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Kennel Bigace First Litter

Crimdon SWEDEN

New Member
Reaction score
BigAce Kennel

Puppies born today e:OOCHIGEA´S CAMARO ee:Zorneagle's El Tiquila eu:Oochigea's Varagogype

u: CRIMDON ISN'T SHE LOVELY ue:Softrack Beluga uu: Sheza Soul O'Power

we wish Jeanette Rosberg all the luck with her lovely lovely puppies :huggles:

the father Camaro won the Swedish masters today :cheers: tik3opojk2.jpg
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the whole litter were 3+4 puppies and they were born 23rd of july 2006 if you are intressted to buy a puppie go go to Big Ace kennels homepage Kennel Big Ace

/ Puppie pics

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Just wanted to add our good wishes to Jeanette, and mum of the pups from us and Auntie Squeaks (VC Whiphaven Bubble & Squeak) here in the UK. Squeaks is the sister of Brae (Sheza Soul O'Power).

Good to see the breeding goes on, and does so well in Sweden.

Our best wishes to you all. :thumbsup:
Thanks for posting this. Its nice to see Brae's grandchildren :thumbsup: I'm sure Dougie will be pleased if he sees this.
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:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Beautiful :thumbsup:
Oh, the split-face girl is precious - well, they all are, of course, but still...
I like B. I Run Like You. I hope he doesn't run like me though :D