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It's all change here

Do you mean Mr R is more settled .

Haha, I didn't word that well! Both Mr N and Jasper, really - the first night I decamped to the spare room so Mr N could have a good night's kip, he kept waking up worrying about how I was getting on :emoji_face_palm:

BTW, I realised I referred to him as Mr R earlier. I do only have one hubby, honest, but I go by a different monkier on another forum, so he does too.
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Somehow a dog snoring is never so disruptive. Mr. H and I have always had our own rooms.

Re. Jasper's new arrangements - do you have a sheepskin rug you can put over the bed for him? I've yet to meet a dog that doesn't snuggle in a sheepskin rug.
Blue, one of our previous whippets discovered that he could fit into my snare drum case which is lined with faux sheepskin.The look he gave when I had to deny him the pleasure, turf him out and pack up the snare still haunts me. Have tried to attach a photo of the case but it’s too big.
I've just had a look at the forecast for tonight - there could be pyrotechnics, so I might stay in the spare room after all. That's my excuse, anyway ;)

He was really lively on this afternoon's walk - think he had the wind under his tail. He even had a couple of good runs, and considered telling off a lab for being too bouncy, though thought better of it. I'm wondering if his joints are actually benefitting from not going up and downstairs a few times a day. His back left still isn't at all reliable, though - a couple of times he went to cock his right leg and settled for a girly wee instead. He's taken to scratting with his front legs most of the time now.
We had our first proper wet walk in a long time this afternoon. When Jasper shakes now, he doesn't have the strength/control of his rear end to stop it shaking, so it continues to shake for some time after the rest of him - particularly his back left, which flaps around like washing in the wind:eek:

It's hard not to laugh - though it does look funny. But I'm wondering if this might point to nerve problems rather than simple arthritis/weakness. Has anyone else ever noticed this in older dogs?
All my lurchers that lived to old age were like this. I think with the long backs and the stress they put on their hindlegs when they run and turn, it's inevitable.

I have used the services of a doggy chiropractor for the last 4. It helps a bit.
Thanks Hemlock - it's good to know it's normal. I wish he would let a chiropractor get to grips with him, but he won't.

I realised just now he was still damp and a bit shaky, so he's had another gentle rub-down with a towel, I've turned the heating up, and he's snuggled under a blanket.

A friend I know has an old, large dog who now has a back-end support on wheels for walks. It's working well for her, but I really can't see Jasper dealing with it somehow!
I wouldn't go down the "wheels" route for any of mine.

I can't remember - did you try the magnetic collar for Jasper? Over the years I've had mine, it has helped some dogs and not others.
No, I didn't. I read the 'science' of how they were supposed to work, and the available data on their effectiveness and for me, it simply didn't add up. IMO perceived benefits would have been down to placebo (on the owners), confirmation bias, and regression towards the mean. Just my opinion, of course.