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Labrador sick most mornings?


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Morning all. Our 13 month old Black Lab Retriever has been sick each of the last 3 mornings. Only thing brought up is "froth" and a tiny amount of bile. She's eating, drinking and toileting normally and is still running around. The vet said they are not worried about this as she is still normal in everything else. She is not sick during the day.

This morning though, there was a piece of undigested grass, the seed head type about 2 inch long came up. Any suggestions? She is a grass eater and twig collector.
What do you feed?

and when?

Sounds like she may be she waking up being sick or could you give her a biscuit first thing to settle her tummy and to give it something to work on?
We feed tinned food as recommended by the vet that she has had for the last 6 months with no problems. She can't tolerate dry food, it's brought up within 1/2 hour of feeding her. This being sick has only started 3 or 4 days ago. Her last meal is about 6pm and she is fed again at 7.30 - 8am.
A small meal at bedtime might help; I would normally suggest a handful of biscuit which settles the tummy of one of my whippets who does the exact same thing, but in your case you will have to find a suitable alternative :thumbsup:

That was tiny! Hope you can read it!!
Brodney over the years of having mutts ive found the longer the period between meals that bile can be brought up so for the last 20 odd yrs i feed a small amount in morning then main.meal 6 ish bedtime a few small biscuits just as a treat and no sign of bile... The very best of luck for you and your dog...
Hope all is out for your dog eating sticks and stones etc....
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Thanks for the advice. We've given her a handfull of mixer biscuits last thing at night for the last two days and, touch wood, problem seems to have been resolved. :thumbsup: