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Live Dogs And Cats Used As Shark Bait


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As many of you know I'm no RSPCA fan but this ........... well. :rant:

This petition has just arrived in my in box. So I went on their website to see what's it's all about. :(

Forgive me please if you already know about it. But just in case you don't. This is a vile practice that needs to be stopped. But please sign the petition.

Live dogs and cats used as shark bait.
saw this in the paper yesterday as you say its a vile practice and needs stopping now
:rant: Have just signed , it is beyond beleif :rant:
Words fail me - this is horrific. Some members of the 'human race' don't deserve to be on this earth.
we've signed this, saw it in the paper, words fail me its so awful
what kind of a world are we living in? :( ive signed the petition too. :angry:
BeeJay said:
As many of you know I'm no RSPCA fan but this ........... well. :rant:

This petition has just arrived in my in box. So I went on their website to see what's it's all about. :(

Forgive me please if you already know about it. But just in case you don't. This is a vile practice that needs to be stopped. But please sign the petition.

Live dogs and cats used as shark bait.

I can NOT beleive this, the world has gone mad, whatever are these people thinking of!!!

My god - how sick :rant:

I ve signed too ... ...which also brings me to an article in the paper the other day being investigated - over 100 bodies of cats found in a flat - they dont know if they cats have died naturally or been killed first and signs someone was actually living around the carcasses -some in a freezer too next to human food - just what on earth were these cats being used for - words fail me. :angry:

:rant: :rant:
God this made me feel physically sick I too have signed........ :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
It sickens me these people should be treatd the same use them as live shark bait. :rant: :rant: ive signed
The photo of that poor dog with the hooks through it's top lip will haunt me forever.

How can people do this. It is just so makes me feel so angry that this is allowed to go on.

It's not until we had access to the internet that we can now learn how cruel so many other countries are around the globe. Before the advent of the web all we knew was what we saw on tv or read in news papers occasionally on how other cultures regard their animals.

I'v looked at some animal welfare sites and see the cruelty that is going on in other countries is so heartbreaking. We are supposed to be a nation of animal lovers and the cruelty cases we hear about in the UK are bad enough but look at what is going on abroad especially Africa, India and Asia the poorer countries and the cruelty is horrendous. It is very disturbing and upsetting to see the pictures on the sites such as the WSPA site but absolutely necessary to make people aware of whats really going on.

Signed the petition in the hope that if enough people sign something may be done to stop the shark fishermen of the French Reunion Island from carrying on these barbaric acts on their stray cats and dogs.
[SIZE=14pt]Surely, this must be a hoax![/SIZE]

To start with you would not catch a shark on a hook put through the Retriever’s lip. Secondly you do not need live bait, bit of blood poor into the ocean attracts sharks and the bait needs to be only bite size for the shark to swallow it. Not to mention that many sharks are a protected species.

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Thinking that meself Seraphina :blink:
[SIZE=14pt]Truly wish it was a hoax [/SIZE]but looking at the photo looks untouched to me.

I don't think anyone could be sick enough to manipulate a photo like that for what ever reason.

The RSPCA would investigate the origin of this infomation they have and verify the source as genuine before putting on their website.

It is a very upsetting picture to anyone with an ounce of compassion.
Well it could be that the RSPCA like thousands of other people have been taken in a by a hoax that the two of you have spotted.

It could also NOT be a hoax. People also might not care anyway.

No one needs to sign the petition do they.
whether its a hoax or not, i signed. i would sign a million fake petitions in case there is a true cause amongst them that my vote could make a difference to. its how you look at it, a vote costs nothing to give, and may save a life. if this is revealed to be a hoax, my only hope is that those who have signed arent put off signing other petitions that are genuine, thereby preventing help getting to those who need it :(
youd still catch a shark with a dog that has a hook through its lip.the shark would probably eat the dog whole so would swallow the hook anyway.i was thinking of this all last night,the pic upset me so much i kept seeing the poor dog.if you read the text they say the animals legs are bound with wire,so it wouldnt be able to would probably drown not sure if the dead weight of a dog being dragged through the water would be held by a hook through its nose like this though.surely it would tear through?if it was true which i hope it isnt then i would have thought they would have put the hook through a more secure place than that,like the animals body or head?maybe its a hoax,if it is then theres some sicker folk out there than i thought :(
lalena said:
whether its a hoax or not, i signed. i would sign a million fake petitions in case there is a true cause amongst them that my vote could make a difference to. its how you look at it, a vote costs nothing to give, and may save a life. if this is revealed to be a hoax, my only hope is that those who have signed arent put off signing other petitions that are genuine, thereby preventing help getting to those who need it :(
I agree whole heartedly.
kris said:
youd still catch a shark  with a dog that has a hook through its lip.the shark would probably eat the dog whole so would swallow the hook anyway.
Shark would have no chance to swallow dog this size whole, it would grabb the dog by its back and tear it off the hook. It just seems such a inneficient way to catch sharks. Can you imagine how hard it would be to hold the dog while you put something like this hook trough his lip? :x If they do use dogs and cats as bait, i bet you anything they kill them, quater them and use the bleeding chunks to attract shark.

Looking closely at the pic again there is not any swelling noticeble on the dogs face and the entry and exit wounds are remarkably clean, no scab, no dried blood.

I do find it quite disturbing when all sort of alarmist, misleading and totally unsupported info is being posted on the internet.

Just being pragmatic. :)
