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Jasper's diary

He certainly is - if he walked past me I'd turn for a second look. Not in a car, though!
Your photos of Jasper are awesome :) And that driver is right, he is gorgeous!
We've come home after a lovely long weekend... which was meant to be a week. The cottage and location were perfect - this is the view from the dining area: https://property-images-cdn.sykesas...81134235_973367_0009.jpg?access=1214T8130T840

The garden was enclosed, too, which was a real bonus (particularly as there were sheep in the field beyond). But for much of the time, Jasper wasn't happy. He didn't like the car, the beds weren't up to his usual standards, the hard floors weren't so easy for him to walk on, and though happy to go on walks, would turn back after about 10 minutes. Then he developed a runny bum with blood in his poo, which may well be down to stress. I was able to get some ProMax from a local vet, though he refused to lick it from the tube after the first blob shot out and landed right on his nose! And then, when Mr N went out to buy provisions, he spent most of the time looking out of the front room barking, and wouldn't settle till he got home, at which point I decided we should call it a day.

As you can see, he wasn't stressed all the time:D


He is so happy to be home again, and I'm hoping his tummy settles now. So that's his last holiday. I have promised him, no more holidays, only essential car journeys, walks all on his terms (within reason). And he'll probably go on and live another 6 years now... But who needs holidays anyway?
We've come home after a lovely long weekend... which was meant to be a week. The cottage and location were perfect - this is the view from the dining area: https://property-images-cdn.sykesas...81134235_973367_0009.jpg?access=1214T8130T840

The garden was enclosed, too, which was a real bonus (particularly as there were sheep in the field beyond). But for much of the time, Jasper wasn't happy. He didn't like the car, the beds weren't up to his usual standards, the hard floors weren't so easy for him to walk on, and though happy to go on walks, would turn back after about 10 minutes. Then he developed a runny bum with blood in his poo, which may well be down to stress. I was able to get some ProMax from a local vet, though he refused to lick it from the tube after the first blob shot out and landed right on his nose! And then, when Mr N went out to buy provisions, he spent most of the time looking out of the front room barking, and wouldn't settle till he got home, at which point I decided we should call it a day.

As you can see, he wasn't stressed all the time:D

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He is so happy to be home again, and I'm hoping his tummy settles now. So that's his last holiday. I have promised him, no more holidays, only essential car journeys, walks all on his terms (within reason). And he'll probably go on and live another 6 years now... But who needs holidays anyway?
Sorry that Jasper wasn’t comfortable on his holiday and I admire your decision to prioritise his comfort. Hats off to you (again). Hope he resettles in his familiar environment speedily.
Lovely pic, obviously doesn't reflect how he got on though! Agree with @RGC.
We had this problem with our two older lurcher boys ...we have come back from 2 hols after 3 days in our motorhome. we have sold the motorhome and bought a caravan and will only take them for 2 night stays away ...i am very lucky that my mum only lives around the corner and will move in when we want to go away and leave the boys with her ...victor (age 14) has to be coaxed out for his morning walk ...once he is out he seems to enjoy it but they have definitely aged :(
Good for you making the right decision for Jasper. You are a super owner.
Jasper is so much happier. No essential trips to the garden overnight, and he did a perfect poo this morning :) Even his pressure sore has lost its angry purple tone - I'm guessing it would look more inflamed if he was feeling hot & bothered.

By a spooky coincidence, when I rang the owner to say we'd be leaving early, he said that his 14-year-old dog was currently in the vet for the effects of travel and stress :eek: It just goes to show what stress can do to your body. So we absolutely made the right decision - not just for his mental wellbeing, but his physical health. It would have been a lot harder if we'd planned to meet up with family and friend at the end of the week though - I'd have been gutted to have to miss that.
Jasper went to the vet this morning for the first time in (at a guess) around 2 years, just for a medication review.
We do have an option to try a new anti-inflammatory given by a monthly injection and therefore better for the stomach (she didn't mention its name), but just a monthly injection would be stressful for him. I'll definitely consider it if his stomach stops tolerating the tablets, though.

He was really nervous, poor lad, and wheeled away whenever she approached him, though didn't get aggressive at all. We discussed his lumps - one that I think is a fatty lump, one slightly firmer, and what I'm hoping is an insect bite on his thigh - but agreed that as they are small and not noticeably increasing in size, it was in his best interests for her not to examine him. The one on his thigh could be skin cancer, but unless it does something dramatic, further investigation is very unlikely to be in his best interests. She also decided not to bother trying to get the stethoscope on his chest, because his heart would have been going like a woodpecker pecking a hole anyway.

She also noticed that his eyes are looking a little cloudy - not cataracts, but normal deterioration. He still seems to be able to see fine in daytime, but I've noticed he can be a little hesitant when it's dark.

So all in all, nothing wrong with him apart from old age and everything that comes with it :D
That's good news!

Babydog has the non-cataract eye clouding, but still sees better than I do (and I'm not that bad). Vet says she will have to wear glasses for reading though.
Jasper would probably want varifocals so he can still spot bunnies and potential treat fairies as well :D
You can't keep a (not very) good lurcher down... spotting his chance, Jasper jumped up to put his front paws on the worktop and steal a bag of oven chips this evening. It was empty, but as he shredded it Mr N and I grinned at each other like loons - we didn't realise he was still able to counter-surf so were really rather pleased!
oh dear!
You can't keep a (not very) good lurcher down... spotting his chance, Jasper jumped up to put his front paws on the worktop and steal a bag of oven chips this evening. It was empty, but as he shredded it Mr N and I grinned at each other like loons - we didn't realise he was still able to counter-surf so were really rather pleased!
I do like it when I can work out what's going on in Jasper's head...

We went on one of our regular walks up the road towards the golf course this afternoon. Part way there, we met a woman with a greyhound who asked if the dogs could say hello. Normally, J would be all to keen to greet a sighthound, but he started huffing and grumbling and grring, so we decided it would not be a good idea. I was puzzled, as he generally loves other sighthounds. We walked on, and less than a minute later, his nose hit the ground. Then I remembered - he'd glued his nose to the road right there the other day and when I'd managed to drag him along, I spotted what appeared to be strawberry jam smeared on the road...:eek: I think it must have been roadkill that had been spread very wide and thin - so I've come to the conclusion J was making it very clear to the other dog that any valuable resources within a 100-foot radius were HIS and his alone!
I do like it when I can work out what's going on in Jasper's head...

We went on one of our regular walks up the road towards the golf course this afternoon. Part way there, we met a woman with a greyhound who asked if the dogs could say hello. Normally, J would be all to keen to greet a sighthound, but he started huffing and grumbling and grring, so we decided it would not be a good idea. I was puzzled, as he generally loves other sighthounds. We walked on, and less than a minute later, his nose hit the ground. Then I remembered - he'd glued his nose to the road right there the other day and when I'd managed to drag him along, I spotted what appeared to be strawberry jam smeared on the road...:eek: I think it must have been roadkill that had been spread very wide and thin - so I've come to the conclusion J was making it very clear to the other dog that any valuable resources within a 100-foot radius were HIS and his alone!
Well done, Sherlock.
Jasper had such an exciting walk this afternoon. First he met young male schnauzer who was one of those odd dogs who seem to wear 'bitch in heat' perfume... Jasper wasn't too old to follow him around and put the occasional testing paw on his back. Meanwhile the schnauzer was playing with a couple of other small dogs, so it was all a bit hectic. Everyone was relaxed and there was no bullying/intimidating going on, so we didn't feel the need to intervene.

Later we met a beautiful young collie cross Romanian rescue chasing a ball on rope. The dogs got to know each other, the younger one making overtures of play and J playing it cool, but again, they were both calm so the owner and I chatted about the pros and cons of collies vs sighthounds. Then the collie got a bit to excited, nipping at the side of J's face, and it was only a matter of time before J would get bowled over, so we moved on...

... and then bumped into his old mate Fonzie, another dog he had had a BIG bromance with in the past but we hadn't seen for a couple of years. It was lovely to see him - and J thought so as well. It's bittersweet that he no longer gets carried away one way or another when he meets other dogs, but it's a lot more pleasant all round that he is so much calmer and at ease. I just have to be very careful to watch out for him feeling physically vulnerable.
Knackered - Jasper's getting worse at night. He starts quietly yelping around midnight, I stick my head out the bedroom door and ask him to settle down and shut up, he'll go quiet for about 20 minutes and then start again. Eventually he sounds a bit more stressed so I'll go down and let him out the side door, where he'll sniff, bark down the garden, and come back in again after 5-10 mins - no evidence that he needs to toilet.

Then he'll either go through till morning, or start whining again in the early hours.

I'm not sure if it's because he's on his own, or can hear foxes/cats outside, or what. I don't think it's senility, though it could be. I put a blanket over him at one point last night but he only stayed quiet for 10 mins after. I'm wondering about getting a sheepskin, as was suggested recently, but not convinced he's uncomfortable/cold... and not comvinced a single sheepskin would be big enough.

We might move a mattress downstairs, but chances are if I sleep down with him for a few nights, he won't be happy if I try to move back up again.

All suggestions welcome!
I have bought faux sheepskin rugs for my lot from tkmaxx ....they love them I have 4 double ones ...easy to wash and dry ...they were under £40....
I think like humans they get aches and pains as they get older ....I suppose if he cant get upstairs to you he maybe feeling stressed being alone....
And it could be starts of dementia ..its really crap watching our dogs getting older ...
We are looking into calming herbal remedies for Tilly as she has become anxious just lately....:(