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Labrador's scrotum is red and peeling

I would let a vet see that. Poor lad must be uncomfortable.
I would let a vet see that. Poor lad must be uncomfortable.

Unfortunately I won't be able to get in touch with my vet for a couple of days so in the meantime I thought I'd see what I could do.

If his testicles look like they're swelling, they're not it's because he's chilling on the floor so gravity is doing its work haha. The skin of his scrotum is peeling and red - similar to that of a sunburn.

vet, vet, VET... urgently. :(

not only is that painful, there could quickly be infection & / or sloughing tissue - he could very-soon have a scrotum that looks like Swiss cheese with his testes slung in it like grapes in a cheesecloth, very dangerous as his abdomen is not far above.
Abdominal-cavity infections can be quickly fatal, & there's a direct connection from the interior of his scrotum into his belly - the original injury is bad-enuf, but the potential for far-worse is catastrophic.

Let us know how he gets on, please?
that could be the result of a burn, frostbite, a severe allergic reaXn, who knows, but it's bad.

- terry

... I won't be able to get in touch with my vet for a couple of days ...

A - there's *nothing* U can personally do to "fix" this.
B - it cannot, IMO as a certified vet's assistant, WAIT "a couple of days".

If yer usual vet is out of town, go to another - if the regular vet is closed [it's 6-pm UK time], go to the E-R / out of hours practice.
He needs a Dx, he needs pain-meds, he needs to be cleaned to prevent infection, he may need steroids, he needs bandaging AND a cone or a cervical-collar & possibly a belly-band, TO KEEP HIS TONGUE OFF IT.

U can't Dx, nor can we - nor can we Rx meds; he needs a vet, now.
If that was U, U'd be in a fetal ball on the ground, moaning.

- terry

Please speak to your vet it doesnt have to be in person just on the phone, could a relitive not take him?
For goodness sake, what do you expect us to say - there, there; it will be fine? Please stop faffing around on various forums (OP has posted elsewhere) hoping someone will offer some ineffective home remedy and GET YOUR BOY TO A VET.
Did you get him to the vet? If not then ASAP is needed!!!!!!!!! Dislike it when people say that this is wrong with the dog and don't go to the vet :( Really upsetting

FWIW, this is the state of his dog's scrotum -

Screen Shot 2018-05-10 at 12.29.21 PM.png

As U can see, the scrotum IS visibly swollen - forget "gravity", he's lying on his side, not standing upright, nor is he prone in Sphinx pose.
His testis cannot be seen within the sac; either fluid is taking up the space around the testis, or the tissue of the testis itself has swollen within the sac.
In the scrotal skin, there are clearly-visible lesions clear thru the outer-skin depth revealing the inner dermis, there's wet weeping / fluid leaking, the skin that's visible between the hairs is pink & flushed which indicates irritation. // The dog needs - IMO & IME - pain meds, a solid Dx of cause, something to reduce the swelling, & a barrier on the scrotum to help it heal, plus a cone or cervical-collar to keep his TONGUE away from the tender wounds - or he'll lick it in an attempt to soothe the pain. :(

Not taking him to a vet the same day that this is discovered, or if it's evening & the vet's closed when it's found, taking him early on the very-next morning, constitutes - also IMO & IME - deliberate neglect. // U don't get to ignore injury or illness for convenience sake, or 'cuz it's late in the month, & the checking-acct is drawn down.
Injuries & illness need treatment when they arise - there aren't exceptions, where U can say, "well, i can't right now", & carry on as if there's no problem. :eek:

- terry
