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Jinnyfizz And Star

What a lovely ending :wub: So please she settling in her new home :D All the best Sharon,i,m sure she will be the most loved whippet on earth :wub: :wub: All thanks to the wonderful Jane + Nicky :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
K9 does it again..well done what a lovely ending.....

So glad Star has got her happy ending :D She is a very beautiful girl.

I look forward to seeing lots more pics of her and Skye :thumbsup:

Liz and the Monellis
Well the battle for top dog seems quite even so far, sorry about quality of video but was shooting into the sun

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Well dont think that worked quite the way it should, but you can at least see the vid there. In the end, Star seemed to win the battle of the chairs...

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Thats a great video of dogs sorting out their pecking order isn't it - Skye is a scatty mare isn't she - they look as if they're going to be fine together :D
That is just so cute!!!!!

They move so fast, don't they (w00t)

I had real trouble getting pics of Star because she was so fast :lol:
Good result , well done all concerned
Had all good intentions today off taking a video for you all of the 2 girls running. Soon realised that this is a lot easier said than done! OH is home from work on Wednesday so will attempt it again then as a 2 person job, in the meantime a quick progress report.

The 2 girls are bonding (I think!) We've had the odd ruck, which are mainly now reduced to spats (ususally over bones). Poor Skye will be happily chomping on a bone then Star will come and pinch it then Skye will bark continuously until something is done to relieve the situation. This morning, I put so many bones and chews on the floor that the carpet resembled a cemetary but still they both wanted the same sorry neolithic offering.

Think Star likes me, (but then I think she'd like anyone that showed her love). From her first night here when she sat as far away as possible on the sofa, I now can't even go to the loo without her wishing to accompany me. Where Star goes, Skye has to go too so we're all constantly tripping over each other.

Star's still crouching a lot over the smallest thing (if she catches you seeing her having a wee in the garden, she'll almost drop to the floor) but I'm trying to ignore this behaviour to let her build a bit of confidence.

Back to the running, the 2 girls are a joy to watch. They both bark constantly at each other whilst doing it, both keeping in perfect time and both looking lovely. I so cant wait to capture that video!
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Personnally ,I wouldnt give bones for them to fight over , If you want to give them bones ,great , put them in separate rooms . No point in making agro if you can avoid it. Certainly till they really have sorted out who is pack leader
Lovely to hear this, Sharon!

I just knew she'd been punished for weeing (w00t) :( although she was ok here because we have so much space she never knew I was watching her :lol:

To me she was the perfect whippet and I am so glad that things are working out well and that you have your "shadow" :wub: :D

Hugs for you all :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Well dont think that worked quite the way it should, but you can at least see the vid there. In the end, Star seemed to win the battle of the chairs...
Lovey Photo Sharon

Great they are getting on so well
what a lovely finale/begining to the rest of her life, hope they get on really well and become the best of friends, they seem to go together so well up to now.

Good on you and all concerned for rescuing Star xxxxx
Well time for a quick update, we've had Star for just over 2 weeks now and it seems like she's been here forever. She and Skye get on so well that many people mistake them for litter sisters.

Skye is in her element now having some one to play with and annoy all the time. Star is in her element being a wanted whippie as she's found it entails getting endless new stuff. Some of this stuff (such as the tasty morsels, doggie bling and being taken out to the pub) go down better than other stuff (microchips' worming tablets and being taken to the vets) but on the whole she's a very happy little dog who's a pleasure to be around.

I've just attempted to take a short video of the 2 girls which I will try to upload this weekend when I eventually get off work :)
Well time for a quick update, we've had Star for just over 2 weeks now and it seems like she's been here forever. She and Skye get on so well that many people mistake them for litter sisters.

Skye is in her element now having some one to play with and annoy all the time. Star is in her element being a wanted whippie as she's found it entails getting endless new stuff. Some of this stuff (such as the tasty morsels, doggie bling and being taken out to the pub) go down better than other stuff (microchips' worming tablets and being taken to the vets) but on the whole she's a very happy little dog who's a pleasure to be around.

I've just attempted to take a short video of the 2 girls which I will try to upload this weekend when I eventually get off work :)
That little girl fell on her feet didn't she.

Im so glad she has fitted into her lovely

new life so well.


Well done to you and Skye for taking her on :huggles:
great news sharon :thumbsup: im so pleased for you :))
Great news!!! I had followed this thread and had wondered what had come of her... so now we know and it is all good!! :)
Please wish Star good luck everybody, she is being speyed tpmorrow. This will mean a couple of weeks off the running, and even worse than that, NO BREAKFAST!

She had a check up with the nurse yesterday who looked her over and says that everything is fine. I was a bit concerned as the day before Star put yet ANOTHER hole in her side after going arse over tit (thinking of renaming her 'Scar') but the vet also checked this out and assured me that he could do nothing more than me in the treating of it, so thats a bit of a relief as she does seem very prone to this injury.

Will have to be an early start tomorrow as to put both dogs off the thought of their missed chow, we are all going to walk the few miles or so to the vets to get there for opening time. (so wish me luck too please!)
Bless. I am sure it will all be fine :) :luck: :wub: :huggles: