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Lancaster Whippet Racing Club.

Hi Pat yes it is a lovely area, shame we dont have as many interested in whippet racing as we had in the past, when the Lancaster Club had aprox! 100 dogs racing twice a week also in early seventies, when my dad was treasurer we had 3,000 pounds in the kitty also and everything was paid for two sets of traps two containers- floodlights- public address system -bend racing equipment and a brilliant hard working committee. Things are very different now !but from the little acorns as the saying goes, who knows what will be in another few years?I have just had an e.mail from a couple who have just moved into this area who have two pups and want to race them. I hope we have many more as they will be made very welcome who ever they are! the more the merrier thats our motto,


Ps and its not far from old track actualy its easier to get to and we can get 300yrs straight !
BRILLIANT STEVE, :p let's hope we have some more good day's racing at Lancaster..... :p
:p 300 yds on the straights that is great . U must have a big field. I hope u do put an open on Im always concerned about the run ins what with having scratch dogs. I imagine u have a fab run in. :)
Well whilst all you lot are getting the snow we are very lucky to be still able to run here at Lancaster only a light dusting of snow up to today we managed a couple of runs each this evening.The answer to run off depends on where we choose to start Sherry we have two football fields plus---- to run across with plenty of space either end so if we run 200yrds we still have about 150 to play with then a tree area with a space between if needed only thing we are short of is members and workers but what we lack in numbers(quantity we make up for in quality)we have always had plenty of good dogs what with Steve Batesons -Peter Lagans and Danny Kirkby who owned the famous Spike back in the seventies and more recently Lanagan we cant grumble really can we?This was once one of the best run clubs in the country but alas like everywhere else there just is not the numbers there was sad but true. the only thing i can do is keep the club going and try to get some new blood in it young and keen like i was once a long time ago,if we dont use it we will loose it thats for sure!!!Steve,