see how will Loki feel.
Oh bless him, he's gorgeous and he sounds like a real character!
He's so gorgeous!

They can be soooooo stubborn! I have been walking a golden retriever who put on the breaks when I tried walking her where she didn't want to go. It's very frustrating so I feel your pain!
Yep, we get that a lot with Jimmy too, he will do his best statue impression if he doesn't want to go to a particular place.
So I am not alone in this... ;). This is Loki`s position :D

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I know it's not supposed to be funny, but that is quite an hilarious pose! Jimmy will just stand still and not budge.
Jasper used to do this too! He still does occasionally, but generally only if it's hot and he needs a little break, in which case I'll just sit down next to him and watch the world go by.

What I did was stand at the other end of the lead, facing away from him, say nothing, and wait... and wait... and wait... A trainer advised me to take a book! Eventually, he decided that he wasn't going to get to go the way he wanted, it was really getting quite boring, and he might as well come with me after all. Now I generally just have to stand facing away from him with my hands behind my back, holding the lead, and he'll come straight away.

Mind you, he's not generally particularly stubborn - and I am:D
I try to do the same but I am not that patient ... I end up carrying him in my arms home. I will have to take the advice and bring a book because he is getting heavy :D:eek:.
Our short holiday is over and Loki had a great time! We live in a flat where Loki has a lot of space to move and play but now I think that our soul is in a small house in the country side. Loki loved being all day outside in the nature. We walked and run and played !!
One "yey moment" for Loki is that he is now sleeping in his crate without barking and needing attention. Before, we were sleeping with him in the same room because he would bark a few times when going to sleep in his crate. Being in a flat we couldn`t let him bark so we were there to calm him down all the time. In our holiday we rented a house and we could let him bark small amount of time and we managed to sleep in another room!!! 3 days later he was soundless asleep for a full night and we finally rested !!! It wasn`t easy ... but I think we made it ! First night home was very good :)

Glad he enjoyed himself and well done on the progress! :)