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Kidney Problems

janet yates

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Hi iggy lovers can you help me with any advice Milo my two year old has been having a few problems and i have asked for help before[ horrid habit ] in September but after a whole lot of blood and urine tests the vet says he has something called glomerulonephritis which means the protein is passed out of his body in the urine and not being put in to the bloodstream as it should.Has anyone had a pet with this problem who can advise me i am out of my mind with worry Thanks. :(
Hi Janet, sorry to hear about your boy. Iggies do appear to be prone to eating their own or others poo more than other dogs I know. Does he have crystals in his urine? Also have you tried a probiotic to help with better digestion? If he eats anything then natural yogurt will do but they do like protexin as it is very sweet.

Clutching at straws but have you been feeding him high protein food which he cant absorb. When I had racing greyhounds you had to watch for protein poisoning and drop the levels of protein when they stopped racing.

Has the vet given you any control measures at all?

Hope someone can reassure you about this condition and knows something about it.

Good Luck
maybe try posting it in whippet section that bit gets looked at a bit more so your more likley to have few more people that would look at it hun ,as some people dont even come on this section :)
Anyone who can offer help?
Hi thanks for looking ,i have spoken to the vet again today and it looks like i will have to take him to the specialist at Liverpool.The conditionhas been caught early and if i don,t do anything Milo will be very ill.I have been told there are many causes for this contition and medication will help but the vet has to find out the exact cause so he can give the correct drugs and this is why he is being sent to Liverpool.I have to phone him tomorrow for an appointment and more information.People have asked if Milo is on high protein diet and no he is not ,the problem can occur from an infection or cancer or just a problem with his immune system,this is what i have found out from the net so i want to get him seen asap.I will keep you updated and thanks again for your support.Janet
maybe try posting it in whippet section that bit gets looked at a bit more so your more likley to have few more people that would look at it hun ,as some people dont even come on this section :)

Thanks Nicky
Hope all goes well for Milo once he is referred. It would be of interesting if you could keep us updated especially if it turns out to be Auto Immune which is becoming increasingly prelevant in Iggies like it has done in other breeds.

Good Luck :luck:
Hi, Sorry to hear your iggie has this problem, my whippet had this, it was part of his immune mediated illness as he also had poliarthritis and skin problems

You do need to discover the cause as this will alter any treatment given. New research seems to point towards high protein food NOT being the cause of any kidney disease, in fact the best quality protein actually helps as the kidneys are leaking the protein required and the dog will lose weight alarmingly if given low protein food

It all depends on the cause of the nephritis

When you have the results if it turns out to be immune system related the n please just pm me as i can hopefully help

Good luck

Hi, Sorry to hear your iggie has this problem, my whippet had this, it was part of his immune mediated illness as he also had poliarthritis and skin problems
You do need to discover the cause as this will alter any treatment given. New research seems to point towards high protein food NOT being the cause of any kidney disease, in fact the best quality protein actually helps as the kidneys are leaking the protein required and the dog will lose weight alarmingly if given low protein food

It all depends on the cause of the nephritis

When you have the results if it turns out to be immune system related the n please just pm me as i can hopefully help

Good luck


:) Thank goodness that someone else has a dog with this problem.Where did he have his treatment, i am going to Liverpool on Wednesday 18th Nov with Milo and i hope to know more after this and thanks for the advice i will you updated next week.Janet
Hi, Sorry to hear your iggie has this problem, my whippet had this, it was part of his immune mediated illness as he also had poliarthritis and skin problems
You do need to discover the cause as this will alter any treatment given. New research seems to point towards high protein food NOT being the cause of any kidney disease, in fact the best quality protein actually helps as the kidneys are leaking the protein required and the dog will lose weight alarmingly if given low protein food

It all depends on the cause of the nephritis

When you have the results if it turns out to be immune system related the n please just pm me as i can hopefully help

Good luck


:) Thank goodness that someone else has a dog with this problem.Where did he have his treatment, i am going to Liverpool on Wednesday 18th Nov with Milo and i hope to know more after this and thanks for the advice i will you updated next week.Janet

Hi , My boy was treated by my own vet with advice from an expert in immune diseases, it may not be the cause in Milo though so when you go for the consult have a list with any and all his symptoms ,including reactions to vaccines, skin problems, tummy troubles in fact just about anything abnormal. The vet will use all your info to help with a correct and difficult diagnosis

Good luck and keep me posted

Love jan and hugs to Milo
I cant think of anyone more sensible to give you advice or support you. Interesting about the protein as high levels of protein was blamed for most things at one time.
:( Hi everyone i took Milo to Liverpool on Wednesday and and i was in a terrible state when i came away,the vet told me all bad news nothing posative.She told me that Milo would only last at the most 3 months. How can she say this without even doing an examination on him,i spent some time telling her what has been happening to Milo and she wanted to do the kidney biopsy and keep in in hospital.I agreed he could stay then after a while she said she could not do it the follwing day because they did not have the correct sample pots with dye or an electron microscope.Only then did she take him for blood tests and do his blood pressure.He came home with me thank god the same day.At 6pm the same night she phoned me to say the albumin in his blood is 17 which is low should be 22 and his blood pressure was 190 should be less than 120,she put him on medication to lower the blood pressure and will send him asprin to thin his blood.I asked her if the blood was thin and he had a biopsy would he not bleed badley as the clotting factor is reduced and she said this would happen and he could die.I am so confused do i take him back for the biopsy to find out if it is this glamerulonephritis which she said could be treated but it is not a high success and he dies anyway and putting him through stress and trauma of being in hospital for 5 days without seeing me .The other option is to carry on with the blood pressure treatment and asprin and let him be as normal as possible with us for the next few weeks or months what ever he has till the other symptoms start to show then have him pts? I have not slept for the past 2 nights and went to my own vets today to check Milo,s blood pressure which was 170 so it has come down a little, he is going back for another reading on Monday and if that one is lower then the vet at Liverpool will send for Milo to go back for the biopsy,i only have a few days to decide what to do.If you came to see Milo now you would not think there was anything wrong with him he is so full of energy,eats well and has a fantastic personality and i love him so much i don,t want to do the wrong thing so any advice would be appreciated thanks janet.
This is SOOOO sad - am really sorry that you are having to go through this - and poor Milo :(

I'm sorry I can't offer any advice - but am sure you'll get plenty of support from the K9 peeps.

Best of luck


:( Hi everyone i took Milo to Liverpool on Wednesday and and i was in a terrible state when i came away,the vet told me all bad news nothing posative.She told me that Milo would only last at the most 3 months. How can she say this without even doing an examination on him,i spent some time telling her what has been happening to Milo and she wanted to do the kidney biopsy and keep in in hospital.I agreed he could stay then after a while she said she could not do it the follwing day because they did not have the correct sample pots with dye or an electron microscope.Only then did she take him for blood tests and do his blood pressure.He came home with me thank god the same day.At 6pm the same night she phoned me to say the albumin in his blood is 17 which is low should be 22 and his blood pressure was 190 should be less than 120,she put him on medication to lower the blood pressure and will send him asprin to thin his blood.I asked her if the blood was thin and he had a biopsy would he not bleed badley as the clotting factor is reduced and she said this would happen and he could die.I am so confused do i take him back for the biopsy to find out if it is this glamerulonephritis which she said could be treated but it is not a high success and he dies anyway and putting him through stress and trauma of being in hospital for 5 days without seeing me .The other option is to carry on with the blood pressure treatment and asprin and let him be as normal as possible with us for the next few weeks or months what ever he has till the other symptoms start to show then have him pts? I have not slept for the past 2 nights and went to my own vets today to check Milo,s blood pressure which was 170 so it has come down a little, he is going back for another reading on Monday and if that one is lower then the vet at Liverpool will send for Milo to go back for the biopsy,i only have a few days to decide what to do.If you came to see Milo now you would not think there was anything wrong with him he is so full of energy,eats well and has a fantastic personality and i love him so much i don,t want to do the wrong thing so any advice would be appreciated thanks janet.

Hiya Janet, Gosh i can see why you are frantic BUT my vet diagnosed glommerula nephritis by the high protein leakage , she said to confirm would need a kidney biopsy but that this was very painful and was something they would rather not do.

So my question would always be.... Can we treat for the protein loss without confirmation by biopsy ?

My boy was given Fortekor tablets , (he couldnt have asprin as he was also on steroids) but Milo can have the Fortekor and Asprin

What are you feeding him ? Very important for kidney disease ?

Benny had a good few years on the Fortekor and a really good diet and in fact his kidney values stayed stable and even improved a little before his immune system finally failed. Because of his blood pressure he could have died of a clot BUT I decided his quality of life was more important so he carried on as normal, rabbiting and running with the others

So I would ring Liverpool and ask " if you decide not to have the biopsy how will they treat his condition?

If she suspected glomerula nephritis presumably his tests pointed to this so what else could it be ?

If it is something else would the treatment be the same ?

It sounds as if MIlo is not in immediate danger so dont be panicked into doing something that in the long run will make no difference to his treatment

Sit down and write down your questions..... then ring tomorrow and again write down the explanations

You have time ..... in the meantime pm me with what you feed and ill try and help with that

Love Jan x
:( Hi everyone i took Milo to Liverpool on Wednesday and and i was in a terrible state when i came away,the vet told me all bad news nothing posative.She told me that Milo would only last at the most 3 months. How can she say this without even doing an examination on him,i spent some time telling her what has been happening to Milo and she wanted to do the kidney biopsy and keep in in hospital.I agreed he could stay then after a while she said she could not do it the follwing day because they did not have the correct sample pots with dye or an electron microscope.Only then did she take him for blood tests and do his blood pressure.He came home with me thank god the same day.At 6pm the same night she phoned me to say the albumin in his blood is 17 which is low should be 22 and his blood pressure was 190 should be less than 120,she put him on medication to lower the blood pressure and will send him asprin to thin his blood.I asked her if the blood was thin and he had a biopsy would he not bleed badley as the clotting factor is reduced and she said this would happen and he could die.I am so confused do i take him back for the biopsy to find out if it is this glamerulonephritis which she said could be treated but it is not a high success and he dies anyway and putting him through stress and trauma of being in hospital for 5 days without seeing me .The other option is to carry on with the blood pressure treatment and asprin and let him be as normal as possible with us for the next few weeks or months what ever he has till the other symptoms start to show then have him pts? I have not slept for the past 2 nights and went to my own vets today to check Milo,s blood pressure which was 170 so it has come down a little, he is going back for another reading on Monday and if that one is lower then the vet at Liverpool will send for Milo to go back for the biopsy,i only have a few days to decide what to do.If you came to see Milo now you would not think there was anything wrong with him he is so full of energy,eats well and has a fantastic personality and i love him so much i don,t want to do the wrong thing so any advice would be appreciated thanks janet.

Hiya Janet, Gosh i can see why you are frantic BUT my vet diagnosed glommerula nephritis by the high protein leakage , she said to confirm would need a kidney biopsy but that this was very painful and was something they would rather not do.

So my question would always be.... Can we treat for the protein loss without confirmation by biopsy ?

My boy was given Fortekor tablets , (he couldnt have asprin as he was also on steroids) but Milo can have the Fortekor and Asprin

What are you feeding him ? Very important for kidney disease ?

Benny had a good few years on the Fortekor and a really good diet and in fact his kidney values stayed stable and even improved a little before his immune system finally failed. Because of his blood pressure he could have died of a clot BUT I decided his quality of life was more important so he carried on as normal, rabbiting and running with the others

So I would ring Liverpool and ask " if you decide not to have the biopsy how will they treat his condition?

If she suspected glomerula nephritis presumably his tests pointed to this so what else could it be ?

If it is something else would the treatment be the same ?

It sounds as if MIlo is not in immediate danger so dont be panicked into doing something that in the long run will make no difference to his treatment

Sit down and write down your questions..... then ring tomorrow and again write down the explanations

You have time ..... in the meantime pm me with what you feed and ill try and help with that

Love Jan x