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Lazy Dogs?


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So most people always stress that greyhound are quite happy with 2 20min walks a day but do they ever like to walk more than that or do they just hate exercise?

(according to popular belief my chihuahua can get by running round the house but in fact likes 2-3hrs exercise a day). So any greys out there that break the mould???
Both of mine love there walks , but in this heat sadly they dont go till late , they have had a quick walk this morning around 6am but they both panted like hell for an hour after at that time
I think the 2 20mins walks a day thing is what they are happy with (a kind of minimum) but they can easily be built up to do much more, my two do at least 2 hours walking a day and are more than happy to do 3-4 hour walks at the weekend. It's just a matter of increasing the walking gradually if you want them to do more.

This all goes out of the window though if they have a blast about off the lead, 5-10 minutes of chasing a ball and that's it!

Lazy? No I don't think so, just different - they use there energy all in one go rather than evenly throughout the day..... :wacko:
Mine will amble along off the lead with the occasional gallop, she comes home and goes back to bed. Some days she doesn't get up until mid-day!!!!!!

I walk about 20 mins at the moment, when I am back to being fit we will do longer walks. She is quite happy to just snooze all day if it is raining, she doesn't do wet. :lol:
Greys sound such amenable dogs don't they. A friend of mine has a greyhound who accompanies her on long walks (3-5 hours), all terrains, and appears not to mind. She (the dog) is also content to sleep a lot of the day too. If they weren't so darned large I'd consider one myself :)
I thought so!! You have to love sighthounds, happy to come with you on nice long walks then veg on the sofa the rest of the day (pretty much my perfect lifestyle!!). Good to know as I was def considering my next pooch to be a greyhound in several years time. Having a racetrack and the inevitable greyhound rescue about 30miles away means that their are lots looking for homes.
My greyhounds always enjoyed long walks and could easily manage a couple of hours on lead (but would then go back to bed and sleep until tea time :lol: ). If they were offlead they would generally charge around for half an hour or so then be happy to plod along for the rest of the walk.

I think because greyhounds are so placid you can get away with short walks without them climbing up the walls like some other breeds would, but I don't think 2 x 20 minutes a day is really enough to keep them fit if that's all they ever get. Even my old Molly at nearly 15 would have been pretty put out if she hadn't got more exercise than that!
Greys sound such amenable dogs don't they. A friend of mine has a greyhound who accompanies her on long walks (3-5 hours), all terrains, and appears not to mind. She (the dog) is also content to sleep a lot of the day too. If they weren't so darned large I'd consider one myself :)
There only large when they stand up :D , mine curl up into a ball on a 2 seater sofa , i was amazed at how little room they take up to be honest :lol: :lol:
Greys sound such amenable dogs don't they. A friend of mine has a greyhound who accompanies her on long walks (3-5 hours), all terrains, and appears not to mind. She (the dog) is also content to sleep a lot of the day too. If they weren't so darned large I'd consider one myself :)
There only large when they stand up :D , mine curl up into a ball on a 2 seater sofa , i was amazed at how little room they take up to be honest :lol: :lol:
Small greyhound bitches aren't that much bigger than big male whippets!! :D
It's getting them over stiles that concerns me most. I love long country rambles and I just can't see myself being able to manage by myself.
Stiles can be a problem. My lurchers have got quite good at stiles - they normally find a way to jump, climb or scramble through somehow, but Molly greyhound wouldn't condescend to do anything that involved even slightly crouching down or climbing over anything :unsure:

As I saw her jump a 4ft gate from standing once when there was a deer on the other side I'm sure it was a matter of motivation rather than ability :-
Greys sound such amenable dogs don't they. A friend of mine has a greyhound who accompanies her on long walks (3-5 hours), all terrains, and appears not to mind. She (the dog) is also content to sleep a lot of the day too. If they weren't so darned large I'd consider one myself :)
There only large when they stand up :D , mine curl up into a ball on a 2 seater sofa , i was amazed at how little room they take up to be honest :lol: :lol:
Small greyhound bitches aren't that much bigger than big male whippets!! :D
My bitch is small think she is 21tts and compared to a lot i have seen she is quite dainty :)
I agree 20 min 2x/day is minimal. I would prefer them to get at least half an hour each walk and to get at least a short gallop most days. For some dogs in some circumstances unfortunately it isn't possible to give them free-running but they are missing a lot if they can't get to run, they enjoy it so much. If your dog is fit enough it may be possible to do practice runs at a track a couple of times a week.

true the rest of the time, in the house, most greyhounds are content to lie in comfort

(re size, you may find a small 50lb bitch but you could also get a dog>70lb)
So most people always stress that greyhound are quite happy with 2 20min walks a day but do they ever like to walk more than that or do they just hate exercise?(according to popular belief my chihuahua can get by running round the house but in fact likes 2-3hrs exercise a day). So any greys out there that break the mould???
1 one hour walk off the leading galloping chasing rabbits is perfect

its not too long an not too short they love it! :)
My two love there walks , but they only get a couple of gallops each week due to other dogs being walked the same place, so i have to time it when its unlikely theres other dogs around , they dont half go mad as well . there favourite game is missing my legs by a gnats cock :lol: , i have been on my backside a few time dodging them :lol:
So most people always stress that greyhound are quite happy with 2 20min walks a day but do they ever like to walk more than that or do they just hate exercise?(according to popular belief my chihuahua can get by running round the house but in fact likes 2-3hrs exercise a day). So any greys out there that break the mould???
hi i got my boy from the rgt 3 yrs ago he was very unfit /underweight when i got him gradually i built up his weight and exercise and we now walk at weekends for anything up to 35km. hes walked well during the week but nothing excessive . but each dog is an individual i was lucky as he finnished his racing career without any lingering injuries. also i always take water and his portable bowl and i never walk him in excessive heat. getting this much excercise also means he has to be fed in accordance as well, his feed dish is the size of a small washing up bowl! and he is fed good quality food. a good muscle rub after hes rested for a while is also a good idea. build up slowly and gradually at the rate that your dog enjoys and you cant go wrong.
I walked my 3 up Snowdown 11 miles in total and what did we see at the summit, yes a greyhound!!

If you walk them regularly they will go for miles providing it is not raining, but they do need their rest, I don't think they could manage it every day, but then neither could I.
I walked my 3 up Snowdown 11 miles in total and what did we see at the summit, yes a greyhound!!
If you walk them regularly they will go for miles providing it is not raining, but they do need their rest, I don't think they could manage it every day, but then neither could I.

My Greyhound,Daisy,is a total nutter.She has two off lead runs a day,covering a huge field several times over,and still hardly sleeps all day.We cannot tire her out.She is always playing with toys,running round the garden,so i think she definately breaks the mould.She is like having a 6 month puppy,full of fun,loves other dogs,kids,not afraid of nosies,infact she wanted to go outside to watch our neighbours fireworks.


on average i walk mine 5 times a day we genrally do on average 3 to 4 miles each time rain or shine(with rugs on if raining)

mine love it and flash pushes her head into her collar every time off course after they flake till dinner time or next treat or my next

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