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Live Dogs And Cats Used As Shark Bait

This pic has really upset me. :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :( :( :( :( :(

Hope it is a hoax but I've signed it just in case :(
Was just trying to weigh up the situation, like to know what I am looking at by considering all available facts and employing a little logic...did'nt post my concern to detract from the petition at all or to discourage others from doing so.
I can't decide if this is a hoax or not. It hasn't got on to snopes (the urban myths site) yet, and there is mixed debate on the board:

puppy bait on snopes

It's supposedly something Brigit Bardot has been campaigning against since the 50s, but Yahoo has taken the original story off it's news site.

Someone put a link to a French welfare organisaiton that supposedly has footage, but I cant view it in my Mac browser (perhaps just as well):

video footage

The pic of the retriever looks fake to me, although this doesn't necessarily mean the story is untrue. Isle de la Réunion does seem to be a centre for big game fishing, for which live fish bait seems to be preferred.

I signed it anyway.
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The photo they show of that poor dog with those hooks through its muzzle nearly made me vomit...

send them to me ill put hooks through their faces and tow them through the water to see if it hurts them? :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
ok as to the HOAX thing...

I would suggest you look at the video posted in one of the replies...

it clearly shows the dog with the hooks in its mouth being sedated to have them removed......

moriarte said:
I can't decide if this is a hoax or not. It hasn't got on to snopes (the urban myths site) yet, and there is mixed debate on the board:puppy bait on snopes

It's supposedly something Brigit Bardot has been campaigning against since the 50s, but Yahoo has taken the original story off it's news site.

Someone put a link to a French welfare organisaiton that supposedly has footage, but I cant view it in my Mac browser (perhaps just as well):

video footage

The pic of the retriever looks fake to me, although this doesn't necessarily mean the story is untrue. Isle de la Réunion does seem to be a centre for big game fishing, for which live fish bait seems to be preferred.

I signed it anyway.

i just watched the video link.i dont think this is a hoax any more. :( it clearly shows the dog with the hook in its muzzle and a vet is sedating it to remove it.the pic on the rspca site is a still of the footage on this video.i cant speak french very good or else id be able to understand what the guy is saying who is doing the also shows newspaper headlines about the using of live dogs as shark bait.(my french is good enough to understand that) :angry:
Of course it is not a hoax. just look at the video link. thank you Elizabeth for posting that. Should make it clear enough now.

Just because 1 person said they thought it was, everyone who read it after had to decide if it was or wasn't genuine.

The truth is that the shocking photo of such terrible cruelty makes it almost unbelievable.
mazza said:
Of course it is not a hoax. just look at the video link. thank you Elizabeth for posting that. Should make it clear enough now.Just because 1 person said they thought it was, everyone who read it after had to decide if it was or wasn't genuine.

The truth is that the shocking photo of such terrible cruelty makes it almost unbelievable.

Actually, I am not the first or only person to spot that this story does not ring true. I have since come across a website featuring this pic as well as others of dogs with fish hooks in their feet, claiming they were used as shark bait. Just because dog has a hook through his lip it does not mean he was going to be used as bait. Those ones with the hooks (only 1-2") in their feet have definitely not been used to catch a shark; they most likely just stood on them.

I have spoken about it with somebody who knows a lot about shark fishing and was told you need few buckets of blood/entrails to attract sharks, once they are there chunk of meat (couple of kilos) is used as a bait.

IMO this is most likely a hoax put up by people who are fighting against the illegal shark fishing in Indian Ocean. As sharks being slaoughtered for their fins and bit of cartlige do not generally outrage people they came up with a story that will attract attention.

It is up to each individual to form their own informed opinion.

Seraphina said:
mazza said:
Of course it is not a hoax. just look at the video link. thank you Elizabeth for posting that. Should make it clear enough now.Just because 1 person said they thought it was, everyone who read it after had to decide if it was or wasn't genuine.

The truth is that the shocking photo of such terrible cruelty makes it almost unbelievable.

Actually, I am not the first or only person to spot that this story does not ring true. I have since come across a website featuring this pic as well as others of dogs with fish hooks in their feet, claiming they were used as shark bait. Just because dog has a hook through his lip it does not mean he was going to be used as bait. Those ones with the hooks (only 1-2") in their feet have definitely not been used to catch a shark; they most likely just stood on them.

I have spoken about it with somebody who knows a lot about shark fishing and was told you need few buckets of blood/entrails to attract sharks, once they are there chunk of meat (couple of kilos) is used as a bait.

IMO this is most likely a hoax put up by people who are fighting against the illegal shark fishing in Indian Ocean. As sharks being slaoughtered for their fins and bit of cartlige do not generally outrage people they came up with a story that will attract attention.

It is up to each individual to form their own informed opinion.


I do agree that live dogs or cats would not be "ideal shark bait".

Nevertheless, I believe this practise does go on by some of the people on the island.

Translated the French 30 Million Friends article below (sorry not easy to understand even after translation)

From the Foundation 30 Million Friends............

Dogs soft foods of the Island of the Meeting the torturer condemned to 3 months of prison by the TGI of Denis Saint This morning, in front of the TGI of Saint Denis, a man was judged for "act of cruelty towards animals" according to the procedure of immediate appearance. He admitted having used on several occasions of the alive dogs like soft foods for fishing with the sharks, offence liable 2 years of prison and 30 000 € of fine. The Foundation 30 Million Friends, who was the first to denounce this ashamed practice, had left civil to the lawsuit. If it is pleased with the means set up by the authorities to find the culprit, it estimates nevertheless that the requisitions of the Prosecutor as the judgment of prevented were not with the height of the cruelty of the fact. Jean Claude CLAIN was condemned this morning by the TGI of Saint Denis to 3 months of prison and 5000 € of fine, to have mutilated several dogs with an aim of using them like alive soft foods for fishing with the sharks. The Parquet floor had claimed 3 months of prison of which a farm and 10 000 € of fine. The Foundation 30 Million Friends, civil part to the lawsuit and with which prevented it will have to pour 1000 € damage interests, considers it regrettable that the judgment was not with the height of the cruelty of 2 years the facts, liable of prison and 30 000 € of fine according to article 521-1 of the Penal code. For Reha HUTIN, its President, who has fought for more than 20 years to make recognize the animal like a being sensitive to whole share, "it is nevertheless about a true projection for the protection of the animals on the Island of the Meeting and the application of the provisions of the Penal code apart from the borders of the metropolis", before specifying that "the Foundation 30 Million Friends will continue to fight so that the sorrows are weighed down in the businesses of this type, whether it is in Dom-Tom or in metropolis". The Foundation makes a point moreover of specifying that these cruel practices remain isolated cases and do not raise to in no case of an unspecified local tradition. For the Foundation, it is a question "simply" of punishing in an exemplary way those which are guilty such acts of cruelty, like affirmed it on several occasions the Prosecutor of the Meeting. The Foundation 30 Million Friends also recalls that thousands of dogs wandering in the DOM TOM (150 000 on the Island of the Meeting) undergo since years of the waves of euthanasy of a contestable legality and in the worst sufferings, without never that their proliferation could not be some stopped. Since 1999, the Foundation had proposed with the Ministry In addition to Mer like with the Ministry for Agriculture setting up a policy of sterilization of the dogs wandering, only effective and reliable means on the long term as regards management of the canine populations, as all the world experts attest it and in particular those of the World Health Organization. Indeed, the law n°99-5 of January 6, 1999 relating to the animals dangerous and wandering and the protection of the animals, provides in its article 28 that the provisions applicable to the dogs and the not identified cats found wandering or in a state of divagation will be the subject of adaptation by decree in Council of State for the overseas departments. These specific measurements which always integrate the concerns of the Foundation 30 Million Friends unfortunately ever were born in spite of its multiple revivals.
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should use the cruel t..ts as shark bait instead of innocent animals :rant:
weve got lots of paedophiles over here,why not let them use them as shark bait? :- "
Nasty, cruel people are everywhere. We had here a case last year when group of drunken soldiers tortured and then burned to death litter of little kittens. That does not warrant headlines all over the world 'Australians Burn Kittens as a Sport'.

Still none of the hooks in these pics is big enough to catch a shark with, even the biggest one looks bit iffy to me (don't we have anybody who knows anything about fishing?) I was told shark hook are about foot long, made of steel 6mm in diameter and attached to steel cable. Which when you think about it sounds rather logical.
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The unwanted greyhounds in America were used as shark bait, they were however killed first, I remember pictures of their poor bodies in large barrels. Anything is possible in this cruel world
Seraphina said:
Nasty, cruel people are everywhere.  We had here a case last year when group of drunken soldiers tortured and then burned to death litter of little kittens.  That does not warrant headlines all over the world 'Australians Burn Kittens as a Sport'.Still none of the hooks in these pics is big enough to catch a shark with, even the biggest one looks bit iffy to me (don't we have anybody who knows anything about fishing?)  I was told shark hook are about foot long, made of steel 6mm in diameter and attached to steel cable. Which when you think about it sounds rather logical.

I'm not saying the whole population of this island all like to torture dogs. It's probably a very small number of people involved.

The size of the hook would depend on what type of shark was being hunted.

Doubt if they are hunting Great Whites more likely the White tip shark which grows to about 7 feet long and is prolific around the island.
Jan Doherty said:
The unwanted greyhounds in America were used as shark bait, they were however killed first, I remember pictures of their poor bodies in large barrels. Anything is possible in this cruel world
Unfortunately, that is the reality; as long as there is a racing industry with lot of discarded non-performing dogs, they will be put to sleep. I have no objection for their bodies to be used afterwards.
mazza said:
I'm not saying the whole population of this island all like to torture dogs. It's probably a very small number of people involved.

I am sure it is one of, or they would all starve.

In any case the authorities do have it under control, there are laws, which make it possible to jail and heavily, fine people for cruelty to animals. As the article shows it was in that one case implemented. So what does it have to do with the British RSPCA?

By the way the soldiers who set the kittens on fire got fined, if i remember correctly, $800 each (less than their weekly income).
I am sure it is one of, or they would all starve.

In any case the authorities do have it under control, there are laws, which make it possible to jail and heavily, fine people for cruelty to animals. As the article shows it was in that one case implemented. So what does it have to do with the British RSPCA?

Cannot see why you feel it is wrong for the RSPCA to feature international issues on their site.

You seem to be trying to minimize the severity of this article.
Think Seraphina has just been taking an overview as I've been trying to do, and has been productive in trying to access further information, as other animal lovers have been.

Dont think there is wrong in debate or trying to understand whats going on, not trying to trivialise anything or turn this into another topic, just saying this started from an online petition, all good and well in its intent. I've had many petitions thrust under my nose in my time ... including the bill to ban hunting with dogs! I always tend to ask questions, verify what the petition is about and the facts of the issue, I do not apologise for that stance thats the way I am. Does that mean anyone doing so is wrong?
a few quotes taken from a reptile forum I go on:

''This is bull, was on a fishing site i use a while ago.

Same old Sun and rspca rubbish.

Instead ask the rspca why it costs £3 a month to sponsor a dog thats going to be put to sleep anyway, but only costs £2 a month to sponsor an african child.''

'' Oh and remember by signing you will be added to the numbers that the rspca count as supporters for future loony campaigns ''

''they probably did it to the dog themselves for the sensationilism, remember they are after birds and fishing as well as us reptile keepers why cant we all unite?? ''

''Explain how the lab pup could get off shark line without ripping out half it's face! Story don't quite add up!''

I'm in two minds weather to believe this :blink: after all this is the RSPCA we are talking about :angry:
This barbarism has been going on for years, for most of the time those in authority on the island turn a blind eye to it.

With just one man recently brought to account, probably to make it look like they actually cared.

More info
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