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Leia & Maggs Out Of The Vets


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:) I'm feeling a lot better today and so are the girls, in fact they have come home now and Leia is sleeping soundly under the table as i type., only she doesn't look much like a lurcher at the moment, more like a duck bill platypus, :lol: Maggie's swelling has come right down and her little face is nearly back to normal but her chest is all bruised where

I suppose the poison started to take affect, because she took the first bite and Leia got the second, (not so much venom) better in one way because Maggie is the bigger dog. (if you know what I mean). They still aren't out of the woods yet thou because it takes at least 14 days to get the all clear and hope it hasn't damaged their liver or kidneys in any way. :( They've got a load of medication to take, and we've got a nice bill. :lol:

A good way to train a dog or puppy to say away from adders is to tye a rubber snake to an electric fence, (low voltage) and when the dog goes up to it or even grabs at it (if it's a pup) they will get a shock and that's how they learn, They associate the snake with pain and say well clear of it, . Well worth trying if you value your dogs life or if you live in an area where adders are fairly common. Could save your dog or a vet bill. ;) This was told to me today by the vet who use to do it with lion cubs that had been hand reared and needed to learn.

Well here's a few pictures of the two, hard to beleive that Maggie's face was almost twice the size of Leia's last night.

A big THANK YOU to everyone who as showed concern on here it won't be forgotten. :thumbsup: Di


You must be so pleased to have them home, it's the best place for them to get better.

Adders will only strike if they are disturbed, most of the time they will just slither away and avoid confrontation. The trouble is dogs are nosey buggers and will stick their noses in places they shouldn't!!!!!!!!.






I didn't take too many because the need their beauty sleep. :lol:

Sorry about Skippy's balls in the first couple of pictures. :eek:
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:wub: :wub: bless leias little face and poor maggie :wub: :wub: glad to here they are back home :)) and as they say time is a good healer.heres to a fast recovery :luck: im sure that now they are home they will recover very fast with all your love and attension. :thumbsup:

the worst is over there soon be up and about :luck: ray and family
You must be so pleased to have them home, it's the best place for them to get better.
Adders will only strike if they are disturbed, most of the time they will just slither away and avoid confrontation. The trouble is dogs are nosey buggers and will stick their noses in places they shouldn't!!!!!!!!.

I think that's what happened that's why Mags got it right on the snout,(to bloody nosey) :lol: I was really lucky the two boys didn't get bitten, but when i seen Mags jump backwards and all the others staring at something I new she had been bitten, BUT it wasn't until i was coming out of the vets to come home that we noticed Leia 's nose swelling up and she had been bitten as well,. I think i was very lucky. ;) Di
:wub: :wub: bless leias little face and poor maggie :wub: :wub: glad to here they are back home :)) and as they say time is a good healer.heres to a fast recovery :luck: im sure that now they are home they will recover very fast with all your love and attension. :thumbsup: sarah

:thumbsup: Thanks Sarah, i beleive that too.
Oh dear , they do look like the have been in the wars :huggles: :huggles:

Hope the worst is over and they make a good recovery :thumbsup:
Well thank goodness they are home with you now :)

To see Leia's face like that really brings home just how lethal these horrid slitheries are, poor girl.

I do hope they both have a comfortable night and there is more improvement tomorrow :luck: :thumbsup:
I was so sorry to learn about what happened to the dogs Di.

I know they are not out of the wood yet but with fingers crossed we can hope you are past the worst.

Please keep us all posted on their progress.

Best regards.
:thumbsup: thank again every one I will try and take some more pictures tomorrow because these don't show just how much fluid is under her chin. :eek: :thumbsup: I'm so happy their home were i can keep a eye on her and Mags. ;) Di
It's great to see they are home :thumbsup: the whole experience must have been so scary.Hope they make a full and speedy recovery :wub: Julie
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Poor Maggie and Leia

Not been on net for a few days and only just read this, I bet you were so worried Di, just glad they both seem on the right side of recovery

Big hugs to both girls :wub: , get well soon babies :luck:

luv Amanda xx
Thank goodness they are o.k. Plenty of rest and TLC. Hope they make a speedy recovery.
So glad Di to hear your we dogs are back home. Hopefully they will recover quicker at home. Good News.
Good news going right way I would worry about missing one or two race meeting get them right leia's win lot of races she took my eye last few month good luck di and ste from lyndon and family
Aww- poor girls :( Good job they are home with you :)

Just heard somebodys dog got bitten by Polly joke beach yesterday- not as quick as you to get the vet I dont think, and looks like the poor dog will need to be PTS :( Also a couple of children got bitten in the dunes at Holywell last week :eek: . No signs in either of these places- we often tell holidaymakers whose children play barefooted in the dunes that there are adders there- most of them just stare like we have just beamed down from outer space, and a couple have just laughed, clearly thinking we were the local loonies!

Good luck with Leia and Magpie, hope it is all plain sailing :luck:
Good news going right way I would worry about missing one or two race meeting get them right leia's win lot of races she took my eye last few month good luck di and ste from lyndon and family

:thumbsup: Thanks Lyndon I'm so pleased with my little Leia she was well worth the wait and shes very special to me. ;) Di