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Little lump


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Hi all just wondering if you can advise. connie is coming to end of first season.
There is a small lump next to her nipple. What might it be? Hoping just An ingrowing hair and nothing more sinister.
Have emailed a pic to the vet but thought I’d check with you guys too as it’s the weekend and vet may not be able to get back to me.
looks like a wart, but see what the vet says.
Ooogh ok - I wonder how she got that? Also what do you think the treatment is. She hasn’t noticed it I don’t think and happy in herself.
thank you for response
If it is a wart, then the best thing would probably to leave it as long as it doesn't cause a problem - they can be hard to treat (they're caused by a virus), but tend to go away in their own time. But we really shouldn't pre-empt what the vet says as I'm sure there's plenty of other things it 'could' be.
If it is a wart, then the best thing would probably to leave it as long as it doesn't cause a problem - they can be hard to treat (they're caused by a virus), but tend to go away in their own time. But we really shouldn't pre-empt what the vet says as I'm sure there's plenty of other things it 'could' be.
Thanks Judy
The vet has called now and doesn’t seem too concerned as Connie is happy otherwise, but has asked me to keep an eye on it and bring her in for examination of anything changes.
It certainly dosen't look like a wart to me.
There is what appears to be a little hole in the top of it.
I agree with what your vet has said and just keep an eye on it.
