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Just Wondering

Wendy hadn't been given the money for two years ,so what's prompted the change of heart ? Is it right the traps have been removed from Asfordby ?,perhaps someone is just checking them over !!!!!!
Maybe Richie seen as you know everything, you can tell members how much moneys left in the NWRF account ? when will people be paid out ?

And why did Tony tell the new chairman that everything was his not members?

Come lets have some of these questions answered i am sure people would like to know ...
Why are they so determined to give the members money out? Why wasn't it just left where all the members wanted it to stay?
ritchie said:
tony n von told you all that all the money would be handed back to members so WHY are you all bitching about itas for wendy freeman being owed money from the freeman remembered im sure that wendy will get what she is owed
Do you think Tony and Von can be trusted to hand back members money when they haven`t paid Wendy Freeman and they haven`t handed over the books and they have run off with the traps?

Not exactly the actions of trustee`s is it? but seems to me to be in keeping with character.

I suppose at the end of the day, some people have only themselves to blame for what is happening now because they refused to acknowledge the signs that for some of us were quite clearly there, in some cases telling us it was a personal thing. I have to say well done to Pauline (tanyia) for admitting she trusted these people and was ashamed to have been a member knowing what she does now, there must be others who think the same way. There are some who don't want to get involved in the current "crisis" and it's for all of us to pull together at any race meeting and give them trouble-free racing, or face losing more racers.
as i understood it WENDY FREEMAN has never had the money sent to her direct i thought the money was sent to whippet rescue, but ive been told that the whippet rescue ceased to operate some time ago so therefore im sure von n tony still have the money .

sorry gaz im not like you i dont think/claim to know everything

what i do know is that von n tony have asked certain people for the address and phone number of a woman called MARGARET GARDENER as she has started a whippet/ghd/lurcher rescue and intends to send the money owed to whippet rescue directly to her.

As for handing over the traps/books/equipment etc...that is entirely the new c

commitee members problems

does anyone know if wendy freeman recieved the money from the items that are sold at these event? :p
And yet another excuse ! I've always liked you Ritchie,(no, you know what I mean), so why not leave it for others to hang their own washing out instead of you doing it for them, or do you really believe all these excuses we've had to endure for the past few years.
it may sound like bitching to you Richie but it doesn't really concern you anymore now that you don't race whippets, so why are they leaving it all up to you to answer questions, there are a lott of genuine members in the sport and a lot of donations are on offer and sponsorship ,memberships are coming in thick and fast ,there is only one way to go and that is look forward to a good years racing with or without the fed equipment, that says (fed) not Tony's personal equipment ,as for Wendy freeman charities what reason could they have for it not been paid for last two years

sorry gaz im not like you i dont think/claim to know everything
i dont see the need for remarks like this Richie or is someone pulling the strings :wacko:

you seem to know about the Wendy freeman charities, so can you tell us how much is in the fed account then.........
And yet another excuse ! I've always liked you Ritchie,(no, you know what I mean), so why not leave it for others to hang their own washing out instead of you doing it for them, or do you really believe all these excuses we've had to endure for the past few years.
I second what Bob's just wrote!!!
i dont think arguing on here will solve anything ,if they dont pass all over to new fed then they are showing there true colors AGAIN
like i said gaz i dont know everything

and your right it doesnt concern me anymore but does that mean im not entitled to my opinion . no gaz nobody is pulling the strings


yes i do think that von n tony can be trusted


likewise bob ive always got on with you as for the excuses i honestly aint heard none but then again i wasnt in whippet racing that long
gaz your right arguing on here aint gonna solve nowt

but then again i dont agree that the fed could have been restarted by enrolling a new commitee

it sais in the rules that if it ceased to operate then it would fold.....
it never ceased to operate, a new committee is in place and thats that, end of story. theres a lott more gone on than you know Richie. but it will all come out in the wash, at the end of the day they gave a positive test how can anyone say they are in the right, think about members in the past that were banned must feel about it all ,if they had of carried on on a committee, no one trusts them anymore and the way they are going about things now is only making it worse ,i dont want to argue with u Richie we always got on ok, its up to members to carry on now and get back to racing and enjoying the sport we all love ,or it will soon be gone...
Someone who stood down from a committe cannot 3 days later decide to fold the organisation, hence the group did not cease to exist.
I see whats going on here ...Tony and Yvonne gave a positive test as we all know , under NWRF rules they must be banned for 2 years from the NWRF, so they resigned

Jan 13 2004, 11:15 PM   

New Member

Group: K9 Members

Posts: 8

Member No.: 1,330

Joined: 11-January 04

A meeting was held tonight to discuss the future of the N.W.R.F.

It has been decided by the committee that, due to the continual accusations towards us as a committee, we are no longer prepared to give up our spare time, hard work and expense ( REGARDLESS OF WHAT SOME OF YOU MAY THINK) to run the Federation events.

You the members now have time to pick the Committee you would like to run the N.W.R.F at the meeting called by Gary & Denise Bailey on January 18th at Ashfordby.





TONYS OWN WORDS..You the members now have time to pick the Committee you would like to run the N.W.R.F at the meeting called by Gary & Denise Bailey on January 18th at Ashfordby.

We have had the meeting and our new committee is in place ...we will go ahead and run the NWRF in the future...thankyou
dont get me wrong i wish the new commitee members good luck and i hope everything goes well for everyone

everyone knows my opinion but that does not stop me from wishing the new commitee well

ill just wait and see what else comes out then gary

no hard feelings :cheers:
I think that the new fed committee will go from strength to strength ..theres alot of good people on there , also theres the support of good members that just want to be able to go race there dogs , socialize and have a great day / weekend racing....

The full or what was left NWRF committee stood down and resigned ...then hey presto 3 days later decided that they had the right to fold a once great racing group...What possessed them to think that the NWRF members were incapable of reinstating a new committee to carry there sport on in the future,

I feel whole heartily sorry for all the NWRF paying members that are been deprived of all NWRF belongings by two people, I still can not understand why they are holding onto all the NWRF stuff when form Jan 13 2004, 11:15 PM ...they resigned, am i the only one , wrong in thinking its theft
personally if it just folded and the organisation was run correctly you would think that everything would have just been handed over. but burning the books, charities not paid and money missing is in my eyes a bit dodgy :angry:

If these accusations were untrue then you would think the old fed (as they now have internet access) would defend themselves.
Have to agree Dee, some of us have thought it was theft for a few years now. The problem at the moment seems to be that at the very root of all this is they seem to be contradicting themselves every time they say something. One minute they're going to give something back, then they're not. I've passed their house a few times this week and not seen any sign of traps, and a few people who live nearby that I know haven't either. (no spare dummies in the road either).