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Letter To My Neighbour

(w00t) :lol: :lol: i love it...........soooooo funny :lol:
Only just read this. Brilliant letter, send it only don't hold your breath waiting for said neighbour to understand irony!
i absolutely adore this letter.. :thumbsup: is soooo funny and yet very patronising in a gentle way :teehee: ...well done and please post it!!!...i have taken the liberty of copying it and posting it on facebook for my friends to read as i thought it was a masterpiece..xxsuexx :unsure:
i have taken the liberty of copying it and posting it on facebook for my friends to read

Maybe you'd like to invite my neighbour to be your friend (w00t) :lol:

I'm afraid I really don't have the nerve to send it, he's the type who would be hugely offended and not take anything on board. I've had a friendly word with his wife instead, who seems very nice and much more reasonable so maybe the message will get through that way o:)

I'm such a coward :b
I dont think you are a coward at all , Should you alienate this neighbour who knows what steps they could take in the future ,

Best get them on your side ;)
That is absolute CLASSIC!!!!!!!!!!!! I meet people like that all the time walking my dogs, they expect me to stand still while they leisurely stroll over to collect their dogs NO WAY i just keep on walking in fact i pick up the pace to make them sweat :clown: :teehee: (w00t) (w00t) My son gets so embarrassed as i feel totally compelled to inform them why on earth let a dog off until you have achieved a recall? Simples. Oh and then i tell them to watch Cesar Millan - problem solved ;) My dogs were recently chased til they were little dots in the distance by a 3 or 4 American Bulldog type dogs, i cannot repeat what i said to the useless owners but they said they're only playing and that's what dogs do!!!! I hasten to add my 4 quickly returned to me, i could hear them trying to get theirs back for ages ha ha idiots!!

Why not buy them a fancy new lead (don't Labs wear khaki green slip ropes?!) wrap up in a bow and leave on their doorstep...hint hint
oh thats priceless (w00t) can you write me one to people nagging me about when am i finally going to have my baby please? you have a very nice turn of phrase :teehee:

on a serious note, he should count himself lucky that you and your dogs are good natured, because not many would take being accosted by a rude lab and an ineffectual owner in their stride. i certainly wouldnt, and if anyone tried humping dante, they'd soon wish theyd been neutered :clown:
That is amazing....sooooo well written :thumbsup:

I would love to send something like that to several people i know :wacko: It brilliant!

SEND IT! (w00t)
Hahaha i have only just read this. This is brilliant! I still think you should have sent it lol! :thumbsup:
I know the feeling when other dogs are around I put mine on the lead as they have been attacked and get very nervous but people still let their dogs run over to mine AFTER THEY HAVE SEEN ME PUT MINE ON A LEAD!!!!!, I tell them keep their dog away as mine are very nervous and they say oh don't worry he/she is fine!!!well mine are no't!!! :angry: some people no brains!!
What a brilliant letter! perhaps you should use this as the basis of a humourus article for a dog magazine.Christine Cornish often likes something different for her readers of whippet news. Eapecially in the quieter winter months coming up. We can all relate to this happening. More readers should see it! :thumbsup: