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Just Wondering

little bitch

New Member
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Good day all, sorry to barge in but i have a question, could someone please tell me if all moneies, books and equitment has been handed over to the new fed yet?

Much thanks :D
well you'd think under the circumstances they'd hand the stuff over.....makes ya kinda wonder wot the hold up is does'nt it!
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well how strange that new members seem to join this site asking questions they know will stir things up even more and dont even have the balls to put their names to their comments. Surley this does not help and i think that people would have more respect if they put their own names to what they write, infact this should be a requirement!!!! as i know at first hand what its like to be falsley judged to be someone else and just because i was a butcher!so come on get real!

Well said Steve.

The problem is now that the ball is rolling again with the Fed, there are those that will use the "net",phone etc., to try and cause all sorts of disruption.

You don't take a dummy off a crying baby and expect it to be quiet !
I can understand people wanting to know whats going on ..and i think k9 is a great way of people communicating ...little bitch is a concerned fed member as she PMed me, and has been reading k9 for alot of years, maybe she just found the courage to reply in here..
I must apologise if it's felt that I was being nasty to "little bitch", as that was not meant to be the case. I do agree with Steve that using names that identify the user would help the forums tremendously. The use of the phone and "net" with the Fed situation at the moment is a very sad one, and if only half of what we are hearing is true whilst the new committee strive to obtain what the members need returned then it seems even innocent racers are going to have to watch their backs. I have for several years now recorded almost every phone call I receive mainly for the purpose of my job, but it's nice to go back to if you've forgotten what somebody said. It seems to me that whilst this equipment etc. is being sought others may need to do the same.
Well as a new committee member even though its only temporary till may , i myself and gaz have decided along with a few other new committee members , that we are will to put our own money into making the NWRF finances back to what they were a few years back.

At the meeting alot of members paid this years membership, which was good as monies taken that day will cover the first NWRF bend open.
Oh dear it seems ive inadvertently caused a bit of bother, i do apologise. Michelle has pm'd me asking that i reveal my name. My names Judy and as Denise has stated already ive been reading these boards for a long time. Im not prepared to reveal my surname on the internet as i think there are too many nutters out there.

My question i believe is valid and important, all monies books equipment and so on should be handed over to the new fed a.s.a.p and if there not then there should be questions asked as to why! The quicker this happens the better so we can all get back to doing the thing we our dogs.
Members do not have to reveal to other members who they are, it's up to them but we do ask them to make themselves known to the moderators if they are posting a controversial topic.

In an ideal world everyone on a forum would use their real name but it just doesn't work like that, we were talking about it with nigel & he gave us a good example; someone registers & call themself eg Billy Right, can any of us clarify they are who they say they are? Just because we don't know them doesn't mean they don't just club race etc

If you read the new rules on K9 News you will see a new system which is being brought into place which will hopefully keep trolls down & keep a friendly community at the same time.

this is taken from the rules / disclaimer of k9

"We require all posts to be positive, constructive, and on topic. We may delete individual posts that could ruin a good topic thread. We reserve the right to remove any topics we deem inappropriate or disruptive to our community"

Any posts not meeting with those requirement can be deleted / edited at the moderators discretion.
Point taken Vicky.

As for the Fed finances, if everything had been run properly for the past few years then the Fed would only have left at the end of the year as much as it took in raffle and gate money at its last open. When I was on the committee in the mid-eighties with the likes of Vin Angell, Nev Burkinshaw, Cliff Glaves, Eric Watson, Dave Thompson, etc.. the Fed paid out 100% prize-money, paid for trophies, out of pocket expenses, stadium fees, etc.. with just the money taken in during that year. If anyone cares to look back at those adverts they may also notice that some opens had added prize-money, so that there was no money left at the end of the year. I have to say it was a pleasure to work with such people, and hopefully we can go back to those ways (if not those days) with the new committee.

I feel it's unfortunate that some good and honest people in this sport are having to offer their own money to help start the year.

I have had an e-mail this morning stating that books are to be burned if they have not already done so and that the cameras may be the only thing available if not broken. This I can believe , although I hope it's not the case.
Well i know i certainly look forward to racing with the fed this year, the new committee have proved they will do whatever it takes to get the group back on it's feet, i'm sure all clubs will welcome them with open arms!!!
Although I do not have any racing whippets at the moment,I still like to keep up with what is happening in the sport which I enjoyed from being thirteen years old.By using the K9 Community,I am able to see what is going on.I am gladdened to see that The Fed now seems to be sorting itself out and with members willing to put their hands in their own pockets it should prove to everyone that you have an organisation worth supporting and fighting for.When I first started racing in the North East in the seventies we could put club handicaps on week in and week out with ten or more heats,and only a handfull of racers had open class dogs but both organisations were well supported and really well run.I know that we may never see the sport as popular as it was then,but I know by reading comments on this site that the present days racers feel as passionate about their racing as I once did ,So I hope you all take this chance of a new slate and pull together and enjoy your racing for what it is SPORT!!!!!!! All the Best Ian :thumbsup:
I have had an e-mail this morning stating that books are to be burned if they have not already done so and that the cameras may be the only thing available if not broken. This I can believe , although I hope it's not the case
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a lot of people are asking questions about equipment etc, well here goes, tony weatherston has been asked by a new committee member to pass on the required items and his reply was NO .....he will not hand anything over including cameras books etc including money. also the traps the new fed thought were safe at ashfordby have been taken last week by tony, if the fed need to start from scratch then so be it but with the support of all the good old and new members it will only go forward from strength to strength .....

we have it on good authority that there was £2027.00 in memberships and registration handed over to tony for 2003 ,that is without sponsors money ect....

and also there is money owed to Wendy freeman for the last 2 years opens , as we all know Wendy does a lot of hard work at her own expense to hold these events...
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If members money is taken & used by old committee well thats sad but i can live with that, but i can't believe anyone would take /or not give money that is owed to such people as Wendy Freeman & her charity thats awful after all the hard work she puts into her organisation & in carrying on the freeman open.
This is a dammed disgrace. These 2 people were trusted with members money

etc. I take it where was no other bank account for the NWRF other than Tonys.

As for the money owed to Wendy Freeman, which I take it she will not receive after all her hard work ...... this makes me sick to my stomach.

We trusted these too Fed members, evan believing thay where friends. I am ashamed to call myself a member of last years NWRF.

Makes me wonder what he has taken the traps for. Who is he going to play with them with ? I'm only too pleased now that people have realised what these two are like, it's just a shame that some refused to believe what they were being told for the past few years, this being why some of us have not been members lately. An objection was raised at the Asfordby meeting against my having a say and yet I feel I did the right thing by not giving in to corrupt people
tony n von told you all that all the money would be handed back to members so WHY are you all bitching about it

as for wendy freeman being owed money from the freeman remembered im sure that wendy will get what she is owed