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Launch Of The Great Game-fairs Of Ireland...

Bluebell -I included you when praising the smart turn out of guests :thumbsup: now you certainly dont dress like that when attending racing and showing events...
Thanks for that Nellie :thumbsup: i really dont think that outfit would be very appropriate for the dog shows :lol: for starters my heels would sink into the grass :lol:
Albert J have you ever stated that you were trying to raise the profile of lurchers at your shows? :thumbsup: on a level with other competing breeds of dogs at your shows?CLOTHES MAKETH THE MAN ;)

In all these years of being a "doggy fanatic" :thumbsup: how many competitors have you seen at gundog trials(that is your forte) dressed in jeans?

final question no ifs or buts,YES or NO would you of been happy if everyone turned up at Stormont wearing jeans?

I didn't know who you were referring to but I see its my old friend John Humphries. I have to say I didn't notice that he was in jeans as he always turns out smartly - indeed we complimented him on his sharpness of dress at Newtownards.

I have seen competitors in all sorts of dress at tests and trials and even at formal driven shoots. In fact now when shooting, although I have tweed suits, I tend to wear more technical clothing - it is all down to personal taste.

It makes for good photographs to have a lot of tweeds about but as I said our dress code was tweeds or smart casual.

No I would not have liked everyone to turn up in jeans but I did not have a problem with John wearing jeans.

How observant of you Albert not noticing that your "old friend" JH was in jeans :thumbsup:

Bluebell -I included you when praising the smart turn out of guests :thumbsup: now you certainly dont dress like that when attending racing and showing events, so you made the effort for the occassion where as the gent in the jeans could of just come from or been on his way to a show/race event

Sorry if you cant see the difference

have you ever thought that not everyone may be able to dress as eliquently as you, not everyone has great tastes like you , are you a DRAG QUEEN by any chance----ffs stop getting a dig at john --- be a man say it to his face-- but then again he could'nt give a flying fk what you think , lol