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Lizard & District

This is my first post on K9 and probably my last, as I'm really not impressed with some of the posts on this thread, which was started purely as an announcement to anyone interested. I'd like to point out that The Lizard club is run by an elected committee, chosen by members who attend our AGM, to make decisions on their behalf for that year, regarding the week to week running of the clubs race meetings, open or otherwise. Committee decisions are also made by democratic votes within it. Any full member of any club is entitled to attend an AGM and put themselves forward for committee, thus becoming committed to that club and agreeing to abide by any majority decision. Any member of a committee who cannot accept a majority decision has no choice but to resign. I don't see the word passport mentioned in any of our committee's posts, but while on the subject, I happen to agree with Mark that it would be nice if every club was able to accept alternative passports, but the trouble is that fanatics* (dictionary definition - overenthusiastic and zealous beyond the point of reason) are not happy with compromise, it seems. It'll be points next, then exclusion of other passports.* ( I hope they understand that I'm only talking about them, not to them!)

We have one such fanatic in our club and that certainly hasn't helped any further compromises on this matter. I for one am sick to the back teeth of feeling bullied (sorry, persuaded!) into buy second passports for my 4 dogs, when I already have a perfectly good passports to identify them. Just because someone has a different opinion doesn't mean they are wrong or don't count. I am currently excluded from some Opens this year, but I still respect that those clubs have decided what is best for them. I want to enjoy our weekly trial meetings in peace again.

I'd like to show my appreciation to our real supporters (for they are the one's who have really missed out) for their kind, encouraging comments, but the rest just prove to me that we have made the right decision for this year.

We will know not to bother with this forum in future, we really didn't expect our announcement to cause such fervent discussion!
we are 100% with you on this post
>I happen to agree with Mark that it would be nice if every club was able to accept alternative passports, but the trouble is that fanatics* (dictionary definition - overenthusiastic and zealous beyond the point of reason) are not happy with compromise, it seems. It'll be points next, then exclusion of other passports.

Hang on a min here Lindsey. Last year the Lizard excluded my dogs because they don't have valid duel passports. They also excluded a lot of their own members dogs for the same reason. There was no compromise from the Lizard committee last year.

Please don't be putting the blame for the current state of affairs at the Lizard WRC on other people because it's not. My reason for saying this is simple. Most other clubs in the country aren't tearing themselves apart like the Lizard seems to be.

On a personal note my dogs were deliberately excluded by club committees from 4 opens last year. I totally understand where people are coming from when they say that they don't want to be forced to buy a passport or sticker if they don't want to and like yourself I won't do it. I'd rather run my dogs elsewhere (where they are welcome) and of course there are always clubs where I can do that. OR shock horror I can stay at home, relax and save my money.

All that said I hope that you all at the Lizard WRC can resolve your problems and get back to what the rest of us are happily doing racing our dogs. Racing is no fun in an atmosphere of conflict.
This is my first post on K9 and probably my last, as I'm really not impressed with some of the posts on this thread, which was started purely as an announcement to anyone interested. I'd like to point out that The Lizard club is run by an elected committee, chosen by members who attend our AGM, to make decisions on their behalf for that year, regarding the week to week running of the clubs race meetings, open or otherwise. Committee decisions are also made by democratic votes within it. Any full member of any club is entitled to attend an AGM and put themselves forward for committee, thus becoming committed to that club and agreeing to abide by any majority decision. Any member of a committee who cannot accept a majority decision has no choice but to resign. I don't see the word passport mentioned in any of our committee's posts, but while on the subject, I happen to agree with Mark that it would be nice if every club was able to accept alternative passports, but the trouble is that fanatics* (dictionary definition - overenthusiastic and zealous beyond the point of reason) are not happy with compromise, it seems. It'll be points next, then exclusion of other passports.* ( I hope they understand that I'm only talking about them, not to them!)

We have one such fanatic in our club and that certainly hasn't helped any further compromises on this matter. I for one am sick to the back teeth of feeling bullied (sorry, persuaded!) into buy second passports for my 4 dogs, when I already have a perfectly good passports to identify them. Just because someone has a different opinion doesn't mean they are wrong or don't count. I am currently excluded from some Opens this year, but I still respect that those clubs have decided what is best for them. I want to enjoy our weekly trial meetings in peace again.

I'd like to show my appreciation to our real supporters (for they are the one's who have really missed out) for their kind, encouraging comments, but the rest just prove to me that we have made the right decision for this year.

We will know not to bother with this forum in future, we really didn't expect our announcement to cause such fervent discussion!
we are 100% with you on this post
and us
Aw i am so sorry to hear this as we have been racing for four years now and all we have ever heard is CornWall this and Corn Wall that and how great your club is and so we bought a caravan and started to do as many opens as we could every year we would book our holidays and try the further away ones that we couldnt do in a long weekend last year we finaly got to go to Andover and we were made so very very welcome all the members were so amazing we were invited to Mark and Lesey Shearings for a lovely meal have baths showers etc Angie Parker invited us to her lovelly home Sara and Andy Eaton had us to their lovelly home Gay and Ray Scutter were taking our laundry etc Dougie and Stephi came over allmost every day to check we were ok and we fineally thought right now we can go to CornWall we booked our hollidays from work and thought Corn Wall heer we come we are gutted that there is no open on this year as we were so looking forward to having a good holiday with all our lovely friends we are coming all the way from BONNIE SCOTLAND never mind maybe we will get to meet you all some other time good luck to all your club members and safe racing

You will be staying with all the same lovely people in cornwall and we will all have a fabulous time and i bet you will full in love with Cornwall like the rest of us 8) xx

Aw i am so sorry to hear this as we have been racing for four years now and all we have ever heard is CornWall this and Corn Wall that and how great your club is and so we bought a caravan and started to do as many opens as we could every year we would book our holidays and try the further away ones that we couldnt do in a long weekend last year we finaly got to go to Andover and we were made so very very welcome all the members were so amazing we were invited to Mark and Lesey Shearings for a lovely meal have baths showers etc Angie Parker invited us to her lovelly home Sara and Andy Eaton had us to their lovelly home Gay and Ray Scutter were taking our laundry etc Dougie and Stephi came over allmost every day to check we were ok and we fineally thought right now we can go to CornWall we booked our hollidays from work and thought Corn Wall heer we come we are gutted that there is no open on this year as we were so looking forward to having a good holiday with all our lovely friends we are coming all the way from BONNIE SCOTLAND never mind maybe we will get to meet you all some other time good luck to all your club members and safe racing

You will be staying with all the same lovely people in cornwall and we will all have a fabulous time and i bet you will full in love with Cornwall like the rest of us 8) xx


this is now obvious to everyone, this is about what passport one has.

and even after Mark putting it all into perspective, and so many being in agreement, 4 of the lizard committee refuse to listen to reason.

why dont you just come out and say that you do not want National passported dog running at the club

and be done with it. As that is what it is really about

If that the case we will all know where we stand and can move on whatever
Seriously what has happened to racing ... why can't people just accept it ! ... I am sick of people slagging people off on either side , it just racing ! It amazes me that whippets can spilt friendships , thats why i loved cornwall , you went for social not just for the racing on Sunday . I use to camp in a field called gulval , that were all full of anti WCRA people, but becuase it was cornwall we all got on, and to me them people were like my second parents ! But hasn't time changed ..... It has turned into a blood bath , where at every opportunity people want to argue ! Please please i am begging all of you to just stop on this post ... The legend of cornwall holidays for most of us will be ruined forever! I don't understand how some of you can write on here when a few years back you were having a blast with the same people i guessing your slagging off!

People who have being going all the time (22 years ! ) shouldn't be bothered because there is still West Cornwall and in the days when Lizard wasn't around everyone still went down for 1-2 weeks !

I know this post will only start some of you off again and you will say i am a stupid little girl that doesn't know anything about racing ! But i just want to enjoy racing again, please lets moan about something else like how we going to get there with petrol going up !

Thank you

Seriously what has happened to racing ... why can't people just accept it ! ... I am sick of people slagging people off on either side , it just racing ! It amazes me that whippets can spilt friendships , thats why i loved cornwall , you went for social not just for the racing on Sunday . I use to camp in a field called gulval , that were all full of anti WCRA people, but becuase it was cornwall we all got on, and to me them people were like my second parents ! But hasn't time changed ..... It has turned into a blood bath , where at every opportunity people want to argue ! Please please i am begging all of you to just stop on this post ... The legend of cornwall holidays for most of us will be ruined forever! I don't understand how some of you can write on here when a few years back you were having a blast with the same people i guessing your slagging off!
People who have being going all the time (22 years ! ) shouldn't be bothered because there is still West Cornwall and in the days when Lizard wasn't around everyone still went down for 1-2 weeks !

I know this post will only start some of you off again and you will say i am a stupid little girl that doesn't know anything about racing ! But i just want to enjoy racing again, please lets moan about something else like how we going to get there with petrol going up !

Thank you

well I think the above post says it all?. (well wrote Natalie)

it realy is a criticle time for racing whether racers want to face it or not, it realy is time to put the past to bed before whippet racing is ruined for good along with long standing freindships.

SADLY i very much doubt things will get sorted as battle lines have been well and truely drawn.

we always treated cornwall as a holiday racing was just a small extra.
We will know not to bother with this forum in future, we really didn't expect our announcement to cause such fervent discussion!
Despite your feelings that the Lizard & District Club has been pilloried on this topic - I think that it was Right and Proper that your Club used this forum to make aware to the Whippet Racing Community early enough that you were not holding an Open this year so that holiday plans may be rearranged.

As Gary Comber points out, the trip to the Cornwall Opens is an annual pilgrimage for many racers and I'll add to that, that booking sites needs to be done long beforehand.

The amateur sport of Whippet Racing is a relatively small one in sporting terms and the community of whippet racers are fortunate to have this web site which is so useful for checking out advertised racing dates, entry forms, cancellations, results etc. etc. which we ALL want to know about in order to plan our schedules :thumbsup:

So even though there may be "fervent discussion" it is still far more beneficial to keep racers informed :))
Natalie, I dont think you are a "a stupid little girl that doesn't know anything about racing", so don't "put yourself down".We also camped @ Gulval and very much enjoyed the company of all and the bbq put on by Joyce and Vic each year, good times :) .We used to pop round to their house once a week for a chat n drink,( but , after the difference of opinoin "happened", there was not much left in the world that drew us together to talk about) I also look forward to our Cornwall holiday ( the only holiday we have)and, as you mentioned, personally, we are not bothered about Lizard Open, we would still go to Cornwall if there were NO's our holiday, but , that said, the fact that West Cornwall ARE holding an Open is an added bonus, although I do seem to remember several camps who stayed on the West Cornwall ground with thier Whippets, up-and-offing on the last open :( , yet attending the Lizard.... and so "the divide". Beg as much, as we all may ( and have), this is all about 4 dogs and a governing body( above the WCRA) who care NOT about friendships, "the social" and even our beloved Whippet Racing!!!!.

I think we have ALL at some point wanted to " give it up", , we have ALL been fed up of the "slagging off" and the bitterness that festers on.... and ....on.... and on.

I feel sorry for the people ( who did NOT start this rot) that are victimised by the majority within clubs and the sport ,for something that was NOT of their doing!!!

ALL our numbers are down within open entries, and opting out of Opens is a secure and harmonious way of protecting clubs from the rot.

I only hope that the people responsible are happy with the painfull, slow demise of our sport,( and I saw you on here earlier), grow some ba**ocks, kick start it again..................... withdraw the ROT.


I hope I havent mentioned any names that make this worthy of deleting this post, we all know anyhow,but hey -ho. bet I know WHO will respond to this ;) , over to you Ha--ah :thumbsup:

here we go....... close eyes n post... ( note Ian ... NOT TOO MANY BIG'ENS LOL)
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Oh no seems I'm resposponding (like earlier (w00t) ) ........ Great post Lindsey and totally agree ..... Now I can drive we are looking forward to getting this lot racing again and understand why the Lizard isn't doing an open this year :)) .......... The ROT btw came from peoples bitterness, false accusations and Chinese whispers ....... Sooo looking forward to the next few months when ......... oh yes can't say yet but sooooo looking forward to seeing all that egg ....... :-
it's our holiday, but , that said, the fact that West Cornwall ARE holding an Open is an added bonus, although I do seem to remember several camps who stayed on the West Cornwall ground with thier Whippets, up-and-offing on the last open :( , yet attending the Lizard.

I hope we can listen to Natalie :thumbsup: and everyone enjoy racing again, after all its meant to be fun


I stayed on Gerald’s field last year but didn’t attend the open, I say Gerald as I believe West Cornwall only rent the strip they have the track on.

Like you it is my only holiday and I chose to go a game fair that day in preference to receiving further verbal abuse of a personal nature as certain people arrived at the field.


We all have to choose whats right for ourselves our dogs and our clubs survival.


I did miss the open, catching up with fellow racers, and supporting Quinn’s puppies. But I needed to put my holiday first, so I had a nice day and avoided further personal attacks and wicked comments spoiling my holiday.
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Resposponding - never heard of that one :teehee:

Let's face it - do any of us want to spoil our holidays and go to the Lizard now? They still haven't replied to any of the posts suggesting that their committee is undemocratic, and haven't listened to, or given their members a say in whether they had an open. Any committee who can single out and treat another committee member as badly as they have, a person who is well respected by all racers, isn't worth racing with anyway. Stew in your own juice I say, and let the rest of us have a good time at West Cornwall like we did last year :thumbsup:
As it seems that my post was not completely understood by some people, I politely ask them to re-read it.

I think you would find out from anyone who has been to our club that we are very welcoming and we all just enjoy running our dogs, and attending the occasional Open, not least our own!

Please remember that there is always more than one side to every story. If you were more closely involved, you would know how hard we have tried to remain a team, but sadly some people just are not team players. You would also find that we are not bullying anyone, but finally dealing with a build up of destructive behaviour, to hopefully ensure the continuation of our club, after all, no club, no Open.

We've tried to explain as best we can.

I understand that everyone is entitled to believe whatever they choose to believe, but bear in mind, you may not always be right.

Bored now, club to mend, see ya!
I think it is time for people to stop posting on here as previously pleaded.

I am a member of the Lizard and District Club - and not on the Committee, although I do live in Cornwall and it is my primary racing club. I am relatively new to the sport and have enjoyed my time racing at the club and the few opens that I get to. I didn't go to the AGM (unfortunately) but do respect the decisions made at the AGM - including the voting of the Committee. I also respect the decisions that the Committee make regarding the running of the club (and I believe they do it democratically). I am upset there will be no open at our ground this year but fully understand the reasons why.

It is great to see so many people down here with their whippets in the summer and as noted in the previous posts it sounds like there will be an Open for people to attend. I'm sure too that racers would be welcomed at the Lizard for the weekly meeting whilst down here - as they are welcomed any time of the year.

This is all supposed to be something we do for fun ...
:thumbsup: Thank you so much June the Blue Gang cant wait we will have a great time with all our much loved friends hope to see you all very soon as we are coming down to Andover for the first nats :luck: :luck: :luck: :luckand safe racing

Well done Natilie, at least we have good memories, this is also our only holiday a year with our family and I am sure we will continue.

Please stop all this, and lets enjoy our racing again
:thumbsup: Thank you so much June the Blue Gang cant wait we will have a great time with all our much loved friends hope to see you all very soon as we are coming down to Andover for the first nats :luck: :luck: :luck: :luckand safe racing

Looking forward to seeing you my lovelies :huggles: Knowing how much our trip to Scotland is going to cost in fuel, reminds us of how committed the Blue Gang are to the sport :thumbsup: