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Leaving Racing

Colt's op was cancelled, as another dogs op went on long that though. Ive to phone tomorrow at 10am to see if he's having the op tomorrow, or Thursday. They said he was okay and eating well, he's not getting sedated tonight , so I hope they give him some pain killers. I wont get him home for 3 days after the op, so it might be a few more days before I see him :( Just wish I never let him go, out of my arms last Sunday,,realy gutted, the other 2 boys are not themselfs, Gizmo is missing his wee pal, and Robbie has no one to pick on (w00t)

I will post when he has the op, to let folk know how he's doing.

Ive got too many people to thank personaly for e-mails, pm's and phone calls and posting on here,,SO A BIG THANK YOU :thumbsup:
Thanks for the update we are all think of you all
Hope everything goes well for colt x :luck:

Im sure yourself and john will be very much missed on the racing circuit...wishing you the very best :)) im sure whatever your new weekend hobby will be, you will have a great time.
O.M.G.Susan and John so sorry to hear about Colt what happened I have just got my pc up and running and read all this I hope everything goes well for Colt maybe once you have got over all this you will feel different and come back to the racing accidents do happen .Hope to see you all at the track sometime

Best wishes and good luck Love Sandra and Jim
Sorry to hear about Colt Susan :( Hope he gets better soon!

Lots of Love from Lisa and the Boys :wub:
Colt is getting his op tomorrow morning .

Im sh***ing myself as scared it goes all wrong, but if it all goes to plan and no infection or the screws on the plate get loose, he will be back to almost normal in around 6 weeks time :thumbsup: If the groth plate has not been affected, just to the sudden stop as it's not fractured :))

Colt is doing fine in the vet hospital, eating 3 meals a day :D (he got 4 here :oops: ), but the vet nurses have fallen in love with him :huggles:

Graham and Maggie from the pedi club where we train our pups at (since Guess Who was a pup) Kincarden PWRC, have been to visit our home with a get well soon card for Colt and £150 For his vet bill from the club ;)

Thank You to all at the club as it will help loads to his vet bill :thumbsup:

I will post tomorrow on how Colt is after his op, just pray it all goes to plan :thumbsup:

I need to thank Peter who owns the farm where the pedi club is run as he took us to the vets last Sunday, I know we would still be looking for the vets , not easy to find :oops:

Colt is with the best vets in Scotland for this type of opeation, but Im still sh***g

it :oops: My dogs mean the world to me,,I just want Colt to have a great puppy hood :- " and be with us for a long time, a happy happy wee chap :cheers:

I hope to post great news tomorrow :thumbsup:
Hi Sue a friend of ours had a pup with a broken leg in two places pinned at a Liverpool vet hospital and it was only a few weeks ago and the pup has made a marvelous recovery and really looks well again

-this was at a cost of 1300 pounds and it will have to go back i think to have the pin removed --

when strong enough or maybe finished growing---but it was a great success i believe ---so try not to worry too much -- :luck: :luck: :luck: with the op

lot to be said for having insurance on pups if they are not racing till twelve months old

just in case things like this occur i know that once they start racing you cant get insurance at a decent price but whilst they are only pets you can i believe.

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Thinking about Colt and hope all goes well for him today, I couldnt bare it if it was Megan so can imagine how you are feeling.

Re the insurance I have Megan insured. I didnt think about the racing aspect of it as I did it as a pup and we didnt think about racing her till later on. We did say though if she did have a accident we wouldnt admit it was done at racing but just say when out walking. :- "

But to be honest after what has happened to Colt and wee Blue last month I dont think we will be racing her again. I know accidents are rare but couldnt stand the thought of something happening to her.

Anyway keeping fingers crossed and will be back later for a update, in the mean time :huggles: from us all

Colts had the op :D

The worst 3 hours Ive had, just waiting for news.

He's had to get both bone's plated, as the vet thinks it will make it stronger.

Im just happy he's okay :thumbsup:

The final bill is huge (w00t) , but Colts worth it :thumbsup:

Wendy, it was not the track's fault Colt broke his leg, Colt is just loopy and his nick name in here was VET BILL :oops: :lol: :lol:

Your dog has more chance getting hurt in the house/garden, than on a racing track :thumbsup:

We hope to get Colt on Saturday, if all goes well in the next few days :D
Glad its gone well Susan - :luck: with his recovery now :D
hope he makes a full recovery keep us informed :thumbsup: and hope colt calms down a bit too :D
so sorry to hear of you leaving the sport having had our first year at scotland this year we had a wonderfull time you are a great family in the sport I hope that colt will be ok and that we will see you when we come to scotland next year.
I spoke to Steven the vet tonight and Colt is eating well and he's a right hit with all the nurses at the hospital (w00t) , I hope to get him back on Saturday if all goes well :thumbsup: The house is not the same without him , being a pain in the butt (w00t) Graham from the pedi club we go to on a Sunday is giving me a loan of a great big cage for Colt as I think he needs more space and I can go into the cage with him :oops: . Im terrified at the thought of him being home as Colt is a right nutter (ask Chris) (w00t) , but I will wrap him up in cotton wool and hope he stays in one piece till he's all better :thumbsup: :D .

The vet said if his all goes to plan, Colt could race next year, but Im not wanting my boys to race now :blink: They will be 100% house pets and be with us till the day they die :p

We as a family do hope to get to some of the Scottish opens next year, to meet and see our pals in the racing world :thumbsup: And help out if we can :D
It's almost 4 weeks since Colt had his accident :blink:

Thanks for all the phone calls and visits to see him :thumbsup:

Colt is doing great :thumbsup: , he's now in the small cage through the day, as he was chasing his tail in the larger cage (w00t) and he's still to take it easy :- "

Colt has had the stiches out and there is a lot of scaring, but this might go over time :thumbsup: His leg is a normal size now, but you can make out where the plates are :oops: He's not limping anymore , so we think the groth plate is okay :thumbsup: as both front legs look the same.

He is turning his right leg to the right, below the wrist, but as it takes 4-6 weeks to start healing (the bones nitting together), we hope this is normal :thumbsup:

Colt is back to the ortho vet hoptial on the 19th Nov for an x-ray to see how is leg is :unsure: and if all goes to plan he could race, but he's now a full time house pet, like Robbie (guess who), I could not put him on the track again as Im sure I would have a heart attack :oops: (w00t)

Colt will get a happy, fun loving home for life as Im setting my targets high (w00t) , to get him to be a well trained family pet, who will give a paw and lay donw when asked :oops: :lol:

Robbie is looking at me as if Im daft :oops:
Too right Robbie :- "

You sit on the sofa, eat your lovely fresh meet and look at mummy and Colt like they've gone nutty :lol: !!!
Fleesh said:
Too right Robbie  :- "
You sit on the sofa, eat your lovely fresh meet and look at mummy and Colt like they've gone nutty  :lol: !!!

Colt is nutty already :oops: , me too :oops: ,Robbie is now saying, Bring the Lady's along :oops: :lol:

Colt I hope will get to grips at being the nice house pet :oops: :lol:

But being in the cage now for almost 4 weeks and a few more to go :( and being such a young age we think problem's lie a head :(

Im now focasing on his brain, the normal house tricks, just try and get a family pet, not a robbie or Gizmo who want to chase the lure :- "

I would like to here from other whippet owners who have has a very young pup caged up like Colt has to due to health / accident and see how their young charges tuned out :huggles:
Susan if you remember I had a bitch broke her hock at Scot. she was just over a year old. She had to be caged for 12 week's. She's 2 1/2 now and still loves her cage she even cover's her self with her quilt. And she a proper house dog always lieing on the coutch and every night she curls up on my mams knee. She'll never run again but will still be here till old age takes her. All the best with Colt hope he turn's out as nice as my bitch has.
:cheers: Thanks for the reply Sharon :thumbsup:

It does give me a wee bit of hope for Colt :D

I do remember you wee bitch getting hurt and you leaving eary :( .

Colt is still being caged almost 24/7 only out for the loo on a lead :( , but he's now pulling me up the little dog garden and he's taking his time to do the toilet :( , I just wonder if he is thinking, if I pee quick Im back in the cage :- "

He's such a smashing wee fella :D I would not part with him for the world :D

Im going to PM you sharon as got loads to ask you as you have been in my shoes :( :thumbsup: