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Labrador with mystery skin complaint that won't go away


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My 4yr old spayed Labrador has small round red patches on her skin, and a nipple-like lump on her foreleg. She is always licking and chewing her paws. We first thought it was a grass allergy because it usually presents itself in the summer for a few weeks. But this time it's been more than 6 months. She's tried antihistamine, steroids and antibiotics. The only thing that helped was the antibiotic but she started chewing again once they stopped. The steroids only made her ravenous, enough to make her steal food. The latest thing we tried was changing her food - from hypoallergenic salmon and potato to hypoallergenic lamb and rice. If anything, it's worse now. The red patches are all over her belly and through her skin on her head. She's been shaking her head a lot lately too and I checked the ears tonight and there's red patches there too. She chews her paws so much that she hurts herself and yelps. We're taking her back to the vet this week, do any forum members have any advice as to what I should ask? Anything else I should try? Thanks...

Oh your poor doggie!

I would suggest that you try changing your food, however I see that you are trying this with no benefit.

Use a completely grain free diet this includes rice which is also a grain !

So many of our dog treats are made with grain, so stop all man made treats too.

Your best option would be to change to a completely raw diet, results may not happen overnight you must give this time to help.

There are so many of our family friends with itchy skin problems these days and a very high percentage can be solved by using what nature intended and that is a raw diet. I have used raw for 35/40 years, we have never had skin problems and the dogs coats shine right down to the roots!

It is very easy to change over and can be done very quickly without upset tummies.

Vary your meat types and include offal and raw bones (never cooked), gristle and fat are important too.

You will not need to offer big meals as the nutrition that our dogs get from this natural product is far superior to what they get out of a "convenient" man made kibble.

Most good pet stores have freezers these days and frozen meats that are conveniently packed with no mess.

Your vet may not like the idea of raw feeding (not many vets do) but our canine friends are designed to eat this product and with good variety and if you wish some quality suppliments (for peace of mind) "Smart Barf" is very good.

Hopefully you will find that the horendous skin problems and itching gradualy stops and you have a happy and more comfortable dog.

This suggested change of diet will do absolutely no harm and could save you the cost of so very many huge vet bills.
Agree with what Excuseme says, but just to be sure, I take it you and your vet have checked for parasites?
Thanks guys :) really useful stuff there

I have thought about changing to a raw diet but I thought maybe it would be complicated :( I think Pets At Home has a freezer with dog food in it so I'll have a look next time I'm there. She's on Burgess Sensitive at the minute, the vet had advised putting her one something with ingredients she's never had before, which is why I chose lamb and rice. She'd been on Wainwrights salmon and potato before.

As for the parasites, the vet said she doesn't have those because she responded to the antibiotics. But she's had 4 courses since the summer, yes she responds at the time but it comes back.